Tuesday, September 11, 2012

List of Disney animated characters voiced by actors in ages

            Toy Story trilogy
Infant: Big Baby
9: Hannah Phillips, Peas-in-a-Pod
10: Bonnie
11: Andy Davis [1st film]
13: Sid Phillips
15: Andy Davis [2nd film]
26: Andy Davis [3rd film]
30: Aliens [1st film]
32: Trixie
34: Aliens [2nd film], Emperor Zurg
37: Jessie [1st sequel]
38: Barbie [1st sequel]
39: Woody [1st film], Wheezy
40: Mrs. Davis [1st film]
42: Buzz Lightyear [1st film]
43: Bo Peep [1st film], Woody [2nd film], Twitch
44: Mrs. Davis [2nd film] Stinky Pete, Al McWhiggin, Bonnie’s mom
46: Slinky Dog [1st film], Buzz Lightyear [2nd film]
47: Bo Peep [2nd film]
48: Hamm [1st film], Jessie [2nd sequel], Buttercup
49: Barbie [2nd sequel], Dolly
50: Slinky Dog [2nd film]
51: Sarge [1st film]
52: Rex [1st film], Hamm [2nd film]
54: Woody [3rd film], Bookworm
55: Sarge [2nd film], Mrs. Davis [3rd film], Stretch
56: Rex [2nd film], Sparks
57: Buzz Lightyear [3rd film]
59: Ken
63: Hamm [3rd film]
64: Slinky Dog [3rd film], Mr. Pricklepants
66: Sarge [3rd film]
67: Rex [3rd film]
69: Mr. Potato Head [1st film]
71: Mrs. Potato Head [1st sequel]
73: Mr. Potato Head [2nd film], Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear
76: Chuckles
80: Chunk
82: Mrs. Potato Head [2nd sequel]
84: Mr. Potato Head [3rd film]
85: Geri the Cleaner
            Peter Pan
8: Michael Darling
15: Wendy Darling
16: Peter Pan, John Darling
24: Tinker Bell
36: Captain Hook, Mr. George Darling
40: Mr. Smee, Indian Chief
44: Mrs. Mary Darling
49: Narrator
            The Rescuers & The Rescuers Down Under
8: Penny
10: Cody
37: Red
40: Wilber
44: Jake, Marahute, Joanna, and Frank
46: Nurse Mouse
48: Bernard [1st film]
49: Mr. Snoops, Deadeye
50: Chairmouse [1st film]
52: Deacon Owl
53: Madame Medusa
58: Miss Bianca [1st film]
59: Francois
61: Bernard [2nd film]
62: Luke
63: Percival C. McLeach, Chairmouse [2nd film], Doctor Mouse
64: Nero & Brutus
66: Ellie Mae, Baitmouse
70: Rufus, Digger
71: Evinrude, Gramps, Miss Bianca [2nd film]
77: Krebbs
81: Orville
21: Thomas
28: Pocahontas
38: Meeko
39: John Smith
44: Percy
49: Flit
50: Grandmother Willow
53: Governor Ratcliffe, Wiggins, and Ben
54: Kekata
56: Chief Powhatan
67: Lon
            The Hunchback of Notre Dame
34: Esmeralda
37: Hugo
43: Quasimodo
45: Clopin
49: Phoebus
54: Archdeacon
60: Victor
63: Judge Claude Frollo
85: Laverne
17: Aladdin
22: Jasmine
37: Iago
41: Genie
42: Jafar
46: Abu, Rajah, the Cave of Wonders
79: Sultan
            Sleeping Beauty
29: Aurora
38: Prince Phillip
40: Owl
46: King Hubert
51: Merryweather
53: Fauna
54: Maleficent
69: Flora, Queen Leah
81: King Stefan
            Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
21: Snow White
35: The Prince
43: Sneezy, the Huntsman
45: Grumpy, Sleepy
48: Magic Mirror
54: Dopey
57: Bashful
59: Doc
65: The Queen/Witch
72: Happy
25: Ram
28: Dr. Lora Baines/Yori
32: Alan Bradley/Tron, Crom
33: Kevin Flynn/Clu
40: Ed Dillinger/Sark, Master Control Program
67: Dr. Walter Gibbs/Dumont
            The Jungle Book
8: Hathi Jr.
