Sunday, June 7, 2020

Disney NeverEnding Chronology (Atlantica) - Subtitles (en)

-Come on, Sebastian!
-Ariel, wait! Slow down!
Don't leave me behind!
Relax, Sebastian.
They don't look like one of them.
Right, Flounder?
I don't know. There's
something weird about them.
What do you mean?
They do seem a little different.
Where are you from?
We're from kind of far away.
And we're not really
used to these waters.
Oh, I see. In that case...
Sebastian can show you
how we swim around here.
Ariel, King Triton will not like this!
Oh, don't worry.
Fathoms Below – The Little Mermaid
Easy for you to say... Okay, it's time
you learn how to swim properly.
Practice swimming with Flounder,
mon. Try to tag him.
All right. Begin.
SAILORS: I'll tell you a tale
of the bottomless blue
And it's hey to the starboard, heave-ho
Look out, lad
A mermaid be waiting for you
In mysterious fathoms below
Fathoms below
From whence wayward westerlies blow
Where Triton is king
and his merpeople sing
In mysterious fathoms below
Good job.
Now let's move on to self-defense.
ARIEL: Sebastian!
Class is over. Good luck!
Those creatures chased us here.
Oh, no! Those monsters might be
heading for the palace, too!
We'd better head back right away!
But, (STAMMERS) what if we run
into more on our way back?
I'm sorry, but we need your help.
Please come to the kingdom with us.
The trident markers on the
walls point the way there.
We won't get lost as long
as we follow them.
Okay, let's get going.
Heave, ho
In mysterious fathoms below
Ten years later,
Atlantica looked the same.
But I can't say that about everything.
-Uppy-uppy, my darlings.
-It's us.
-Rise and shine.
-Why so early?
-Mustn't be late.
But it's still dark out.
-Oh. Hi.
-Oh, I was dreaming about a boy.
Come on, girls.
-But I need my beauty sleep.
-Tell me about it.
Easy for you.
No cares what you look...
-Move it.
-I think you're lovely.
Can't we meet Father later?
I don't get to make
those kinds of decisions.
Any decisions, really.
Get up!
-Okay, we heard you
-We're going as fast as we can.
All right, all right, all right.
Move your tails.
This is our special time with your father.
Special? It's the same every morning.
-She's got a point.
-That's what your father cares about.
Predictability, presentation, punctuality.
-That's all Dad cares about.
-She's got a point.
-You've got your own mirror!
-Two minutes.
Stop primping!
-Anyway, I told her, she used to...
-Come on, Ariel.
Why can't he let us do
something different? Just once.
Give him a break.
He's the king, remember?
-You try running a kingdom.
-I wouldn't run it like this.
Don't upset him, Ariel.
Just because you're the oldest, Attina,
-doesn't mean you can boss us around.
-Yes, it does.
Benjamin, if we're late again,
I'll never get a promotion.
-Come on, girls.
Not that I want a promotion.
No, no, no, I love this job.
Looking after you is what I live for.
-I hate this job!
-The less said the better.
Whoa! Whoa!
-Good morning, Your Highness.
-Anything to report?
Unfortunately, the sprat and the smelt
were still (SHRIEKS)
No worries.
I told them I'd sic the salmon on them.
Sebastian, what would I do without you?
You'd be negotiatin' with the sprat
and the smelt, that's what.
-Good morning, girls.
-Good morning, Father.
-Good morning, Your Majesty.
-You're late.
Your Majesty.
Well, I presume
you've all been attending
-to your royal duties this week.
-Yes, Father.
-We've been working diligently.
-ARIEL: We're always done early.
And the coral is in bloom.
-Clam it!
So I thought maybe we could
go for a swim on the reef?
-Not today, Ariel.
-But it only happened once a year.
It could be fun.
I don't have the time.
I was thinking we could just
skip the morning walk.
Ariel! Your father said no.
Yes, sir.
Nice job.
Be on time tomorrow.
-Let's move it!
-Okay, we're coming.
-Time to go.
Here they come!
Well, hi to you, too. Oh, get...
That's it!
Your Majesty, I was thinking about
making some changes
in the palace staff.
Got it!
-Watch it!
Get up!
That will be all, Sebastian, Marina.
-Good day, girls.
-Goodbye, Father.
Yes, Daddy?
-He sounds grumpier than yesterday.
-Time to go.
A princess does not tickle
another princess with seaweed.
You saw that?
I was just trying to have some fun.
-You disrupted your sisters.
-Well, they laughed.
-Well, I didn't.
-Daddy, why can't...
Is it too much to ask that you
simply walk with your family?
-That's all we ever do.
-Can't we do something different?
You have to learn to respect
the way I run this kingdom.
What? That'll take all day.
Well, then you'd better get started,
young lady.
I hate this place.
Whoa, what a swim.
Scuttle, look what we found.
Yeah. We were in this sunken ship,
and it was really creepy...
Human stuff, huh? Hey, let me see.
Oh! Oh! Look at this.
Wow. This is special.
This is very, very unusual.
-What? What is it?
-It's a dinglehopper.
Humans use these little babies
to straighten their hair out.
