Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Disney Countdown dialogue lengths seasons

GYPSY: Whoa!
GOOB: So tired.
VINNY: Hey, Junior.
SHANK: Well, well, well.
HELGA: It just keeps going.
STERLINGSo? You like it?
RUSTY: Please no pictures.
RIVER: Lou won't admit this,
COOKIE: Ya-ha! Gertie, pull!
CRUSH: Go! Go! Go, go, go.
SPAMLEY: Oh, there you are.
LUCIUS: No lifeguard on duty!
JACK: My name is Jack Frost.
P.T. FLEA: Get me out of here!
PHIL: Hey, how'd you get this?
KING MICKEY: Donald, Goofy,
HADES: He's strong, he's kind.
MRS. PACKARD: Commander?
NANI: Okay, I got to get to work.
LILO: Want to listen to the King?
HELEN: What are we gonna do?
GOOFY: Gawrsh, where are we?
VANELLOPE: Ooh, here it comes.
ELASTIGIRL: How do we do that?
JUMBA: He is bulletproof, fireproof
JIMMY: You're going down, Shank.
PLEAKLEY: Well, what's he doing?
BIANCA: Darling, you'll be just fine!
LAVERNE: Don't you ever migrate?
HUDSONYou got a lot of stuff, kid.
MILDRED: Hi, folks. Everything all...
BERNARD: Jake's been gone... Ow!
MARLIN: No. Dory! Dory! Wait! Wait.
TARZAN: Friends there. See friends.
PITCH: Don't fight the fear, little man.
DUSTY: Besides, this Sterling fellow?
MILO: Sorry about... Sorry about that.
EBAY ELAYNE: So, we are set to ship
CLAYTON: That leaves just one place.
JOY: Oh! And remember your rockets?
JANE: How could you do such a thing?
OOGIE: Yeah, he got chomped instead!
OSCAR: Real alebrijes. Spirit creatures.
DOWNPOUR: No, I didn't say you were.
BROCK: We don't have any human toys,
BING BONG: We're not going to make it!
TOOTH: Look how fast they're going out.
DAVID: Nani!
LIBBY: Ha-ha!
FRANKIE: Master?
UMPIRE: You're out!
MERLIN: Well, well...
TWITCH: Get in there!
AURORA: Mmm-hmm.
WENDY: Oh, why, yes.
OWL: This is quite a fix.
FLOTSAM: What a pity.
MATEROh, well, good.
SLIM: Are they all right?
SPIKE: You know what?
PETER: What is it, Tink?
DASH: It's got a big yard!
JACK: I don't understand.
MR. SMEE: Uh, Captain...
DESTINY: Dory! I'm sorry!
CARL: Why is it an acorn?
HOOK: Is that you, Smee?
RABBIT: Um, Pooh Bear...
KNIGHT: All right. All right.
GASTON: Ready, aim, fire!
SCRATCHY: Itchy... Itchy...
HASAGAWA: Whoa, whoa!
LEWIS: That's a prototype?
TERRI: We were awesome!
BARBIE: This is so exciting!
GENIE: Comes with the job.
OAKEN: Yoo-hoo! Goodbye.
FLUKE: Just pick one, mate.
BOOKWORM: Ah! Here it is.
FRANNY: Now, don't be shy.
BARREL: Did you hear that?
AUNT BILLIE: One of a kind.
QUASIMODO: Most of them.
FRANCIS: I gotcha! I gotcha!
RITA: Go, go, purple custard!
CODY: That's it, you've got it!
DALE: It's The Pegasus Cup.
TALLULAH: Is it gonna work?
CHET: Thank you very much.
WILBUR: Robinson Industries,
DORY: Oh boy. Okay. This is--
THORNY: Okay, lower, lower...
FRANK: Hey, what do you got?
ARIEL: I'll find a way somehow.
CHIP: Hiya, Sora! It's me, Chip!
HAMILTON: 122 miles per hour.
TERRY: My tentacle fell asleep.
WIGGUM: See you in court, kid.
LOCK: Yeah, I sure did! A heart!
HUGO: And since you're shaped
TONY: Good evening, everyone.
JIMINY: Well, shall we go, Sora?
ANNOUNCER: It's all over, folks!
CHUCKLES: Yeah, I knew Lotso.
TRITON: Ariel, not another word!