12: Mowgli
17: Shanti
26: Flaps
27: Dizzy
38: Ziggy
49: Bagheera
52: Rama
57: King Louie
61: Shere Khan
62: Kaa, Akela
63: Baloo, Colonel Hathi, Buzzie
76: Winifred
            The Lion King
13: Simba [young]
14: Nala [young]
26: Nala [adult]
32: Simba [adult]
38: Timon
39: Zazu, Shenzi
42: Ed
45: Pumbaa
46: Scar
48: Banzai
56: Sarabi
63: Mufasa
67: Rafiki
            The Little Mermaid
15: Flounder
17: Prince Eric
28: Ariel
38: Carlotta
43: Sebastian
49: Chef Louis
50: Harold the Seahorse
54: King Triton
58: Flotsam & Jetsam
62: Ursula
65: Scuttle
74: Grimsby
11: Child Pain
12: Child Panic
17: Ithicles
18: Hercules [young]
27: Megara
34: Hercules [adult]
35: Pain
36: Terpsichore [Muse], Earthquake Lady, Nymphs, Teenage Girls
39: Panic
40: Fate
41: Apollo
42: Rock Titan, Tornado Titan, Burnt Man, End-of-the-World Man, Tour Bus Guide, Demetrius
45: Nessus, Pot Maker, Tall Thebian, Elderly Thebian
46: Calliope [Muse], Thalia [Muse]
48: Hermes
50: Hades
51: Pegasus
53: Philocetes
58: Hera, Fate
66: Zeus, Alcmene, and Fate
72: Amphitryon
74: Narrator
78: Heavyset Woman
            The Princess and the Frog
34: Charlotte LaBouff
36: Prince Naveen
37: Tiana
38: Louis
40: James
52: Mama Odie
53: Dr. Facilier
55: Eudora
57: Ray, Eli “Big Daddy” LaBouff
67: Lawrence
            Beauty and the Beast
9: Chip
24: Paula [Bimbette]
30: Claudia [Bimbette], Laura [Bimbette]
35: Belle, Beast
36: Baker
37: Le Fou, the Featherduster
38: Gaston
43: Chef Bouche
45: Sultan, Wolves
49: Cogsworth
54: The Wardrobe
56: Lumiere
58: Monsieur D’Arque
66: Mrs. Potts, Bookseller
71: Maurice
75: Phillippe
            Home on the Range
31: The Willie Brothers
36: Buck, Barry & Bob
40: Patrick
46: Grace
47: Mr. Wesley
52: Maggie
54: Alameda Slim
56: Sheriff Sam
58: Rico
60: Rusty
61: Lucky Jack, Ollie
63: Jeb
66: Larry
69: Junior
70: Mrs. Caloway
71: Annie
76: Pearl Gesner, Audrey
80: Abner
9: Morgan Philip
33: Giselle
34: Prince Edward
36: Nancy Tremaine
41: Robert Philip
45: Pip
50: Nathaniel
61: Queen Narissa
            The Emperor’s New Groove
10: Tipo
36: Kuzco, Kronk, Bucky
48: Pacha
50: Chicha
73: Yzma
            Atlantis: The Lost Empire
32: Kidagakash “Kida” Nedakh
35: Audrey Rocio Ramirez
36: Helga Katrina Sinclair
40: Milo James Thatch
42: Dr. Joshua Strongbear Sweet
46: Gaetan "Mole" Moliere
50: Jebidiah Allerdyce “Cookie” Farnsworth
58: Vincenzo "Vinny" Santorini
59: Fenton Q. Harcourt
61: Preston B. Whitmore
70: King Kashekim Nedakh
73: Lyle Tiberius Rourke
76: Wilhelmina Bertha Packard
            Treasure Planet
7: Jim Hawkins [young]
21: Jim Hawkins
38: Morph
43: Dr. Delbert Doppler, Captain Amelia
44: Scroop
47: Sarah Hawkins
52: B.E.N.