See? Just a little twirl here
and a yank there and violee...
Ya got an aesthetically-pleasing
configuration of hair
-that humans go nuts over.
A dinglehopper.
-What about that one?
This I haven't seen in years.
This is wonderful!
-A banded, bulbous snarfblatt.
-BOTH: Oh!
Now, the snarfblatt dates back to
prehistorical times
when humans used to sit around
and stare at each other all day.
Got very boring.
So, they invented this snarfblatt
to make fine music.
Allow me.
-It's stuck!
-Oh, the concert!
Oh, my gosh! My father's gonna kill me!
The concert was today?
Maybe you could make
a little planter out of it or something.
I'm sorry! I gotta go!
Thank you, Scuttle!
SCUTTLE: Any time, sweetie!
-No manners.
-MARINA: This job is killing me!
Oh, dear.
If I have to watch over these
spoiled princesses one more day,
-I'm gonna beach myself.
You should've heard that little
clawboy Sebastian today. "You're late."
If Triton wasn't looking,
I would have squashed
that crustacean into a crab cake!
-Maybe I'm just too sensitive?
-Did you feed them today?
-Yes. Twice.
And the key?
That Sebastian!
-I despise him! I loathe him!
-Never heard that one.
How did that little invertebrate
get to be chief of staff?
-I want that job.
I deserve that job!
So what if I'm late every once in
a while and the girls are miserable?
-Nobody's perfect.
-That's right. Nobody's perfect.
-Oh, my.
-Everyone makes mistakes,
even him!
Benjamin, I need to find a clue
Or a good cuticle cream.
To get myself Sebastian's job
To stage a little coup
A straw to break the camel's back
A teeny dent, a tiny crack
A quiver or a quake
What I need is one mistake
-Oh, so sorry!
Just one mistake
Now, colour? Sardine silver?
-No, thanks.
-Orange roughly?
-Not in the mood.
-Rainbow trout?
Just paint them the shade
of clarified butter!
Oh, better be on his guard
So much for my samples.
"Cause I have some electric chums
And they'll be looking very hard
A straw to break Sebastian's back
A teeny dent, a tiny crack
A dowdy double take
What I need is one mistake
Uno error.
Just one mistake
Hello, world
It's Marina Del Rey
That's right. Three names.
I'm the new attaché
Or maybe more
Oh, I want so much more
Big surprise.
Hello, world
I'm the belle of the ball
I'm feelin' it. Big wave!
I'm the greatest of all
the loyal royal big shots
Work it, Marina
-Pouty, sassy
-Pouty. Sassy
From the engine to the chassis
-Oo-wah oo-wah
-Got to, got to
-Oo-wah oo-wah
-Get it, get it
Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta
gotta, gotta have it
A straw to break the camel's back
A teeny dent, a tiny crack
A mini mighty break
What I need is one mistake
And after that, who knows?
Sebastian's bound
to make a mistake, right?
Not likely.
Dream killer!
Live from the Catfish Club, it's
We love you, Flounder.
ARIEL: Oh, boy.
Oh, yeah!
-I'm hot. I know it.
-Was that what I think it was?
-That sound!
-Oh, that sound!
I was just
cleaning out these...
But then you... Hey! And then I...
And then the thingamajiggers just
bopping book, bop, bap!
Can you do it again?
Halt! You're in violation
of the Triton Acts!
-All music is forbidden in the kingdom!
-Not good.
-Hey, get back here!
Torpedo tube!
Not again!
SWORDFISH: There they are!
Fish launch!
-No problem.
This way!
-My name is Flounder.
-Oh, I'm Ariel.
Oh, no!
Princess Ariel!
What is the meaning of this?
-We weren't doing anything.
Then why were you trying to get away?
'Cause they were chasing us?
-We heard music, chief.
The princess was making music?
The princess wasn't making music.
-He was.
Music is against the law!
Take him to the dungeon!
-I can't make it in the slammer!
Wait! This is all
a big misunderstanding. Huge.
You are gonna laugh when I explain.
-Which I'm about to do.
-In this century, please.
Right. You see, I was just
cleaning the coral tubes,
and my friend here was helping me.
That's right. Best friend helping out.
-Makin' it happen.
-But not making music.
Guards! Escort the princess
back to the palace.
-But Sebastian...
-And you!
Consider this your first
and only warning, mon.
Intolerable, I tell you.
That girl is working on my last claw!
TRITON: That was too close.
As long as I have my trident,
I will not tolerate those creatures
inside this palace.
-TRITON: Oh, Ariel!
When will you listen?
It's dangerous out there!
Strange creatures lurk outside.
Behold. You swim before
the ruler of the seas:
His Majesty, King Triton.
And who are they?
They helped us fight off those creatures.
They don't look familiar.
We're from an ocean very far away.
Yup. We came to find the Keyhole.
The what?
-What's that?
-Well, it's a...
There's no such thing.
Certainly not here.
But, Daddy...
TRITON: Ariel, not another word!
You are not to leave the palace.
Is that clear?
Perhaps I'm being too strict...
I'm just concerned for her safety.
Of course, Your Majesty.