WHITEY: Keep your legs straight!
CHICKEN LITTLE: All right, guys.
SQUISHY: I've never felt so alive!
ATTA: Good job, guys! Nice work!
C-3PO: Five minutes, Princesses.
SPARKS: Neither are you, Chunk.
BUZZ: What are ya... Unhand me!
MACK: Hey, Lightning, you ready?
PETUNIA: Where's my sloppy joe?
BOBBY: Congratulations, cupcake.
LOTSO: Well, thank you, Big Baby.
LISA: Dad, we can't see the movie!
FLANDERS: Rough day, huh, son?
VIOLET: I don't wanna talk about it.
DONALD: Who would've thought it?
MALEFICENT: We had a deal, yes?
COACH: Okay, everyone. Listen up!
SEBASTIAN: Ariel, wait! Slow down!
POPPA: Go on, Buck. You earned it.
SHOCK: Gosh, you really are stupid!
HOMER: Relax. Those pious morons
JESSIE: What do you see? Anything?
FROG: En garde! Droit! Parry! Thrust!
ABBY: No worries, Mr. Woolensworth.
MISS FRITTER: Nobody touches him.
BONNIE'S MOM: Bonnie, you in here?
BOWLER HAT GUY: What's going on?
ALADDIN: The lamp! Get Jafar's lamp!
JAFAR: Ah, the boy who holds the key.
LIAM: He's like Robin Hood in reverse.
BUBBLES: You know I have no choice.
DON: That's a pretty good one, Squish.
URSULA: Ha-ha! Those impudent fools
REX: At last! I'm gonna get played with!
RANDY: Come on, Mike. It's a fraternity
TOAD: You incompetent cheese-eaters!
ESMERALDA: You've done this before?
POOH: Because everyone's gone away.
RODDY: Rita!
GUIDO: Okay.
SWATI: Whoa!
NELSON: Ha-ha!
AUDREY: Milo, no!
MR. RAY: Dory! Dory!
FELIX: All right, now...
SOLDIER 1: Make way!
WYNNCHEL: Gangway!
KRUSTY: Drama queen!
KEN: What do you want?
VICTOR: Ready, aim, fire!
ANNA: Every Christmas...
KING: And to prevent Kida
PHOEBUS: No, you're not.
DARRELLI am speechless!
GUARD 1: Get back in there!
SULLEY: Come on! Dig deep!
GRAMPA: I'm part of the mob!
ARTHUR: Insecurity detected.
OLAF: (GASPS) The fruitcake!
WILBUR: Girls? Girls, I'm here!
SID: (DISTORTING) Halftime...
CRUZ: Not cool, man. Not cool!
WINSTON: Attention. Attention.
CHAD: I wanna talk about you...
ANDY'S MOM: I know. It's just...
HANK: Where's everybody else?
TIGGER: Bounce on back again!
INUIT WOMAN: Homer Simpson,
WOODY: Hold on, we're going in!
SCREENSLAVER: Find anything?
MOLT: Look at me! I'm barefooting!
BART: Jabbity, jabbity, jab, jab, jab!
JACKSON STORM: You look good!
SHERRIE: Boys! It's a school night!
FROLLO: The prisoner, Esmeralda,
ELSA: Anna made these years ago.
HAMM: I think he said, "All at once."
HARDSCRABBLE: You're not scary.
DE LA CRUZ: Stay back! Stay back!
ANDY: I'll get something on the way.
ROURKE: Speak English, professor.
ARLO: Where am I? Where's home?
MIKE: Why are my settings different?
MELVIN: Why did you take our child?
SWEET: Milo, you better get up here.
JOHNNY: No one will remember you.
ANGER: You want Riley to be happy?
HÉCTOR: He's a living child, Ernesto.
CANDLEHEAD: Get your own candle.
CUTLASSStorm takes back the lead!
SMOKEY: Cruz? What are you doing?
McQUEENAll right, Cruz. The beach.
DIRECTOR: Set up the classroom set!
MOE: This is why we should hate kids.
MR. INCREDIBLE: You two, stay here.
MR. POTATO HEAD: What did he say?
SPIKE: I've got Rita, boss! I've got Rita!
CLOPIN: Ugly folks forget your shyness
DISGUST: That figures. The van is lost.
McLEACH: Get out of here! Go on! Get!