65: John Silver
74: Billy Bones
77: Mr. Arrow
            The Sword in the Stone
17: Arthur “Wart” Pendragon
38: Girl Squirrel
39: Sir Kay
45: Sir Ector
55: Merlin
60: Sir Pelinore
73: Archimedes
74: Madam Mim, Scullery Maid
            Robin Hood
9: Sis
33: Maid Marian
34: Lady Kluck
37: Allen-a-Dale
38: Robin Hood
45: Trigger
48: Church Mouse
52: Prince John
57: Nutsy
58: The Sheriff of Nottingham
60: Captain Crocodile
62: Sir Hiss
65: Mother Rabbit, Mrs. Church Mouse
68: Friar Tuck
69: Little John, Otto
35: Fa Mulan
37: Mushu
38: Captain Li Shang
43: Shan-Yu, Ling
46: Yao
52: Cri-Kee, Khan, and Little Brother
55: Fa Zhou
61: First Ancestor
65: General Li
66: The Emperor of China
69: Chi-Fu
81: Grandmother Fa
            Oliver & Company
12: Oliver
13: Jennifer “Jenny” Foxworth
32: Rita
39: Dodger
42: Tito, DeSoto
43: Georgette
47: Roscoe
55: Fagin
56: Einstein
58: Sykes
63: Francis
            Lilo & Stitch
12: Lilo Pelekai
35: Nani Pelekai
36: David Kawena
38: Captain Gantu
40: Stitch/Experiment 626
41: Agent Wendy Pleakley
43: Cobra Bubbles
49: Mrs. Hasagawa
60: Dr. Jumba Jookiba
69: The Grand Councilwoman
            The Fox and the Hound
10: Copper [young]
11: Tod [young]
30: Copper [adult]
35: Vixey
50: Dinky
56: The Porcupine
59: Boomer
61: Tod [adult]
63: Big Mama
66: Chief
70: Widow Tweed
74: Amos Slade, the Badger
24: Casey Jr.
33: Dumbo
36: Mr. Stork, the Elephant Prissy
37: Fat Crow
43: The Elephant Catty
46: Timothy Q. Mouse, Jim Crow
51: Mrs. Jumbo, the Elephant Matriarch
52: The Ringmaster
53: Preacher Crow
20: Drizella Tremaine
21: Cinderella
28: Prince Charming
33: Lucifer
34: Anastasia Tremaine
36: Narrator
44: Jaq & Gus, the King, the Grand Duke, and Bruno
45: Lady Tremaine
58: Doorman, Footman
60: The Fairy Godmother
            Finding Nemo
9: Nemo, Squirt
11: Pearl
12: Tad, Sheldon
35: Anchor
38: Crush
42: Mr. Ray
43: Bloat, Deb, Jacques, and Coral
44: Peach
45: Dory
48: Gill
52: Bubbles, Nigel
56: Marlin
58: Chum
63: Gurgle, Dr. Phillip Sherman
69: Bruce
            101 Dalmatians
11: Patch
13: Rolly, Penny
25: Anita Radcliff
31: Pongo
35: Sgt. Tibbs, Skye Terrier
39: Perdita
41: Dirty Dawson, “Thunderbolt” Announcer
45: Kanine Krunchie Commercial Singer
46: Roger Radcliff
47: Cruella De Vil, Miss Birdwell, the Captain, and Danny
55: Princess
57: Jasper Badun, the Colonel, Mechanic, Collie, and Quizmaster
63: Towser, Truck Driver
65: Duchess
71: Labrador TV Announcer
72: Nanny, Lucy, Queenie
75: Horace Badun, Inspector Craven
            Chicken Little
8: Kirby
30: Chicken Little
37: Goosey Loosey
38: Runt of the Litter
41: Hollywood Abby Alien Cop
43: Abby Mallard
44: Foxy Loxy, Rodriguez, Umpire, and Acorn Mascot
45: Morkupinie Porcupine, Coach
51: Tina
62: Principal Fetchit, Dog Announcer
65: Mr. Woolensworth
66: Melvin
71: Buck Cluck
77: Ace [Hollywood Chicken Little]
81: Mayor Turkey Lurkey
            The Black Cauldron
27: Crepper
38: Eilonwy
45: The Horned King
47: Gurgi, Doli
53: Orgoch
56: Fflewddur Fflam
58: Dallben, King Eidilleg, Orwen
72: Orddu
79: Narrator
            The AristoCats
9: Marie
11: Toulouse
30: Hit Cat, Abigail Gabble
31: Amelia Gabble
35: Milkman
40: Edgar Balthazar
42: Lafayette
48: Shun Gon
49: Frou-Frou
51: Duchess
52: Peppo
55: Napoleon
56: Billy Boss
57: Uncle Waldo
60: Scat Cat