But I must admit, now I'm quite
curious about this Keyhole.
That need not concern you, Sebastian.
Have you anything to report?
SEBASTIAN: Just as you
suspected, Your Majesty,
they seem to be coming
from that sea witch's grotto.
I knew it. Ursula is up to no good again.
I see exile from the palace
has taught her nothing.
Yes, she poses serious danger.
And I told you to keep Ariel away
from such danger, did I not?
You Majesty, please. I, uh...
Under the Sea – The Little Mermaid
Ariel, listen to me.
The human world, it's a mess.
Life under the sea is better
than anything they got up there.
(SINGING) The seaweed is
always greener
In somebody else's lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things around you
What more is you lookin' for?
Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling, it's better
down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devoting full time
to floating under the sea
Down here all the fish is happy
As off through the waves
they roll, yeah
The fish on the land ain't happy
They sad 'cause they in the bowl
But fish in the bowl is lucky
They in for a worser fate
One day when the boss get hungry
Guess who's gonna be on the plate
Oh, no!
Under the sea
Under the sea
Nobody beat us
Fry us and eat us
In fricassee
We what the land folks loves to cook
Under the sea we off the hook
We got no troubles
Life is the bubbles
-Under the sea
-Under the sea
-Under the sea
-Under the sea
 Since life is sweet here
We got it beat here
Even the sturgeon and the ray
They get the urge and start to play
We got the spirit
You got to hear it
Under the sea
The newt play the flute
The carp play the harp
The plaice play the bass
and they soundin' sharp
The bass play the brass
The chub play the tub
The fluke is the duke of soul
The ray, he can play
The ling's on the strings
The trout's rocking out
The blackfish, she sings
The smelt and the sprat
They know where it's at
And, oh, that blowfish blow
Flounder wants us to
come to my grotto.
I want to show you something.
Well, I'll be doggoned.
There it is. See?
ARIEL: Look at all the wonderful
things Flounder and I've collected.
I think it's all from the outside world.
(SINGING) Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't ya think
my collection's complete?
Wouldn't ya think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?
I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
You want thingamabobs?
I got 20
But who cares
No big deal
I want more
I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see
Wanna see 'em dancin'
Walkin' around on those...
What do ya call 'em?
-Uh, feet.
-(GIGGLES) I see.
Flippin' your fins you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'
Strollin' along down a...
What's that word again?
-ALL: Street?
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love
Love to explore that shore up above?
Watch and you'll see
Someday I'll be
Part of your
Someday, I'm going to see
what's out there.
I want to see other worlds.
Does that sound strange?
No. Not at all.
-I used to feel the same way.
-Used to?
I mean... I still do.
Hey, why don't we try looking for
that Keyhole you were talking about?
But your father said...
Oh, he treats me like a little girl.
He never wants to let me do anything.
He just... He just doesn't understand.
URSULA: Those impudent fools
will never find the Keyhole.
But the girl could prove useful.
And I've got the Heartless on my side.
Triton, my old friend...
Your day is coming.
ADELLA: Attina, do you think
if I change my hair, he'd notice?
AQUATA: Where's my brush?
My brush works better.
Okay, bedtime. Outta my way.
Don't look now,
but dinner exploded on your face.
-It's plankton extract and sea salt.
It rejuvenates the skin
and it won't clog your pores.
-It's your face.
'Scuse me.
-Is that my mask?
It's got my initial on it.
All of our names start with "A", Aquata.
-My brush?
-I was gonna talk to you...
-My lucky seashells?
-They're not very lucky.
-(GASPS) Mr. Fuzzyfinkle!
-He's so cute. He likes me.
-And my pillow?
-Yeah, that's for Mr. Fuzzyfinkle.
-Nice try.
-Give it back!
Arista, you always do this! It's my stuff!
-Finally, some entertainment.
-You're just the selfisihest person...
Shh, shh.
He's coming!
-Good evening, girls.
-Sleep well.
-Good night, Father.
Good night.
Good night.
Why did you do that?
He's our father.
Sit there as long as you want, Ariel.
Nothing's going to change.
Maybe I could have her pillow.
Ha, ha, very funny.
has she been in charge?
Flippity-flop and slide to the side.
-FISH: The joint is jumping.
-It's time to glide.
Hey! But I got the kelp yesterday.
It's not fair.
I'm weak. Pathetic.
I'm a lowly errand boy.
SINGER: Oh, it's about that time.
-Oh, yeah.
-Hey, hey!
All right, let's bring it.
You know what to do.
Shake, shake, shake, Senora
Shake your body line
Shake, shake, shake, Senora
Shake it all the time
Work, work, work, Senora
Work your body line
Work, work, work, Senora
Work it all the time
Sea kelp. Salty or extra salty.
Get your sea...
Oh, no.
Oh, Flounder.
My girl's name is Senora
I tell you, friends, I adore her
When she dances, oh, brother
She's a hurricane
in all kinds of weather
Jump in the line
Rock your body in time
Okay, I believe you
Jump in the line
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Shake, shake, shake, Senora
Shake your body line
Work, work, work, Senora
Work it all the time
Jump in the line
Rock your body in time
Ariel! No, don't!
