Friday, December 6, 2019

The Three Caballeros subtitles

We're three happy chappies
With snappy serapes
You'll find us beneath our sombreros
We're brave and we'll stay so
We're bright as a peso
Who says so? We say so
We're three caballeros
Oh, through fair and stormy weather
We're always together
So let come what may
Like brother to brother
We're all for each other
The three caballeros
Forever we'll stay!
DONALD: "Felicitaciones,
uh, al Pato Donald..."
Oh! "Felicitations to Donald Duck
on his birthday,
"Friday the 13th,
from his friends in Latin America."
Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy!
What a pleasant surprise!
Ah, now, isn't that wonderful?
Which one should I open first?
My mama told me to take...
this one!
I wonder what's in it.
Oh, boy! Home movies!
Just what I wanted.
Well, well, well.
Well, doggone! A little penguin.
Oh! What a cute little fellow.
Well, what is this? How do you open
this thing, anyway, huh?
On with the show!
The show must go on!
-NARRATOR: Aves Raras.
-Aves Raras?
NARRATOR: Sí, señor.
That means strange birds.
Oh, sure, sure. I know, birds!
NARRATOR: Yes, amigo.
Your feathered cousins.
You know, Donald,
you have more relatives here
than coffee beans in Brazil.
For instance, take the one
who lives way, way down...
But suppose we let my friend,
Professor Holloway, tell us about it.
From the beginning to...
HOLLOWAY: El fin, the end.
NARRATOR: ...yes, thank you.
HOLLOWAY: This story takes us
way down to the south pole.
Rather than stand on your heads,
let's turn the theater over.
There, that's better.
Two things you will find most
of down here are ice...
and penguins.
It's amazing that anybody
would want to live here,
but most penguins
wouldn't live anywhere else.
You couldn't find better weather
for fishing...
skiing, tobogganing, or swimming.
And there is nothing
the average penguin likes better
than a day at the beach.
Uh, but come on, let's meet Pablo.
He lives down at the end of main street.
Let's go in and see what's cooking.
Pablo could never remember
having been warm enough.
And so his closest companion
was Smokey Joe, his little stove.
Between chills,
Pablo had one burning desire,
to spend the rest of his life
on some tropical shore.
So, we see him bravely set forth
for the isle of his dreams.
The other penguins turned out
to give him a big send-off.
But when he gets just so far away
from his stove...
see what happens?
Too bad.
Perhaps he'll give up this wild idea.
But no, he's off to another start.
This time he's bringing a friend.
Uh-oh! Uh-oh, uh-oh!
Uh-oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Anyway, it was a hot idea.
Well, maybe he'll be content
to stay at home this time.
But no! There he goes!
Hot-footing it to the land of the sun.
By now, the farewell committee
has been reduced to two.
Discouraging, isn't it?
Suddenly, Pablo got one of those ideas
that change a person's whole life.
A boat!
But where would he get a boat?
Just watch!
"Where there's a will, there's a way,"
they say.
And now, the official launching.
Day after day, the south wind
carried him north.
One day, a blanket of fog rolled in.
And it was so thick...
HOLLOWAY: Must be near Cape Horn.
As the fog lifted...
he found himself headed straight
through the straits of Magellan,
and northward,
along Chile's rocky coast.
One day, a storm cloud came up.
Just a little bitty old storm cloud,
And just tried awful hard
to have its first storm.
Didn't amount to much, though.
One day on lookout,
Pablo had a bit of a shock.
A waterspout off the port bow!
But it proved
to be the Juan Fernandez islands
where Robinson Crusoe once lived.
(SCOFFS) And still does, apparently.
HOLLOWAY: Four bells and all's well.
According to Pablo's chart,
he should be nearing Vina Del Mar.
And strangely enough,
that's just where he is.
He sailed past Lima, capital of Peru.
Hugging the coastline with a tenacity
of purpose seldom found in a penguin.
One day, his telescope picked out a city
high up on top of a mountain.
The map said it was Quito.
And it was right smack on the equator.
It wasn't as easy to cross,
but with a little help from Neptune,
he made it.
So, making a left turn,
he followed the equator,
headed for the Galapagos islands.
Ah, that good old sun!
Pablo felt that he would
never get enough of it.