64: Madame Adelaide Bonfamille
65: Roquefort, Georges Hautecourt
66: Thomas O’Malley
            Wreck-It Ralph
16: Moppet
33: Taffyta Muttonfudge
36: Turtle
37: Ken Masters, Sonic the Hedgehog
39: Fix-It Felix
41: King Candy
42: Vanellope von Schweetz
43: Duncan, Ryu
44: Deanna
47: Wreck-It Ralph
48: Wynchel
52: Sergeant Callhoun
58: General Hologram
61: Mary
66: Mr. Litwak
            Brother Bear
13: Koda
28: Denahi
29: Kenai, Chipmunks
34: Female Lover Bear
42: Sitka
44: Male Lover Bear
46: Tug
50: Rutt
54: Tuke
69: Narrator
75: Old Lady Bear
80: Old Denahi
81: Tanana
            Meet the Robinsons
10: Michael “Mike” Yagoobian
13: Stanley
14: Lewis
17: Wilber Robinson
35: DOR-15, Uncle Fritz, Aunt Petunia, Uncle Laszlo, Uncle Spike, Uncle Dimitri, CEO of InventCo
37: Franny Robinson
39: Bowler Hat Guy, Grandpa Bud, and Aunt Tallulah
42: Mrs. Harrington
45: Carl, Mr. Willerstein
46: Reporter
49: Mildred
52: Lucille Krunklehorn
62: Cornelius Robinson
79: Uncle Art
16: Penny
31: Mindy
32: Blake, Assistant Director
35: Penny’s mother
37: Martin
39: Tom
40: Rhino, Saul
42: Veteran Cat
44: Louie
46: Lloyd
50: The Agent
53: Mittens
54: Bolt
56: Thug, Dr. Forrester
65: Dr. Calico
82: The Director
26: Rapunzel
30: Eugene “Flynn Rider” Fitzherbert
42: Shorty
50: Hookhand
52: Mother Gothel
60: The Stabbington Brothers
62: The Captain of the Guards
66: Big Nose
71: Vladamir
            The Great Mouse Detective
53: Lady Mouse
54: Basil of Baker Street, Bartholomew
61: Citizen
63: Dr. David Q. Dawson
67: Hiram Flaversham
73: Fidget
75: Ratigan
            Who Framed Roger Rabbit
21: Donald Duck
28: Mrs. Herman
34: Jessica Rabbit
36: Stupid, Raoul, and Bullet # 2
38: Roger Rabbit, Benny the Cab, Greasy, and Psycho
39: Yosemite Sam
41: Smart Ass, Mickey Mouse, and Goofy
42: Lieutenant Santino
44: Minnie Mouse
46: Eddie Valiant
50: Judge Doom
55: Droopy Dog
70: R.K. Maroon, Marvin Acme
71: Wheezy, Lena Hyena
73: Bullet # 1
80: Daffy Duck, Betty Boop, Tweety, Bugs Bunny, Sylvester, and Porky Pig
            Lady and the Tramp
29: The Tramp, the Beaver, and Pet Store Owner
31: Jim Dear, Dogcatcher
35: Si & Am, Darling, and Peg
36: Toughy, Pedro, Professor, Hyena
42: Jock, Joe, Bull, Dachsie, Policeman, Jim’s Friend
45: Trusty
47: Lady
48: Boris
52: Tony
64: Aunt Sarah
            The Incredibles
Infant: Jack-Jack Parr
11: Dash Parr
32: Bernie Kropp
34: Buddy Pine/Syndrome
35: Violet Parr
43: Mirage
46: Helen Parr/Elastigirl
47: Edna Mode
57: The Underminer
60: Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible
70: Rick Dicker
            The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad
39: Angus MacBadger
45: Cyril Proudbottom
46: Ichabod Crane
57: Narrator [The Wind in the Willows]
61: Ratty
62: J. Thaddeus Toad, Mr. Winkie
66: Moley
10: Tarzan [young]
17: Flynt
24: Mungo
29: Jane Porter
37: Terk
39: Tarzan
44: Tantor
52: Kala
59: Kerchak
63: Clayton
70: Archimedes Q. Porter
            A Bug’s Life
9: Dot
35: Flik
37: Atta, Rosie
38: Heimlich, Dim
39: Hopper, Slim
41: Francis
42: Molt
43: Tuck & Roll
47: Dr. Flora
51: P.T. Flea
56: Gypsy
62: Thorny, Cornelius
70: Mr. Soil
81: The Queen
84: Manny
            Cars & Cars 2
24: Max Schnell
26: Lewis Hamilton
30: Miguel Camino
31: Tia
32: Junior
34: Snot Rod
37: Michael Schumacher Ferrari, Raoul CaRoule