Jump in the line
Rock your body in time
Rock your body, child!
Jump in the line
Rock your body in...
Love your club.
Oh, wait! I won't tell.
Wait a minute. I won't tell!
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
Under the bright blue
Endless sky
Wait, I remember that
How I know that song
I remember sitting in the moonlight
and that feeling
What's that feeling?
I remember, yes
How I know that song
Though it's been so long
I remember happiness
without a floor or ceiling
What's that feeling?
I remember
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
ALL: La, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Oh! I remember her
And how we were
I remember wanting
what the evening would be bringing
I remember singing
Under the bright blue
Endless sky
Waves try to measure the days
That we treasure
And I
I remember
I remember music
And I'm never going back
to the silent law they wrote
I will sing in every tempo
Every last chromatic note
For I, I remember her
I remember music
And I remember
This can't happen!
Your father is the king!
Do you promise to jump, jive, wail,
groove, rock steady,
and lend a helping hand
to your fellow music lovers?
-I do.
-She's in.
ANDRINA: Ariel, dear, time to come out.
 You've been in there all morning.
ATTINA: What is with her lately?
-Oh. Morning, Daddy.
-Oh, she's got it bad.
-What? What has she got?
Isn't it obvious, Daddy? Ariel's in love.
Ariel? In love?
Good morning, Your Highness.
Sebastian. Marina.
Good morning, Your Majesty.
I have a problem.
-It's Ariel.
-Ariel? I...
Finally! So you see it, too? Oh, yes.
She's rebellious, insubordinate,
We need to immediately implement
a series of checks an balances
designed to crush her spirit.
What? Too harsh?
Absolutely! You Highness,
she is young, going through a phase.
I don't remember having this much
trouble with any of her sisters.
I do! They're all a handful.
We should shave their heads.
-Just kidding.
-Alana wasn't difficult at all.
-Yes, Your Majesty.
But Arista and the blowfish incident,
Oh! It took weeks
to clean up the palace.
And how about Aquata
and that stingray?
-I can still feel it.
Or the time Attina got her head
stuck in the conch shell.
That was me.
Well, perhaps you're right, Sebastian.
Still, it seems Marina
could use some help.
I want you to look after Ariel.
No offence, Marina.
None taken.
-Soft shell. Stick eye.
-Tardy girl. Fish lips.
-Backstabber. Bottom feeder!
-Fashion disaster. Babysitter!
La, la, la, la, la
-You were humming.
-I was?
-Out loud.
-Don't worry.
-It was just a dream.
-I'll tell you what wasn't a dream.
-We woke up at midnight.
-And your bed was still empty.
Yeah. That is two hours past curfew.
Was it a boy?
If it's a boy, I'm gonna die.
I mean, I'm happy for you, Ariel.
It's just that I'm two years
older than you,
and the only one I've come
even close to kissing is Stevie.
-Squid-Lips Stevie?
-It was on a dare.
-Girls, let's stick to the subject.
Well, it wasn't a boy, okay?
I was just helping a friend.
Out past the kelp forest.
Past the kelp forest. It wasn't a boy.
It was a bad boy.
-Oh, Ariel.
-Simmer down there, sister.
-So you were just helping a friend?
Then, where'd you get this!
ATTINA: Can you imagine
what'd happen if Dad found it?
-He's never here.
-Don't get cute with me.
This is serious. Where were you?
I was just
listening to music
in an underground club.
Okay, where were you really?
-Listening to music?
-No way.
-What was it like?
-Come on. Spill it.
Oh, it was amazing.
The energy, the dancing, the music,
just makes you feel like...
Like what?
Like when Mom was here.
Ariel, I wanna hear it, too.
-You do?
-Me, too.
-Okay. Me, too.
-Me, too! Me, too!
-Not without me.
-Yeah. Everybody does.
Please, Ariel. Please?
-We'll go tonight.
-I'm so excited!
-What should I wear?
So you think there'll be boys?
-One way to find out.
-This is not happening!
You go again and I...
-Oh, lighten up.
-Come on.
ALL: Mmm?
Come on, girls. Uppy-up.
-They're early.
Yes. But why?
ARIEL: Hmm. Its shape
reminds me of something...
Get your sea kelp. Salty or extra salty.
Hey, Ray-Ray.
You gonna rock the house tonight?
Well, wouldn't be here
just for the halibut.
Oh, Ray-Ray.
-This is so exciting!
Hey, you're in my personal space.
-Stop pushing me.
-Okay, bossy. Whatever.
-ALL: Music!
-I know! Isn't it fantastic?
-And we're here together!
Boys, here I come!
Wow. This really is fantastic.
-Yeah. I'm scared!
-Me, too.
-I thought I was the only one.
-No, no, no, no...
SWIFTY: Ladies and gentlemen,
The Catfish Club is proud to present...
Let's just go!
...the original rock lobster.
The one, the only, Red Tornado!
Chick-a-chicka, chick-a-chicka, hey!
All right, mon
BOTH: Sebastian?
-Way to go, Sebastian!
-I love you, Sebastian.
Okay. Where are the boys?
Are you a boy? Good enough.