Oh, he hadn't counted on this.
Things looked pretty bad.
Help! Man the pumps,
she's sprung a leak!
Pipe all hands on deck!
Do things, get going!
Take to the lifeboats! Abandon ship!
Unruffle the mizzenmast
and man the poops, and...
don't just stand there, get going!
Swab the decks and... Heavens!
Look! What's that?
Just what he's been looking for.
Pablo has finally reached
the isle of his dreams.
And so, as the warm,
tropical sun sinks slowly in the west,
we leave little Pablo, a bird in paradise.
A picture of health
in his new coat of tan.
He should be the happiest penguin
in the world.
Only... sometimes he gets to thinking...
NARRATOR: (LAUGHS) Never satisfied!
Well, that's human nature for you,
even if you're a penguin.
You're absolutely right!
NARRATOR: And now, Donald,
let's hop over the Andes.
From these snow-capped peaks
to the depths of the amazon jungle,
one finds many more strange
and exotic birds.
Like the Anambepreto
of Colombia and Venezuela.
He carries his own bagpipes
hidden under his beard.
Then there's his cousin, the Arapapa.
Pride of Paraguay,
whose perfect appearance
permits his pompous pride
in his pompadour.
And La Tijereta, the scissors bird.
The Colombian cutter.
Then there's the Arapacu de Pico Curvo.
He's always sticking his nose
into things.
Did you ever see such a freak beak?
Speaking of beaks, what a time
two toucans have making love.
When they're beak to beak,
they can't get cheek to cheek.
Because when one toucan
turns his head,
only one toucan can.
-Uh-oh. Who's that?
-NARRATOR: Oh, a thousand pardons.
Señor Donald,
I would like to have you meet
one of the most eccentric birds
you have ever seen.
His name is the Aracuan.
You'll find him most everywhere.
Yeah, glad to know you.
Heh, pleased to meet ya!
Now he's called the Aracuan
because of the peculiar song he sings.
Which sounds something like this.
(SINGS) Ba-da, bup, bup
Bup, bup, ba-dia
Ba-da, bup
Ba-da, bup, bup
Bup, bup, bup
Ba-da, bup, bup
Bup, bup, ba-dia
Ba-da, bup
Ba-da, bup, bup
Bup, bup, bup
NARRATOR: By the way, amigo,
did you know some birds
are skilled craftsmen?
Uh-uh. Is that so?
NARRATOR: Yes, quite a builder
is the little Marrequito.
His nest may look haphazard in design,
ah, but every single stick and straw...
is scientifically placed to withstand
the stress and strain of...
Well, almost anything.
Literally dotted are the shores
of many tropical marshes,
with the brilliant plumage
of the flamingo.
Ha, ha, ha.
Donald, how would you like to hear
a story about another bird so amazing
you won't believe it?
Oh, sure! You bet!
NARRATOR: It's a tale told
by an old gaucho from Uruguay.
GAUCHO: It was early one morning
in springtime,
just as day was beginning to break.
As the sun came up over the...
Oh, but I am forgetting my story.
It was silent out there on the pampas.
Only one little bird was awake.
From his nest, came the little Hornero
to see if the...
Oh, say, do you know why
this bird's called the Hornero?
-Uh-uh. Why?
GAUCHO: You see,
his nest is just like the horno.
That's the oven
where we bake bread and our...
(LAUGHS) You know who that is?
That's me when I was a little gauchito!
Many, many years ago, of course.
And why was I up so early? Because
I was going out hunting all alone.
First, I put on my bombachas
and tied on my chiripá.
Then I slipped into my new Botas.
And I put my Boleadoras
where I could reach them in a hurry.
Not forgetting my hunting knife.
And now I was ready to go. Ah!
Now the best place
to hunt the wild ostrich
is out on the wide-open plains.
On the broad flat land of the...
Flat land? Say, what am I doing here?
Oh, now I remember!
This day I was hunting for condor birds
high up in the mountains.
While looking for the condors,
I climbed to the top of a rock.
No, come to think of it, it was a tree.
Let's see, maybe it was a rock after all.
Although, I could swear it was a tree.
Oh, what's the difference?
Let it go, let it go.
My sharp eyes soon discovered
the nest of a...
Psst, Gauchito!
The nest. El Nido, El Nido.