CLAIRE: Ah! Tough break for the RORs.
SADNESS: I was thinking more like rain.
JENNY: A whale?
SPOT: Whoo-hoo!
CARL: What is that?
ELSA: Go away, Anna.
NASH: Who does that?
YESSS: Hey, my babies!
IDUNA: Jack. I'm scared.
CLAUDE: They're all real!
SNOW WHITE: Goodbye!
ALICE: Sora, please hurry!
MANNY: And now, insectus
HOPPER: You little termites!
CUPCAKE: Yeah, Tooth Fairy!
MARGE: (GASPS) Springfield.
BARNEY: Okay. Hail, emperor.
RALPH: (SIGHS) I'll be honest,
JASMINE: Oh, thank you, Sora.
JAMIE: What happened to him?
MOLLY: Then, yes, I'll miss you.
EVELYN: You know what's sad?
CARGILL: Attention, Springfield.
PIGLET: Hello, is anyone there?
CALEB: The Easter Bunny's real!
SOIL: Do not panic. Do not panic!
SIGOURNEY: What lies before you
ABUELITA ELENA: What is all this?
BEAST: You may need my strength.
BUNNY: This better be good, North.
RAPUNZEL: Why can't I go outside?
PIPPA: Come on, guys, we can do it!
NEMO: (GASPS) Dad, look! It's Dory.
RAPUNZEL: (GASPS) Look up there!
DOT: Well, I think he's gonna make it.
NORTH: Cookies? Eggnog? Anyone?
FROZONE: Well, isn't that redundant?
HONEY: Where are you going ASAP?
EDNA: I understand your lack of sleep
DOLLY: Yeah, she really got your smile.
FLIK: (WEAKLY) You're wrong, Hopper.
PAPÁ: You want it down by the kitchen?
MIGUEL: Sometimes, I think I'm cursed.
FEAROh, thank goodness you're back!
MOMMA: Henry, it's time.
BABY DORY: Hi, I'm Dory.
BUCK: Now, where to begin?
Summer 2016
LIBBY: Ha-ha!
KNIGHT: All right. All right.
OAKEN: Yoo-hoo! Goodbye.
MACK: Hey, Lightning, you ready?
BOBBY: Congratulations, cupcake.
COACH: Okay, everyone. Listen up!
POPPA: Go on, Buck. You earned it.
ABBY: No worries, Mr. Woolensworth.
RANDY: Come on, Mike. It's a fraternity
Autumn 2016
SOLDIER 1: Make way!
ARLO: Where am I? Where's home?
CUTLASSStorm takes back the lead!
CLOPIN: Ugly folks forget your shyness
DISGUST: That figures. The van is lost.
SADNESS: I was thinking more like rain.
Spring 2017
GOOB: So tired.
STERLINGSo? You like it?
RUSTY: Please no pictures.
PHIL: Hey, how'd you get this?
KING MICKEY: Donald, Goofy,
HADES: He's strong, he's kind.
NANI: Okay, I got to get to work.
LILO: Want to listen to the King?
GOOFY: Gawrsh, where are we?
JUMBA: He is bulletproof, fireproof
PLEAKLEY: Well, what's he doing?
MILDRED: Hi, folks. Everything all...
TARZAN: Friends there. See friends.
DUSTY: Besides, this Sterling fellow?
CLAYTON: That leaves just one place.
JOY: Oh! And remember your rockets?
JANE: How could you do such a thing?
OOGIE: Yeah, he got chomped instead!
BING BONG: We're not going to make it!
Summer 2017
UMPIRE: You're out!
MERLIN: Well, well...
MATEROh, well, good.
SCRATCHY: Itchy... Itchy...
HASAGAWA: Whoa, whoa!
GENIE: Comes with the job.
HAMILTON: 122 miles per hour.
WIGGUM: See you in court, kid.
JIMINY: Well, shall we go, Sora?
ANNOUNCER: It's all over, folks!
CHICKEN LITTLE: All right, guys.
LISA: Dad, we can't see the movie!
FLANDERS: Rough day, huh, son?
DONALD: Who would've thought it?
MALEFICENT: We had a deal, yes?
HOMER: Relax. Those pious morons
MISS FRITTER: Nobody touches him.
ALADDIN: The lamp! Get Jafar's lamp!
JAFAR: Ah, the boy who holds the key.