Whoa! I'm Adella.
This is the most exciting thing
that's ever happened to me!
-Would you like to dance?
-No, thanks.
-Let's dance.
-No, thanks.
Would you like to dance?
(GROWLS) I can't dance, okay?
I'm a mermaid with no grace.
I look like a spastic piece of kelp.
Let's go.
Serious. No, I mean it.
You guys, I can't...
Come on.
-That's it!
-You've got it!
She really can't dance.
-Oh, wow!
There ain't no problem with that.
Ah-cha, cha, cha.
Thank you.
You were right, Ariel.
Mom would've loved this.
-You're the best.
We be jamming, mon.
SEBASTIAN: That's right!
-Good night, Ariel.
-Good night, Andrina.
Zap-it-y-do-dah, zow!
-Night, Arista.
-Sweet dreams, Ariel.
-You, too, Alana.
-Good night, Adella.
I still didn't get to kiss a boy.
-Good night, Aquata.
Good night, Attina.
TRITON: Ariel,
you've disobeyed me again!
I told you not to leave the palace!
Daddy, no!
(SOBS) How could you...
Young man,
you're not from another ocean.
You're from another world.
-Aren't you?
Then you must be the key bearer.
How did you know?
You may fool Ariel,
but you can't fool me.
You don't know your dorsal
fin from your tail.
As the key bearer,
you must already know...
One must not meddle
in the affairs of other worlds.
Of course I know that, but...
You have violated this principle.
The key bearer shatters peace
and brings ruin.
Aw, Sora's not like that.
I thank you for saving my daughter.
But there is no room in my ocean
for you or your key.
Your Highness.
We need to talk.
Jumping jellyfish!
Quick! This way!
This is how you watch over
my daughter?
-Sire, I...
-I trusted you.
Guards! Lock him away.
-What? No!
-Lock them all way!
-But, Your Majesty, please!
-Come on. Let's move it.
-I'm with the band.
-Sure you are, kid.
Marina, you will take over
Sebastian's duties immediately.
As you wish.
-Attina, take your sisters home.
-Yes, sir.
Father, you can't do this!
It's already done!
-You are all confined to the palace.
-Yes, Father.
Why don't you just lock us in jail?
Ariel, you are confined to the palace
until you understand what you've done.
What did we do? Tell me, Daddy.
-Ariel, leave it alone.
We haven't done anything wrong.
All we did was listen to music.
-Which you know is forbidden!
-But why? Why can't we have music?
-This discussion is over.
-Just tell me!
I do not have to explain myself to you.
I don't understand. We love music.
I will not have music in my kingdom!
I may not remember much
about my mother,
but I know she wouldn't have
wanted this.
You just don't know when to quit.
It's over, Ariel.
But we were finally happy.
Look around, Ariel.
No one's happy.
-Who is that?
-I don't know, but she scares me.
Don't touch me.
Benjamin, tear out those puny windows.
-Rip down those narrow walls.
-Oh, no.
This is just the beginning.
I want a balcony
so I can wave down
to the adoring crowds.
But high enough so they
can't see disdain on my face.
Can you taste it, Benjamin?
The sweet taste of power!
Filling, yet oddly minty!
Hello, world
It's Marina Del Rey
I'm the new attaché
But I want more
And I'm never going back
Did you get that, cowboy?
No, I'm never going back
Delivery for Miss Del Rey.
Make no mistake
I'm here to stay
Oh, okay
Meet the new
Marina Del Rey
She does seem happier. Oh!
-How long has she been in charge?
-We're going on seven minutes.
I remember
I got to get out of here. I got to get out.
The walls, they're closing in.
There's no space! No air!
I got it! We'll start a riot!
Follow my lead.
Atlantica! Atlantica!
Join me, guys. Atlantica!
-RAY-RAY: Hey, Ink Spot.
This ain't living.
You know what I'm saying?
And the acoustics are non-good-ular.
Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do
Come on, at least we're hanging out.
Can I get a "hoo-yah"?
Come on, guys.
This looks a lot worse than it is.
I'll just get an audience
with the king and I'll fix it.
Now, no offense, man,
but you had 10 years to fix it,
-and this is where we end up?
-In jail.
Well, I...
The band has talked it up, see,
and we want you to...
-Slip through the bars.
-Use your claws to pick the lock, man.
-And open that door!
-Good plan. Good plan.
-Just kidding.
-No, bad plan!
If we break out of this jail, there
ain't no coming back here, mon!
We'll be fugitives!
-That's cool.
-That works.
What's a fugitive?
SEBASTIAN: What about Ariel?
You just going to abandon her?
Leave her to deal with all
that we tangled her up in?
You think that small, weak,
innocent, helpless little girl
can do anything by herself?
-Come on, Sebastian. Let's go.
-I'm with her.
-If we run away from Atlantica,
-it will break your father's heart.
-She got to do what she got to do.
-I'm sorry. I just can't live here.
-INK SPOT: Yeah, let's go.
Listen, I will not be responsible
for taking you away from your family.
I'm leaving! With or without you.
-All right!
-Nobody's leaving!
Except you.
Look, Sebastian, without music,
this place just isn't home.