I could tell from the wings he was...
He was at least five meters
from tip to tip.
The biggest condor bird
in all of... caramba!
What's this? I couldn't believe my eyes!
No, it couldn't be! But there it was!
I was looking face-to-face
with a flying donkey!
The donkey bird didn't seem bashful.
He flew right up close to...
Quick, Gauchito, now! Get him, quick!
Ah, got him!
Now, now. Easy, easy. Tch, tch, tch.
Oh, oh, oh, ohh!
This donkey should be worth a fortune.
I couldn't let him get away.
So, I made up my mind I'd catch him
if it took me the rest of...
Now I had him! Hold him, Gauchito!
Ride him, cowboy!
He acted just like he was loco.
But I was an expert, of course.
He thought he could throw
this Gauchito,
but he soon found out
who was the boss.
Psst, Gauchito? Who is the boss?
I decided to train him for racing
far out where nobody could see,
'cause I planned to win thousands
of pesos for this little Burrito and me.
I made brilliant plans for the future.
We'd live like a couple of kings,
and I'd be the world's richest Gaucho.
With my hands full
of big diamond rings.
Ah, macanudo! Okay.
This Burrito was tame as a kitten.
He was learning new tricks every day.
You should see how he begged
for my mate.
He liked it much better than hay.
Hee-haw, hee-haw!
Then we soon fell asleep
by the campfire.
We both were as tired as could be.
And tomorrow was very important
for little Burrito and me.
For this was the day of fiesta.
The gauchos were happy and gay.
They danced the Zamba and Gato,
and gambled their pesos away.
While the crowd sang and danced
in the plaza,
I just stood in the shade of a tree,
and watched them toss coins
at the Sapo,
but this game meant nothing to me.
Some others were rolling the Bochas
and betting on games of this kind.
I didn't join in these pastimes.
I had something bigger in mind.
A Caballo!
GAUCHO: The race was about to begin,
and the grand prize was 1,000 pesos.
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
The gauchos were howling with laughter
when they saw us come out on the track.
I whispered,
"Remember the wings, Burrito."
Oh, oh, oh, ohh! Not yet, not yet!
The gauchos and horses
were all on their toes.
Listos! Larguen!
GAUCHO: We were off
with the speed of a bullet!
We flew down the track like the wind.
Every gaucho was, uh, uh...
In the meanwhile, Burrito and I were,
uh, jockeying for position.
Psst, Gauchito!
They went that way. That way!
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
No wonder they laughed.
I didn't even look like a jockey.
Hey, Gauchito! Come on,
look like a jockey.
Pepito, the pride of Mendoza
was setting a furious pace,
and Fuego, Gordito and Pingo,
you never have seen such a race.
Now it's Pepito and Fuego,
it's Fuego and Pepito,
and here comes Gordito on the rail!
Do your stuff, kid.
No? Well, don't wait too long or...
Look out!
Uh-huh, what did I tell you?
Come on, Gauchito!
The wings, the wings!
Quickly, I untied the rope.
Come on, come on.
Quickly, I untied the rope.
Huh? The knife, the knife!
Cortalo, cortalo!
And now we go.
You should see little Burrito tearing
up the track so fast, you couldn't see us!
And now, down the home stretch
comes Fuego.
Now Pepito's ahead on the rail.
Here comes Pingo, Gordito and Gato,
and Dorado is right on his tail!
But where is Burrito?
Here comes Burrito!
We passed them
like they were standing still.
ANNOUNCER: And now coming down
across the line of finish, it's...
Burrito, the winner!
GAUCHO: Well, amigos, it was all over,
but the shouting.
-I thought. Oh-uh.
GAUCHO: Caramba! The jig was up.
Hee-haw, hee-haw!
GAUCHO: What became
of the flying donkey, you ask?
Neither him nor me was ever
seen again as long as we lived.
Adiós, amigo.
DONALD: Adiós, so long. Goodbye!
What's going on here?
Oh boy, let me at 'em!
DONALD: Say, what's this?
Ah, Pato Donald, Como vai voce!
Como vai essa forca?
Por onde tem andado?
Há quanto temp que nao o
vejo! ?Que há de novo?
Or, as you Americans say,
"What's cooking?"
Joe Carioca! Well, I'll be doggoned!