POOH: Because everyone's gone away.
Autumn 2017
SWATI: Whoa!
NELSON: Ha-ha!
MR. RAY: Dory! Dory!
FELIX: All right, now...
WYNNCHEL: Gangway!
KRUSTY: Drama queen!
ANNA: Every Christmas...
GRAMPA: I'm part of the mob!
OLAF: (GASPS) The fruitcake!
BART: Jabbity, jabbity, jab, jab, jab!
ELSA: Anna made these years ago.
CANDLEHEAD: Get your own candle.
MOE: This is why we should hate kids.
MR. INCREDIBLE: You two, stay here.
Winter 2017–2018
MOLLY: Then, yes, I'll miss you.
PIGLET: Hello, is anyone there?
SOIL: Do not panic. Do not panic!
ABUELITA ELENA: What is all this?
BUNNY: This better be good, North.
DOT: Well, I think he's gonna make it.
NORTH: Cookies? Eggnog? Anyone?
PAPÁ: You want it down by the kitchen?
MIGUEL: Sometimes, I think I'm cursed.
Spring 2018
GYPSY: Whoa!
VINNY: Hey, Junior.
SHANK: Well, well, well.
HELGA: It just keeps going.
RIVER: Lou won't admit this,
COOKIE: Ya-ha! Gertie, pull!
CRUSH: Go! Go! Go, go, go.
SPAMLEY: Oh, there you are.
LUCIUS: No lifeguard on duty!
P.T. FLEA: Get me out of here!
MRS. PACKARD: Commander?
HELEN: What are we gonna do?
VANELLOPE: Ooh, here it comes.
ELASTIGIRL: How do we do that?
JIMMY: You're going down, Shank.
BIANCA: Darling, you'll be just fine!
HUDSONYou got a lot of stuff, kid.
BERNARD: Jake's been gone... Ow!
MARLIN: No. Dory! Dory! Wait! Wait.
PITCH: Don't fight the fear, little man.
MILO: Sorry about... Sorry about that.
EBAY ELAYNE: So, we are set to ship
OSCAR: Real alebrijes. Spirit creatures.
DOWNPOUR: No, I didn't say you were.
BROCK: We don't have any human toys,
TOOTH: Look how fast they're going out.
Summer 2018
DAVID: Nani!
FRANKIE: Master?
TWITCH: Get in there!
AURORA: Mmm-hmm.
WENDY: Oh, why, yes.
OWL: This is quite a fix.
FLOTSAM: What a pity.
SLIM: Are they all right?
SPIKE: You know what?
PETER: What is it, Tink?
DASH: It's got a big yard!
JACK: I don't understand.
MR. SMEE: Uh, Captain...
DESTINY: Dory! I'm sorry!
CARL: Why is it an acorn?
HOOK: Is that you, Smee?
RABBIT: Um, Pooh Bear...
GASTON: Ready, aim, fire!
LEWIS: That's a prototype?
TERRI: We were awesome!
BARBIE: This is so exciting!
FLUKE: Just pick one, mate.
BOOKWORM: Ah! Here it is.
FRANNY: Now, don't be shy.
BARREL: Did you hear that?
AUNT BILLIE: One of a kind.
QUASIMODO: Most of them.
FRANCIS: I gotcha! I gotcha!
RITA: Go, go, purple custard!
CODY: That's it, you've got it!
DALE: It's The Pegasus Cup.
TALLULAH: Is it gonna work?
CHET: Thank you very much.
WILBUR: Robinson Industries,
DORY: Oh boy. Okay. This is--
THORNY: Okay, lower, lower...
FRANK: Hey, what do you got?
ARIEL: I'll find a way somehow.
CHIP: Hiya, Sora! It's me, Chip!
TERRY: My tentacle fell asleep.
LOCK: Yeah, I sure did! A heart!
HUGO: And since you're shaped
TONY: Good evening, everyone.
CHUCKLES: Yeah, I knew Lotso.
TRITON: Ariel, not another word!
WHITEY: Keep your legs straight!
SQUISHY: I've never felt so alive!
ATTA: Good job, guys! Nice work!
C-3PO: Five minutes, Princesses.
SPARKS: Neither are you, Chunk.
BUZZ: What are ya... Unhand me!
PETUNIA: Where's my sloppy joe?
LOTSO: Well, thank you, Big Baby.