-You know she ain't lying.
-Ain't no comeback to that!
You got that right.
Oh, no, no, no.
Never mind.
-Are you okay?
-Ariel, you're right!
Without music,
this place just isn't home.
I know just where to go!
ALL: Freedom!
My, my, the poor child suffers
such deep sorrow.
FLOTSAM: What a pity. If only there
were something we could do...
Wait. Maybe she can be of some help.
Yes. Maybe she can be of
some help to you.
Who're you talking about?
Oh, she would surely help you.
She'd make all your dreams come true.
Ursula can help...
You called, my dear?
You're Ursula? I was just wondering if...
It's all right.
Helping others is what I live for.
Let me guess.
You wish to see other worlds.
That shouldn't be too hard.
After all, your new friends
came from another world.
But they had special help,
that mysterious key.
Now, now. Cheer up, sweetie.
You have something special, too.
Now listen carefully.
Poor Unfortunate Souls – The Little Mermaid
(SINGING) I admit that in the past
I've been a nasty
They weren't kidding when
they called me, well, a witch
But you'll find that nowadays
I've mended all my ways
Repented, seen the light
and made a switch
True? Yes.
Poor unfortunate souls
In pain, in need
This one longing to be thinner
That one wants to get the girl
And do I help them?
Yes, indeed
Those poor, unfortunate souls
So sad, so true
They come flocking to my cauldron
Crying spells, Ursula, please
And I help them
Yes, I do
Now it's happened once or twice
Someone couldn't pay the price
And I'm afraid I had to
rake 'em across the coals
Yes, I've had the odd complaint
But on the whole I've been a saint
To those poor unfortunate souls
Beluga, sevruga
Come, winds of the Caspian Sea
Larynxis, glossitis
Et max laryngitis
La voce to me
Oh, dear.
SEBASTIAN: Go, go, go, go,
go, go, go, go!
SEBASTIAN: Flounder, shh!
Move it, move it, move it, mon.
FLOUNDER: Move it, move it, move it.
SEBASTIAN: Flounder, please!
This way. Come on.
-Flounder! Be quiet.
Yeah! Hit me!
Hey, small fry, I think you could
use some lessons in fugitivity.
Oh, yeah. Right. Got it.
You're gonna blow it for all of us.
Blow, good.
Hey, kid, ixnay on the soundtrack.
-Why? Why? Why? Try jail!
-The big house!
-The slammer!
-Music is against the law, you dig?
Not out here.
-Come on.
We ran away so we could sing.
And I'm singing.
You know, the kid's
striking a major chord.
I feel it, I feel it.
Look at him go with his bad little self.
Oh, yeah.
-Come on. Let it happen.
Sha-na-na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na
Shake, shake, shake, Senora
Shake your body line
Shake your body line
Shake, shake, shake, Senora
Shake it all the time
Shake it all the time
Work, work, work, Senora
Work your body line
Work your body
Work, work, work, Senora
Work it all the time
Let's break it down
Jump-J-J-Jump in the line
Rock your body on time
There he goes again.
J-J-Jump in the line
-He's groovin'!
-Let me try it now.
Jump-J-J-Jump in the line
-Rock your body on time
-We're in
J-J-Jump jump
Jump in the line
Hit it
Jump in the line
Rock your body in time
I dig this freedom!
Jump in the line
Rock your body in time
Try and stop me!
Jump in the line
Rock your body in time
CHEEKS: Oh, yeah, take me with you.
Jump in the line
Rock your body in time
SEBASTIAN: Come on, guys. This way.
SHELBOW: All right.
CHEEKS: Let's step-a-doodle.
Jump in the line
Rock your body in time
Where are we going exactly?
SEBASTIAN: Don't worry, mon.
I got to go to the bathroom.
ARIEL: Oh, Flounder.
Well, look at what
the catfish dragged in.
(LAUGHS) Look at ya. Look at ya.
There's somethin' different.
Don't tell me.
I got it. It's your hairdo, right?
You've been usin'
the dinglehopper, right?
No? No, huh? Well, let me see.
New seashells?
No new seashells.
I gotta admit I can't
put my foot on it right now.
But If I stand here long enough...
She's got legs, you idiot!
She traded her voice to the sea witch
and got legs. Geez, man!
I knew that.
Ariel's been turned into a human.
She's gotta make the prince
fall in love with her,
and he's gotta kiss her.
SEBASTIAN: And she's only got
three days!
And thanks to my bold new initiatives,
second only to my fabulous day wear
and dressy evening separates,
productivity in all sectors is up 20%.
Squids are producing more ink,
kelp more oxygen,
and the coral reef is just churning
out the plankton. Chuga, chuga!
I do so enjoy fresh plankton
on my salad, don't you?
I'll take that as a yes.
As you can see, I'm...
I'm a self-started, Your Majesty,
here to anticipate your every need.
Not like that last guy.
What was his name?
Sooner we forget about him, the better.
In fact, let's make avow
never to mention his name again.
Here, I'll start.
There. Wasn't that easy?
-I think I was too hard on them.
-It's about Ariel.
-Not now!
Perhaps I went too far.