Imagine meeting me here? Donald...
-have you ever been to Baía, no?
-No, I haven't.
Ah, Baía.
Land of romance, moonlight,
music, beautiful girls.
(SINGS) Ba-da, bup, bup, bup!
Ba-da, bup, bup, bup, bup
Ba-da, bup, bup, bup.
Ba-da, bup, bup, bup.
Ba-da, bup, bup, bup.
Uau! Esse aracuan parece
que nunca para quieto.
Oh, forgive the interruption, Donald.
This crazy bird is the Aracuan.
He's meio maluco, a very stupid fellow.
But tell me, Donald,
have you ever been to Baía?
-DONALD: No, I haven't.
-No? Oh, I am so sorry for you.
Ah, Baía.
It is like a song in my heart.
A song with love
and beautiful memories.
Que saudades que eu tenho.
JOE: Ah, Baía.
I close my eyes and I can see it now.
I can see the beautiful twilight in the sky.
I can feel the breeze from the bay.
And I can hear the music...
the music of Baía.
When twilight is deep in the sky
Someone that I long to see
Keeps haunting my reverie
And so the loneliness
Deep in my heart
Calls to you
Calls to you
I live in the memory of
Many dreams ago
When the stars were bright
And you were mine alone
My love for you cannot die
Though the oceans run dry
Or heaven falls from the sky
Now you're gone
Can't you hear my lonely call
Make my life complete again
How I pray for the day
When I'll see your smile
And my heart will beat again
Oh, Baía-ía-ía
When twilight is deep in the sky
Someone that I long to see
Keeps haunting my reverie
And so the loneliness
Deep in my heart
-Calls to you
-Calls to you
JOE: Ah, Baía.
Beautiful Baía.
Oh, forgive me, but have you been
to Baía, Donald?
-JOE: No? Well, let's go!
If you go to Baía, my friend,
You'll never return.
E muita sorte teve, E muita sorte tem,
E muita sorte terá
Have you been to Baía, Donald?
-Well, let's go!
- They have vatapa.
- What's that?
-They have maruru.
-DONALD: Is that so?
-They have munguza.
-DONALD: Munguza?
-Do you like to samba?
-Oh, sure.
Nas sacadas dos sobrados
Da velha sao salvador
A lembranca das donzelas
do tempo do imperador
Tudo, tudo na Baía
faz a gente querer bem
A Baía tem um jeito
que nenhuma terra tem
Do, do, do, do, do, do
Have you been to Baía, Donald?
-Well, let's go!
When you go to Baía, my friend
You'll never return
E muita sorte teve, E muita sorte tem
E muita sorte terá
Have you been to Baía?
-?Quem, eu?
-?Quem, eu?
Well, let's go!
JOE: Hurry, Donald, hurry!
Well, well. Here we are in Baía,
-the land of romance.
-Where is Baía?
-We are in Baía.
Well, I'll be doggoned.
-Who's that?
-Donald, that's Yayá!
-Who's Yayá?
-Ah, a Baíana.
Donald, quindins de Yayá.
She sells cookies. Cookies, my friend.
(SINGS) Trago os quindins de Yayá
Quem quer meus quindins comprar...
Quem quer meus
Quindins comprar
Muito Obrigado!
Trago os quindins de Yayá
Quem quer meus quindins comprar
-Como vai.
-Trago os quindins de Yayá
-Hi, toots!
Quem quer meus quindins comprar
Aqui está quentinho minha
Gente e os quindins de Yayá.
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
-Os quindins de Yayá
Cume que faz chorar
-Os sonho de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
-Os sonho de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
-Os sonho de Yayá
Cume que faz pena-a-a
-O jeitao de Yayá
-Medá, medá, medá
-Uma do
-Medá, medá, medá
-Que eu nao sei
-Se e, se e, se e
Se e ou nao amor
So sei que Yayá tem umas coisa
Que outras Yayá, nao tem
Os quindins de Yayá
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Ah, ah!
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Os quindins de Yayá
Who is that guy?
-Oh. He's a malandro, Donald.
-Tem tanta coisa de valor
Nest mundo de nosso senhor
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
Os quindins de Yayá
Cume que faz, chorar
Oh, boy!