VIOLET: I don't wanna talk about it.
SEBASTIAN: Ariel, wait! Slow down!
SHOCK: Gosh, you really are stupid!
JESSIE: What do you see? Anything?
FROG: En garde! Droit! Parry! Thrust!
BONNIE'S MOM: Bonnie, you in here?
BOWLER HAT GUY: What's going on?
LIAM: He's like Robin Hood in reverse.
BUBBLES: You know I have no choice.
DON: That's a pretty good one, Squish.
URSULA: Ha-ha! Those impudent fools
REX: At last! I'm gonna get played with!
TOAD: You incompetent cheese-eaters!
ESMERALDA: You've done this before?
Autumn 2018
GUIDO: Okay.
KEN: What do you want?
KING: And to prevent Kida
PHOEBUS: No, you're not.
GUARD 1: Get back in there!
CRUZ: Not cool, man. Not cool!
WINSTON: Attention. Attention.
CHAD: I wanna talk about you...
ANDY'S MOM: I know. It's just...
HANK: Where's everybody else?
TIGGER: Bounce on back again!
INUIT WOMAN: Homer Simpson,
WOODY: Hold on, we're going in!
SCREENSLAVER: Find anything?
MOLT: Look at me! I'm barefooting!
SHERRIE: Boys! It's a school night!
HAMM: I think he said, "All at once."
DE LA CRUZ: Stay back! Stay back!
ANDY: I'll get something on the way.
ROURKE: Speak English, professor.
SWEET: Milo, you better get up here.
HÉCTOR: He's a living child, Ernesto.
DIRECTOR: Set up the classroom set!
MR. POTATO HEAD: What did he say?
McLEACH: Get out of here! Go on! Get!
Thanksgiving / Winter 2018–2019
RODDY: Rita!
JENNY: A whale?
SPOT: Whoo-hoo!
AUDREY: Milo, no!
CARL: What is that?
ELSA: Go away, Anna.
NASH: Who does that?
YESSS: Hey, my babies!
IDUNA: Jack. I'm scared.
CLAUDE: They're all real!
VICTOR: Ready, aim, fire!
SNOW WHITE: Goodbye!
ALICE: Sora, please hurry!
MANNY: And now, insectus
HOPPER: You little termites!
DARRELLI am speechless!
SULLEY: Come on! Dig deep!
CUPCAKE: Yeah, Tooth Fairy!
ARTHUR: Insecurity detected.
MARGE: (GASPS) Springfield.
BARNEY: Okay. Hail, emperor.
WILBUR: Girls? Girls, I'm here!
SID: (DISTORTING) Halftime...
JASMINE: Oh, thank you, Sora.
JAMIE: What happened to him?
EVELYN: You know what's sad?
CARGILL: Attention, Springfield.
CALEB: The Easter Bunny's real!
SIGOURNEY: What lies before you
JACKSON STORM: You look good!
FROLLO: The prisoner, Esmeralda,
BEAST: You may need my strength.
HARDSCRABBLE: You're not scary.
RAPUNZEL: Why can't I go outside?
PIPPA: Come on, guys, we can do it!
MIKE: Why are my settings different?
MELVIN: Why did you take our child?
NEMO: (GASPS) Dad, look! It's Dory.
JOHNNY: No one will remember you.
RAPUNZEL: (GASPS) Look up there!
ANGER: You want Riley to be happy?
FROZONE: Well, isn't that redundant?
HONEY: Where are you going ASAP?
EDNA: I understand your lack of sleep
SMOKEY: Cruz? What are you doing?
McQUEENAll right, Cruz. The beach.
SPIKE: I've got Rita, boss! I've got Rita!
DOLLY: Yeah, she really got your smile.
FLIK: (WEAKLY) You're wrong, Hopper.
FEAROh, thank goodness you're back!
CLAIRE: Ah! Tough break for the RORs.
Spring 2019
JACK: My name is Jack Frost.
RALPH: (SIGHS) I'll be honest,
LAVERNE: Don't you ever migrate?
BLOAT: Now what?
NASH: Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
TABITHA: Roddy, I'm home!
PEACH: I'm right behind you.
RUNT: Don't go breaking my heart
GURGLE: I am truly going to vomit!
ACE: Stay on target. Stay on target!
FOXY: I won't go breaking your heart

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