38: Lightning McQueen [1st film], Carla Veloso
39: Guido [1st film]
40: Holley Shiftwell, Jeff Gorvette
41: Harv, Fred, Alexander Hugo
42: Not Chuck
43: Mater [1st film], Nigel Gearsley, Lightning McQueen [2nd film]
44: Guido [2nd film]
45: Sally Carrera [1st film], Red, Crabby
46: Acer
48: Siddeley, Mater [2nd film]
49: Flo [1st film], Sir Miles Axlerod, Professor Zundapp, Otis
50: Van [1st film], Sally Carrera [2nd film]
51: Tomber
52: Fillmore [2nd film], Tony Trihull
53: Luigi [1st film], Rod “Torque” Redline, Tubbs Pacer
54: Bob Cutlass, Francesco Bernoulli, Flo [2nd film]
55: Chick Hicks, Minny [1st film], Van [2nd film]
56: Jay Limo
57: Dusty Rust-eze
58: Luigi [2nd film]
59: Mack [1st film], Darrell Cartrip [1st film], Rip Clutchgoneski
60: Ramone [1st film], Minny [2nd film]
61: Sheriff [1st film]
64: Grem, Mack [2nd film], Darrell Cartrip [2nd film]
65: Ramone [2nd film]
66: Mario Andretti, Sheriff [2nd film]
68: Tex
69: Fillmore [1st film], Strip “The King” Weathers, Rusty Rust-eze, Victor Hugo, Vladimir Trunkov, Ivan the Tow Truck
70: Uncle Topolino
72: Brent Mustangburger, David Hobbscap
74: The Queen of England, Mama Topolino
78: Sarge [1st film], Lizzie [1st film], Finn McMissile
81: Doc Hudson
83: Sarge [2nd film], Lizzie [2nd film]
            The Nightmare Before Christmas
39: Sally, Shock, Oogie Boogie
40: Barrel
41: Mayor of Halloween Town, Lock
51: Jack Skellington
66: Dr. Finkelstein
11: Suri
33: Zini
34: Neera
39: Aladar
48: Pilo
54: Kron
69: Eema
71: Baylene
83: Yar
24: AUTO
33: EVE
46: Captain B. McCrea
51: Mary
59: The Ship’s Computer
60: WALL-E, M-O
61: John
69: Shelby Forthright
26: Martin
36: Merida
39: Lord MacGuffin
50: Lord Macintosh
51: The Crow
53: Queen Elinor
62: Lord Dingwall, the Witch
65: Gordon
70: King Fergus
            Monsters, Inc.
5: Boo
36: Thaddeus Bile
39: George Sanderson
40: Roz, Ms. Flint
43: Celia Mae
44: Randall Boggs
49: James P. “Sulley” Sullivan
53: Michael “Mike” Wazowski
54: The Abominable Snowman [Yeti]
57: Fungus
59: Jerry
73: Henry J. Waternoose III
30: Emile
35: Alfredo Linguini
37: Horst
38: Remy
43: Colette Tatou
47: Auguste Gusteau
49: Git
54: Larousse
60: Mustafa
69: Django
75: Anton Ego
76: Chef Skinner
9: Russell
39: Gamma
41: Kevin, Campmaster Strauch
45: Newsreel Annoucer
46: Nurse AJ
48: Dug, Alpha
51: Nurse George
57: Beta
58: Construction Worker Steve
62: Construction Foreman Tom
71: Police Officer Edith
80: Carl Fredericksen, Charles F. Muntz
            The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
7: Roo [1966]
9: Roo [1968]
11: Christopher Robin [1966]
12: Christopher Robin [1968]
43: Piglet [1968]
46: Tigger [1968]
47: Gopher [1966]
48: Narrator [1966]
49: Gopher [1968], Piglet [1974]
50: Owl [1966], Narrator [1968]
52: Owl [1968], Tigger [1974]
56: Narrator [1974]
58: Eeyore [1966], Kanga [1966]
60: Eeyore [1968], Kanga [1968]
61: Winnie the Pooh [1966]
63: Winnie the Pooh [1968]
66: Kanga [1974]
69: Winnie the Pooh [1974]
76: Rabbit [1966]
78: Rabbit [1968]
84: Rabbit [1974]
            Alice in Wonderland
13: Alice
35: Flowers
38: The White Rabbit, Dodo
42: Alice’s sister
44: The Doorknob
45: The Dormouse
46: Cheshire Cat, the Caterpillar, Bird in Tree, and Snooty Flower
47: March Hare, Tweedledee & Tweedledum, Walrus & Carpenter, Mother Oyster