-Os sonho de Yayá
-MEN: Cume, cume, cume
-Os sonho de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
-Os sonho de Yayá
Cume que faz pena-a-a
-O jeitao de Yayá
-Medá, medá, medá
-Uma dó
-Medá, medá, medá
-Que nao sei
-Se e, se e, se e...
(LAUGHS) This Donald!
Did you ever see such a fast work?
Os quindins de Yayá ahh
Os quindins de Yayá ah, ahh
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Ahh! Os quindins de Yayá
PEDDLER: (SINGS) Oh, oh, oh
Olha a laranja fresca
Olha a boa tangerina
No, no, Donald!
Take it easy.
Tambem, e tu irás comigo a Igreja
Baianinha meu bem
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Os quindins de Yayá
MEN: Yayá, Yayá
BOTH: Os quindins de Yayá
MEN: Yayá, Yayá
BOTH: Os quindins
MEN: De Yayá, Yayá
Cume que faz Yayá
Chorar cume que faz chorar
Os sonho de Yayá
Oh, oh, oh
Os sonho de Yayá
Oh, oh, oh
Os sonho de Yayá
Cume que faz penar
Ou jeitao de Yayá
Medá, medá, medá, medá
Me da uma grande dor
Medá, medá, medá, medá
Que eu mesmo nao sei,
Se e, se e, se e
Se e ou nao amor
So sei que Yayá
Tem umas coisa
Que as outras Yayá
P'ra mim? Meu bem!
(SINGING) Yayá, Yayá
Yayá, Yayá
Oh, boy, oh, boy!
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Come on, boys!
Os quindins de Yayá
Os quindins de Yayá
De Yayá
Os quindins de Yayá
Cume, cume, cume
Os quindins de Yayá
Cume, cume, cume
Os quindins de Yayá
Cume, cume, cume
What do you feel about Baía?
Tell me the truth.
Oh, swell. Marvelous!
moonlight, beautiful girls.
JOE: Sim, senhor.
Voce e um grande pirata!
Or, as you say, you are a wolf!
Take it easy. You have more presents.
Presents? More presents!
What? Oh, I'm a midget! Oh!
You, you're a midget too!
Oh, Donald! Don't worry.
It is simple, my friend.
Just a little black magic will fix you up.
Nada aqui nesta manga,
nada aqui nesta manga.
Balacubaco, saca trapo de urubu
Pe de pato misturado, com bambu
Siricotico, tico, tico no fubá, tico
Pó de mico. quero ver no que vai da
(LAUGHS) Acredite se quiser.
Believe it or not, it is very simple.
Nada aqui nesta manga,
nada aqui nesta manga.
Que Engracado!
You are very funny fellow.
-Oh, my, my, my, my!
-You kill my head!
JOE: (LAUGHS) Uh, uh, uh.
Nao, nao, meu caro amigo!
Voce deve usar o outro dedo!
JOE: Oh, my friend,
you are using the wrong finger.
Now... blow.
-Thanks, pal! Abraco, abraco!
-Bu... But Donald, your presents!
My presents!
PANCHITO: Ah, Jalisco no te rajes
Me sale del alma
Gritar con calor
Abrir todo el pecho
Pa' echar este grito
Que lindo es jalisco
Palabra De honor
Aha! My friends!
Bienvenidos, Cuates.
Welcome to Mexico.
Son of a gun, it's a pleasure
to see such fine gentlemen in Mexico!
Here, amigos. Donald!
Jose! (LAUGHS)
Now we're three gay caballeros.
(SINGING) We're three caballeros
Three gay caballeros
They say we are birds of a feather
We're happy amigos
No matter where he goes
The one, two, and three goes
We're always together
Ah, ha, ha!
We're three happy chappies
With snappy serapes
You'll find us beneath our sombreros
Ah, ha, ha!
We're brave and we'll stay so
We're bright as a peso
-Who says so?
-We say so!
The three caballeros
We have the stars to guide us
Guitars here beside us
To play as we go
We sing and we samba
We shout Ay Caramba
-What means "Ay Caramba"?
-Oh, yes, I don't know.
Through fair or stormy weather
We stand close together
Like books on a shelf
And pals though we may be
When some Latin baby
Says yes, no or maybe
Each man is for himself
Ah, Jalisco no te rajes
Me sale del alma
Gritar con Calor
Ya, ha, ha!
