Saturday, September 22, 2012

2012 Blu-ray releases for Disney films

Lady and the Tramp: Lady, the Tramp, Jock, Trusty, Si & Am, Aunt Sarah, Tony, Joe, Jim Dear, Darling, Peg, Bull, Toughy, Pedro, Boris, Dachsie, the Beaver, and the Rat

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride: Simba, Kiara, Kovu, Nala, Zira, Nuka, Timon, Pumbaa, Rafiki, Vitani, Zazu

The Lion King 11/2: Timon, Pumbaa, Simba, Ma, Uncle Max, Shenzi, Banzai, Ed, Rafiki, Nala, Zazu

Treasure Planet: Jim Hawkins, John Silver, Dr. Delbert Doppler, Captain Amelia, B.E.N., Morph, Scroop, Mr. Arrow, Sarah Hawkins, Billy Bones, Oxy & Moron, Greedy, Dogbreath, Birdbrain Mary, Turnbuckle, Snuff, Onus, Meltdown, Hands, Pigors, Mackriki, Aquanoggin, Schwartzkopf

Home on the Range: Maggie, Mrs. Caloway, Grace, Buck, Lucky Jack, Alameda Slim, the Willie Brothers, Rico, Sheriff Sam, Rusty [dog], Pearl Gesner, Jeb [goat], Audrey [hen], Ollie [pig], Piggies, Larry [duck], the Chicks, Junior [buffalo], Barry & Bob, Mr. Wesley, Abner, Annie, Patrick

Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure: Scamp, Angel, Buster, Lady, the Tramp, Annette, Danielle, Collette, Jock, Trusty, Jim Dear, Darling, Junior, Aunt Sarah, Si & Am, Tony, Joe, the Dogcatcher, Reggie, Ruby, Francois, Mooch, Sparky, Scratchy

The Rescuers: Bernard, Miss Bianca, Penny, Evinrude, Orville, Madame Medusa, Mr. Snoops, Nero & Brutus, Rufus, Ellie Mae, Luke, Gramps, Deadeye, Digger, Deacon Owl, Chairmouse

The Rescuers Down Under: Bernard, Miss Bianca, Cody, Jake, Marahute, Wilber, Percival C. McLeach, Joanna, Frank, Krebbs, Red, Polly, Faloo, Baitmouse, Francois, Chairmouse, Doctor Mouse, Nurse Mouse, Nelson

The Tigger Movie: Tigger, Winnie the Pooh, Kanga, Roo, Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore, Owl, Christopher Robin

The AristoCats: Duchess, Thomas O’Malley, Toulouse, Marie, Berlioz, Roquefort, Edgar Balthazar, Madame Adelaide Bonfamille, Scat Cat, Shun Gon, Hit Cat, Peppo, Billy Boss, Frou-Frou, Georges Hautecourt, Napoleon & Lafayette, Abigail & Amelia Gabble, Uncle Waldo

Pocahontas: Pocahontas, John Smith, Meeko, Flit, Governor Ratcliffe, Chief Powhatan, Percy, Grandmother Willow, Thomas, Nakoma, Wiggins, Ben & Lon, Kocoum, Kekata, Namontack

Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World: Pocahontas, John Rolfe, John Smith, Governor Ratcliffe, Meeko, Flit, Percy, Chief Powhatan, Grandmother Willow, Nakoma, King James, Queen Anne, Mrs. Jenkins, Uttamatomakkin

Cinderella: Cinderella, Prince Charming, Jaq & Gus, Lucifer, Lady Tremaine, Anastasia & Drizella Tremaine, the Fairy Godmother, the King, the Grand Duke, Bruno, Major, Blue Birds, Perla, the Mice

The Great Mouse Detective: Basil of Baker Street, Dr. David Q. Dawson, Olivia Flaversham, Professor Ratigan, Fidget, Hiram Flaversham, Toby, Felicia, Mrs. Judson, Queen Mousetoria, Bartholomew

Pete's Dragon: Elliott, Pete, Nora, Lampie, Dr. Terminus, Hoagy, Lena Gogan

Cinderella II: Dreams Come True: Cinderella, Prince Charming, Jaq & Gus, the Fairy Godmother, Lucifer, Pom-Pom, Mary Mouse, Bert & Mert, Lady Tremaine, Anastasia & Drizella Tremaine, the Grand Duke, the King, Sir Hugh, the Baker, Bruno, Prudence, Beatrice & Daphne, Countess Le Grande, Flower Vendor, Stable Hand, Pretty Woman

Cinderella III: A Twist in Time: Cinderella, Lady Tremaine, Prince Charming, Drizella Tremaine, Anastasia Tremaine, Jaq & Gus, the Fairy Godmother, Lucifer, the King, the Grand Duke, Prudence, the Bishop

Finding Nemo: Marlin, Dory, Nemo, Gill, Bloat, Gurgle, Bubbles, Deb, Peach, Jacques, Bruce, Anchor & Chum, Crush, Squirt, Nigel, Dr. Philip Sherman, Darla Sherman, Pearl, Sheldon, Tad, Mr. Ray, Coral, Blenny, Phil, Bob, Ted, Mr. Johanson, the Anglerfish, School of Moonfish, Jellyfish, Squishy, the Whale, Gerald, Seagulls, Crabs, School of Grouper, Fishermen

Up: Carl Fredricksen, Russell, Dug, Kevin, Charles F. Muntz, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Ellie

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