Nonsense, Your Highness.
Not possible.
-Ariel's missing.
-Why didn't you tell me?
-I just did.
We can't find her!
We've looked everywhere!
Don't worry. I'll find her.
Get me Sebastian!
What, what! No, no, no!
No, I'm in charge here! Well...
Sebastian's gone, too.
Guards! Search the palace.
Search every inch of Atlantica!
Find my daughter!
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, Your Majesty.
FLOUNDER: Are we there yet?
-Are we there yet?
-Are we there yet?
-Are we there yet?
-Are we there yet?
-Yes. This is it.
-Are you sure?
-Are you sure?
-Are you...
Oh, man. We can't live here!
Yeah, this place is all "Oom-pa-pa."
We need some...
Nonsense. It's perfect.
Just listen to them acoustics.
Do, re, me, fa, so, la, ti, do
(ECHOING) Do. Do. Do...
Well, it beats the dungeon.
But not by much.
It'll do for the time being. Excuse me.
Sebastian, be honest. Are we lost?
No, this is fine.
There's more to this place
than meets the eye.
ALL: Knock it off!
-MARINA: Give me the key!
-I said no.
Look, I haven't worked my tail off
for the last 12 hours
-just to have it snatched away
-How about a nice relaxing bath?
-Kelp wrap? Lomi lomi rub?
Give me the key!
You said never give it to you
in a fit of rage!
-I'm perfectly calm!
-Doesn't sound it.
-Oh, look at the pretty fishes.
-Really? Where?
Come to Mommy.
Oh, yes. Mommy waves you.
Okay, I'm not gonna watch this part.
My, my, are you hungry?
Who wants crab cakes?
What are you going to do?
Whatever it takes
to get rid of Sebastian!
-But what about Ariel?
-Ariel? Ariel?
You're right. She'll tattle.
-I'll have to get rid of her, too.
-That's brilliant, Benjamin, brilliant!
-Okay, that wasn't what I meant.
I never liked her anyway.
I'll make it look like an accident.
That's it!
An accidental underwater ambush
by a team of the cutest
little yum-yums ever.
You've lost your mind.
Sic 'em, boys!
What hath we wrought?
Swim, you pretties.
Swim, you pretties. Faster! Swim.
MARINA: Wait up!
SCUTTLE: Yo, Flounder! Any kissing?
Kiss the Girl – The Little Mermaid
(SINGING) There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She don't got a lot to say
But there's something about her
And you don't know why
but you're dyin' to try
You wanna kiss the girl
Sing with me now.
My, oh, my
Look like the boy too shy
He ain't gonna kiss the girl
Ain't that sad?
Ain't it a shame?
Too bad he gonna miss the girl
Now's your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon
Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better
She don't say a word
And she won't say a word
Until ya kiss the girl
My, oh, my
Look like the boy too shy
He ain't gonna kiss the girl
Ain't that sad?
Ain't it a shame?
Too bad he gonna miss the girl
URSULA: I think the Keyhole they
seek is somewhere in the palace.
Now, my dear, if you can take me
there without your daddy knowing...
I can help you get to these
other worlds you long for.
Five more minutes, Mommy.
Sebastian, did you hear that?
Leave me alone. Sleeping.
But there's something out there.
Come on, help me find it.
I'm tired. You go check it out.
an anniversary present.
Your father had the music box
made for your mother.
Athena was more than his queen,
you know.
She was his best friend.
ARIEL: The family together.
Music playing all the time.
SEBASTIAN: The palace
always echoing with laughter.
When your mother died,
the whole kingdom was heartbroken.
The heart that never healed
was your father's.
It's so sad.
He's forgotten
what it feels like to be happy.
I have to bring this back to him.
If you insist.
This is why we came here, isn't it?
Whoa, whoa, let me get this straight.
You led us out here...
To the armpit of nowhere, man.
In the hope that Red
might find the music box.
And now you wanna go back
to the palace...
-To return the music box to the king...
-On the chance that maybe it'll...
Remind him to remember
how to be happy...
And then he'll bring music back?
That about sums it up.
Couldn't we just strap it to a dolphin?
He'd get it eventually.
Listen, the band talked it over, and...
We just can't take that chance.
ARIEL: It's okay.
Maybe someday it'll be different.
You'll come home
and play music all you want.
Sure, Red. Someday.
What? No, no, wait. Ray-Ray!
Guys! We can't just let them
go back alone.
-Drop it, small fry.
-But we took an oath!
To jump, jive, wail, groove,
rock steady, and at all times
lend a helping hand
to your fellow music lovers!
The Catfish Club is history.
That oath don't mean a thing.
Well, it still means something to me.
Hey, Ariel! Wait up! Ariel!
The trident is mine at last!
And I couldn't have done it
without your help, my dear.
Ursula, no! I didn't want this!
Why not?
Aren't you tired of following
your dear daddy's orders?
Oh, yes. We had a deal, didn't we?
Time for a little journey
to the dark world of the Heartless!
We cannot find the Keyhole.
The Keyhole is not here.
Why, we have company.
I'm afraid you're a little late, handsome!
The trident... We must get it back.