Abrir todo el pecho pa' echar
Este grito que lindo es jalisco
Palabra de-e-e-e
-What's this?
-What's this? (LAUGHS)
This is your gift from Mexico, Donald.
-A piñata.
-Oh, boy, oh, boy! A piñata!
What's a piñata?
A piñata is full of surprises, presents.
It is the very spirit of Christmas.
Jingle bells
Jingle bells Jingle all...
No, no, Donald! For goodness sake!
Not "Jingle Bells"!
In Mexico, they sing Las Posadas.
PANCHITO: This custom takes place
on each of the nine days
before Christmas.
Each evening, the children gather
at the village church
and form a procession,
symbolizing the journey
of Mary and Joseph
from Nazareth to Bethlehem.
The little ones carry images
of the saints from house to house,
singing a plea for shelter, or Posada.
A reply comes from within.
"No Posada, no shelter."
Looking sad and downhearted,
they try again.
But the reply is still the same.
"No shelter, no Posada."
They repeat the song time after time,
and always they are refused.
Until, at last, they reach a
friendly house and the door is opened.
"Come in, come in, holy pilgrims.
"This humble home is yours."
And now, Mary and Joseph
have found shelter at last.
Then the rejoicing begins.
The feasting, the celebrating,
and finally, the biggest surprise of all,
breaking the piñata.
And now, for your piñata, Donald.
Here you are. Go to it.
One side, boys, one side.
I'm going to smack it!
Hold it, ho... hold it, Donald.
First you must be blindfolded.
We have to put this over your eyes.
That's part of the tradition.
Now, now, stand here.
Come here now, hit it hard.
All right, let's see you smack it.
Wait just a minute.
PANCHITO: You see, Donald?
Didn't I told you it was full of surprises?
Ahh! La bandera Mexicana.
Did you know that the history
of Mexico is in her flag?
Oh, yes!
You see, many hundreds of years ago,
the god of the Aztecs
commanded them to build a big city
where they would find an eagle
destroying a serpent.
But when they find this eagle,
he was sitting on a cactus.
On top of a rock,
way out in the middle of a lake.
Caramba! To build a city here
would be almost impossiblé.
But they built and built
and built some more.
Until today, believe it or not,
the lake is full of Mexico City.
(SINGING) Sweet music
Gay serenatas
Tropic skies of velvet blue
Magic gardens
Perfume the breezes
Where true love
Brought me to you
With all your romance
Your song of love
Will live forever after
Sweethearts are singing
Lovebirds are winging
Through a sky filled with laughter
That's where I found you
Your magic smile
Made the blossoms bloom around you
Why do I feel as I do
I simply fell under the spell
Of you
Oba, Oba! Nice! Oh, boy!
Ah, but this is only the beginning,
Take a look at this one.
Oh, boy! What a pretty picture!
PANCHITO: And now for a nice trip
through Mexico
on the magic sarape.
-All aboard, amigos!
-Oh, what's going on here?
That's where I found you
Your magic smile
Made the blossoms bloom around you
Why do I feel as I do
I simply fell under the spell
Of you
Of you
PANCHITO: And this, Donald,
is Patzcuaro,
a fisherman's paradise.
Yeah, beautiful!
Oh, boy! Would I like to come back
sometime and do a little fishing.
-What's going on here?
This is my favorite dance.
The Jarabe Pateno.
Doggone it. I can't get it.
No, no, no, no, no, boys!
You are off the beat!
This is the way.
DONALD: Well, what do you know?
-Bravo, bravo, bravo, bravo!
-JOE: Excellente!
DONALD: Thanks.
I had a wonderful time.
PANCHITO: Adiós, amigos. So long.
This is the way they dance in Veracruz.
It's called the Lilongo.
Ay lilongo, lilongo, lilongo
Ay lilongo, lilongo, lilongo
Hiya, girls. May I cut in?
JOE: Watch your step, Donald.
Some fun, hey, kid?
Ay lilongo, lilongo, lilongo
So, you like dancing, huh? Okay.
Yeah, go on, Donald. Don't be afraid.
Not so fast, boys.
Go on in, Donald. Don't be bashful.
Hi, toots. Am I intruding?