51: The King of Hearts
55: The Rose
56: Bill the Lizard
59: Card Soldiers, Flamingoes
61: The Queen of Hearts
65: Mad Hatter
8: Bambi [young], Faline [young], Thumper [young]
15: Faline [adult]
27: Thumper [adult]
31: Aunt Ena, Mrs. Possum, Girl Skunk, and Pheasant
32: Bambi [adult], Bambi’s mother, Pheasant
33: Mrs. Rabbit, Mrs. Quail, Girl Rabbit, and Frightened Pheasant
37: Flower [adult]
38: The Great Prince of the Forest
48: Friend Owl
74: Mr. Mole
13: Pinocchio, Alexander
23: Lampwick
27: The Blue Fairy
32: Gideon, Figaro, and Cleo
45: Jiminy Cricket
51: J. Worthington Foulfellow
54: Geppetto
58: Stromboli, the Coachman
            The Muppets
13: Rico Rodriguez
19: Selena Gomez
24: Waitress
28: Junior CDE Executive, Miss Piggy’s Receptionist
31: Gary
32: John Krasinski
33: Moderator
35: Veronica, Smalltown Resident
37: Mary
38: Human Walter, Neil Patrick Harris
41: Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Animal, Sam the Eagle, Marvin Suggs, Sgt. Floyd Pepper, Camilla, Sweetums, 80s Robot, Lew Zealand, Uncle Deadly, Roowlf, Crazy Harry, Greeter
42: Hobo Joe, “Punch Teacher” Host, Jack Black, and David Grohl
44: Walter
47: Swedish Chef, Rowlf, Dr. Teeth, Pepe the Prawn, Bobo, Foozie Bear, Scooter, Janice, Miss Poogy
52: Kermit, Beaker, Statler, Rizzo
53: Postman
56: Whoopi Goldberg
60: Tex Richman, Reporter # 2
65: Gonzo, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Zoot, Beauregard, Waldorf, Kermoot
67: James Carville
76: Judd Hirsch
77: Tour Guide, Grandfather, and Muppet Telethon Announcer
91: Smalltown Resident
            Give a Day. Get a Disney Day.
10: Tulip [young]
11: Lily
15: Melinda
18: Tulip
28: Mickey Mouse
34: Peter Pan
35: Mary
39: Scott, Pokey
40: Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Animal, Sam the Eagle, Penguin, Bert, Forcryingoutloud Bird, Grover, Guy Smiley, Marvin Suggs, Sgt. Floyd Pepper, Camilla, Sweetums, Lew Zealand, Robin the Frog, Crazy Harry, Dr. Julius Strangepork, Gobo Fraggle, Herry Monster, Mr. Johnson, Pops, the Count, Whaddayasay Bird, Alice, Wendy Darling
41: George
42: Kathryn, Ingrid, and Murray Monster
43: Donald Duck, Droop, Hat
44: Rosita
46: Pepe the Prawn, Bubba the Rat, Rowlf, Dr. Teeth, Bobo the Bear, the Swedish Chef, Beautiful Day Monster, Behemoth, Big Mean Carl, Mahna Mahna, Zippity Zap, Scooter, Janice, Penguin, Whatnot, Baby Bear, Bobby Benson, Cookie Monster, Humphrey, Luncheon Counter Monster, Nigel the Conductor, Ohboy Bird, Wayne, Jennifer, Newsreel Announcer
47: Robert, Dr. Phil Van Neuter
48: Dark Force, Penguin, Dorothy Dove, Abby Cadabby, Red Fraggle, Mr. Smee, and the White Rabbit
50: Clifford, Elmo
51: Kermit the Frog, Rizzo the Rat, Beaker, Statler, Bean Bunny, Ernie, Link Hogthrob, the Newsman, Wembley Fraggle, Youknow Bird
55: Dale, Captain Hook
56: Tatooey Rat, Penguin, Whatnot, Mr. Snuffleupagus, Telly Monster
58: Goofy, Pluto, Horace Horsecollar, Winnie the Pooh, Tigger
59: Chip
64: Gonzo, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Waldorf, Zoot, Beauregard, Penguin, Boober Fraggle, Righton Bird, Zoe, Prairie Dawn, Ohreally Bird
66: Minnie Mouse, Huey, Dewey, and Louie
71: King Star
75: Queen Melody
77: Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch
83: Minister

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