Come on, let's go!
Wait, I'm going with you!
My father is hurt and it's all my fault.
I have to stop Ursula!
That's right. I'm behind you, Ariel.
Ursula draws power from her cauldron.
To defeat Ursula, you must
strike her cauldron with magic.
I don't remember this much kelp
when we came through here last night.
Kelp, schmelp.
I ain't afraid of these overgrown weeds.
Hi-yah! Take that! And that!
Guys? That ain't kelp!
What are you wearing?
I thought I'd dress for the occasion.
What's the occasion?
Go, go, go, go!
Sic 'em, boys.
Keep going!
That hurt.
ARIEL: (PANTING) This way. Quick!
Where's Sebastian?
I've tasted power, Sebastian.
And I'm never letting go.
Bring it on!
Come to daddy!
Need some help?
I'll show you how it's done.
Yeah! Awesome!
-Oh, they hurting for certain.
-Yup, yup, yup.
-Sebastian's in trouble!
-Follow me!
RAY-RAY: Let's go.
SHELBOW: Right in your wake, kid.
URSULA: Come in, my child.
Come out! You can't run!
Your time has come!
You monster!
Don't fool with me, ya little brat!
Contract or no, I'll blast... Ow!
-Why, you little fool.
-Eric! Eric, look out!
After him!
Come on!
Say goodbye to your sweetheart.
You'll pay for this!
Let's go. We must get the trident back.
The music box!
How do you like that?
Come on, try and get me.
Get back here!
Boom, chika, boom
Chika, boom, boom, boom!
Tight fit?
You stink.
I win.
-Sebastian! Help!
I got the tail.
INK SPOT: Hey! Flounder at 12 o'clock!
SHELBOW: 12.04, actually.
-Do the corkscrew!
-SHELBOW: Break out all the utensils.
Whoa, whoa!
-Who the fish?
-INK SPOT: That's it.
Go, Flounder! Go, go!
CHEEKS: You slippery eel!
Yeah, mon, just like we planned it.
Way to go, Flounder, you did it!
-We did it, mon.
-We sure did.
-ARIEL: Come on. Let's go!
You pathetic fools! I rule the seas now!
The sea and all its spoils
bow to my power!
Oh! Oh!
So much for true love!
-Look out!
Ariel! No!
What have I done?
Endless sky
Waves try to measure
The days that we treasure
I'm... I'm so sorry I didn't listen.
-I'm sorry.
Let's go home.
Guys, you came back.
Sure did, small fry.
Like you said, we took an oath.
Come here, you little knucklehead.
-Group hug!
-We dig you, man.
Guys, can't breathe.
SEBASTIAN: So, Ariel came back home
and life went on
just the same as before.
Well, things weren't exactly the same.
Daddy, I'm so sorry.
Please don't be angry with her.
It's my fault.
You followed Ursula because...
I wouldn't let you follow your heart.
And when you found that crystal,
I lost my temper and destroyed it.
Oh, yeah, the crystal!
Why did you destroy it?
That crystal held the power
to reveal the Keyhole.
The Keyhole is dangerous. I had to
keep you away from it at any cost.
Key bearer, I have one more
request. Seal the Keyhole.
My trident also holds the power
to reveal the Keyhole.
Will you do it?
Of course. That's what we had
in mind from the start.
Where is the Keyhole, Daddy?
You should know better than anyone.
It's in your grotto.
Really... Sora, let's go.
Tell me, Sora.
Your world, what's it like?
Oh, about that... Sorry for lying to you.
It's okay.
Besides, if you can travel to
other worlds, maybe I can, too.
So many places I want to see...
I know I'll get there someday.
I'll find a way somehow.
I'm sure of it.
Well, if you find it, do me
a favor and leave me out of it.
Rise and shine.
It's a beautiful day.
To my daughters,
and to all the citizens of Atlantica,
I hereby decree that music
will once again ring clear
from one end of my kingdom
to the other!
Therefore, I hereby present
Atlantica's first official Court Composer.
RAY-RAY: Yeah, yeah!
FLOUNDER: Fabulous!
Thank you, Your Highness.
Not that we don't trust you,
Your Majesty, but...
Swifty, hit it, mon.
(CLEARS THROAT) Raise your
right hand, fin, claw, tentacle,
or whatever the case may be.
Very good. Do you promise to jump,
live, wail, groove, rock steady,
and at all times lend a helping hand
to your fellow music lovers?
I do?
Thank you, Ariel.
My love is higher than the sky
Deep than the ocean
Warmer than the sun
Shining down on me
Quiet as a prayer
-A girl in the band?
-That's right.
All my love
I will sing
Of joy and glory
I will sing
The look in your eyes
I will sing
Till all the world knows your story
I will sing
For the rest of my life
Daddy, how about a dance?
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
For the rest of my life
So that's how a king and a princess
brought a family back in life.
And, after 10 years,
love and music finally returned
to the kingdom of Atlantica.
I will sing for the rest of my life
This is from my collection.
I want you to have it.
CHORUS: (SINGING) Now we can walk
Now we can run
Now we can stay all day in the sun
Just you and me
And I can be
Part of your world

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