PANCHITO: Hey, Donald,
you are what they say, "off the cob."
-You know, corny!
-Oh, yeah?
Slap me with that boogie beat, Joe!
How am I doing, toots?
Ay lilongo vamos al templo
Pa' Que nos bendiga el padre
Nos Tenemos Que Casar
Aunque no quiera tu madre
Ay lilongo, lilongo, lilongo
Adiós, lindas.
Come on. Let me go! (SCREAMS)
-I wanna stay! (SCREAMS)
-JOE: Take it easy, Donald.
There she is, Acapulco beach.
The Riviera of Mexico.
Take the telescope and have a look
at what you might call,
-the hot stuff.
-Oh, boy!
DONALD: Am I going to like this place!
-Oh, boy! The hot stuff!
I'll be right down, toots.
Hello, my sweet little bathing beauties.
We're three caballeros
Three gay caballeros
They say we are birds of a feather
Where's Donald?
Aha! I'm a son of a gun.
Look at the little wolf
in duck's clothing.
Come to papa! Ha-ha-ha.
What's going on here?
(LAUGHS) Come here, you little rascals!
Now I've got ya! Uh-oh!
-Andale, patito, ven. Ven.
DONALD: Doggone this confusion!
Where is she?
Come here, my little enchilada.
I've got you this time, tootsie. (LAUGHS)
Peekaboo, I see you!
Hey, where am I?
My, my, my.
Ain't this fun!
-Pobrecito, se va a ahogar.
-Saquenlo, donde está?
Here I come!
This time I'm going to get you!
-Oh, no, no, no, Donald. Don't do that.
Let me go, let me out of here!
You can't do this to me!
Take your hands off of me!
This is a free country.
So, you like pretty girls, huh?
Let's go!
-DONALD: Lemme go!
Don't ruffle your feathers, Donald.
Look, I will show you the night life
of Mexico City.
-Beautiful, no?
-JOE: Colossal!
Oh, boy! Mexico City!
-JOE: Very beautiful city.
Careful, Donald!
Even the sky is full of romantic.
You belong to my heart
-She's beautiful!
-Now and forever
-And our love had its start
-Oh, boy!
Not long ago
We were gathering stars
While a million guitars
Played our love song
-When I said I love you
-Every beat of my heart said it too
-Oh, boy, oh, boy.
-It was a moment like this
Do you remember?
And your eyes threw a kiss
When they met mine
Now we all own the stars
And a million guitars
Are still playing
Darling, you are the song
And you'll always
Belong to my heart
Waa, Waa, Waa
Waa, Waa
Waa, waa
Waa, waa-waa-waa
Waa, waa
It was a moment like this
-Do you remember?
And your eyes threw a kiss
-When they met mine
-Don't do that!
Now we own all the stars
And a million guitars
Are still playing
Darling, you are the song
And you'll always belong to my heart
You belong
To my heart
Now and forever
Three caballeros
Three gay caballeros
Three caballeros
Three gay caballeros
When I said I love you
Every beat of my heart
Said it too
-Some fun, hey, kid?
-Some fun, hey, kid?
-Some fun, hey, kid?
-Some fun, hey, kid?
We're three caballeros
Three gay caballeros
They say we are birds of a feather
We're happy amigos
No matter where he goes
The one, two, and three goes
We're always together
Darling, you are the song
And you'll always
Belong to my heart
(WHISPERING) Pretty girls,
pretty girls, pretty girls, pretty girls.
Oh, boy.
Ay, San Roque
-Zanduga mamá por dios
Zanduga no sea ingrata
-Mamá de mi corazón
-Ay, Zanduga
-Ay, Zanduga
-Zanduga mamá por dios
-Zanduga mamá por dios
Zanduga no sea ingrata
Mamá de mi Corazón
Eh, what's happening anyway?
Where am I?
My, my!
Waa, waa-waa-waa
What? Waa!
Yee-yow! Ha-ha-ha!
Come on, torito! Give it to me!
What's the matter with you?
Are you colorblind?
Epa, toro. Entrale.
Come on, bull. You bashful?
ALL: Ole!
Oh, through fair or stormy weather
We're always together
So let come what may
Like brother to brother
We're all for each other
The three caballeros
Forever we'll stay

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