Thursday, October 25, 2018

Disney NeverEnding Chronicles (2018 Part 5) - Subtitles (en)

Imagining in July 2018
"Hey, Dad, it's okay.
"I'll just wait for Mom to get home."
As if she could...
I know how to...
I can do math.
Oh, brother...
(IMITATES DASH) Wait for Mom!
What am I,
a substitute parent?
It's not my fault they changed math.
Come on, buddy. Come on.
I think I understand
your math assignment.
We still have some time
to finish it before your test.
So first, you wanna put all the numbers
by themselves on one side.
_________________________________ change the sign.
That means a plus becomes
a minus and a minus...
You got it?
Yeah, baby!
Oh. Uh, hello.
We're in a new house.
I did write my address on your locker...
in permanent ink.
Oh, is that what that is?
Did you forget?
Forget what?
(CHUCKLING) That's funny.
Points for funny.
Oh, was it the weird outfit?
-Because there's a reason.
I'm in a drama class...
and they just wanna do Shakespeare...
but they're like, "Try to make
it relevant for the kids."
So, like, "Oh, superheroes!
Kids love superheroes."
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You wanna wear one kind of tights...
and then they're like,
"No, wear these other kind of tights."
(STAMMERS) Do I know you?
Morning, Little Chef. Rise and...
Oh, no.
Idiot! I knew this would happen!
I let a rat into my place
and tell him what's mine is his!
Eggs, gone!
Stupid! He's stolen food
and hit the road! What did I expect?
That's what I get for trusting a...
Hi. Is that for me?
That's good. What did you put in this?
Where'd you get that?
Look, it's delicious. But don't steal.
I'll buy some spices, okay?
Oh, no. We're going to be late.
And on the first day!
Come on, Little Chef!
"Though I, like many other critic,
"had written off Gusteau as irrelevant
since the great chef's death,
"the soup was a revelation.
A spicy yet subtle taste experience."
-Solene LeClaire?
"Against all odds,
Gusteau's has recaptured our attention.
"Only time will tell if they deserve it."
You know.
Look, I know it's stupid and weird,
but neither of us can do this alone,
so we got to do it together, right?
You with me?
So let's do this thing!
Welcome to hell.
Now, recreate the soup.
Take as much time as you need.
All week if you must.
You little...
You son of a...
You got...
This is not going to work, Little Chef!
I'm going to lose it
if we do this anymore.
We've got to figure out something else.
Something that doesn't involve
any biting, or nipping,
or running up and down my body
with your little rat feet.
The biting! No! Scampering! No!
No scampering or scurrying.
Understand, Little Chef?
Little Chef?
Oh, you're hungry.
Okay. So let's think this out.
You know how to cook,
and I know how to appear
We need to work out a system
so that I do what you want
in a way that doesn't look like
I'm being controlled by a tiny rat chef.
Would you listen to me? I'm insane!
I'm insane! I'm insane!
In a refrigerator talking to a rat
about cooking in a gourmet restaurant.
-I will never pull this off!
We gotta communicate.
I can't be constantly checking
for a yes or no head shake from a...
The rat! I saw it!
-A rat?
-Yes, a rat. Right next to you.
What are you doing in here?
I'm just familiarizing myself with,
you know, the vegetables and such.
Get out.
One can get too familiar
with vegetables, you know!
That was close. Are you okay up there?
How did you do that?
That's strangely involuntary!
REMY: One look and I knew
we had the same crazy idea.
It's not gonna be easy, you know?
He's a busy man. What are you doing?
I'm walking like a skeleton. Blending in.
No. Skeletons don't walk like that.
-It's how you walk.
-No, I don't! Stop it!
Whoa! Ernesto de la Cruz's
Sunrise Spectacular?
-Qué padre!
Every year your great-great-grandpa
puts on that dumb show...
to mark the end of Día de Muertos.
-And you can get us in!
Hey, you said you had front row tickets!
That...was a lie. I apologize for that.
Cool off, chamaco.
Come on. I'll get you to him.
Because I happen to know
where he's rehearsing.
DE LA CRUZ: ♪ Remember me
Don't let it make you cry ♪
(SCOFFS) You better have
my dress, Héctor.
HÉCTOR: Hola, Ceci.
♪ ♪
-Ceci, I lost the dress.
Ya lo sabía!
I got to dress forty dancers by sunrise.
Thanks to you, I'm one Frida
short of an opening number!
Dante! We shouldn't be in here.
No, no, Dante! Ven acá!
You! How did you get in here?
-I just followed my...
-Oh! The mighty Xolo dog!
Guider of wandering spirits.
And whose spirit
have you guided to me?
I don't think he's a spirit guide.
Ah, ah, ah.
The alebrijes of this world
can take many forms.
They are as mysterious
as they are powerful.
Or maybe he's just a dog.
Come, I need your eyes.
Your are the audience. Darkness.
And from the darkness, a giant papaya.
Dancers emerge from the papaya,
and the dancers are all me.
And they go to drink
from the milk of their mother,
who is a cactus.
But who is also me.
And her milk is not milk but tears.
Is it too obvious?
I think it's just
the right amount of obvious?
It could use some music.
Oh, what if you did like...
Oh! And then it could go...
And what if everything was on fire?
-Yes! Fire! Everywhere!
Inspired! You have
the spirit of an artist.
The dancers exit.
The music fades, the lights go out.
And Ernesto de la Cruz
rises to the stage!
He does a couple of songs,
the sun rises, everyone cheers...
Excuse me, where's the real de la Cruz?
Ernesto doesn't do rehearsals!
He's too busy hosting that fancy party
at the top of his tower.
Chamaco, you can't run off
on me like that.
Stop pestering the celebrities.
You said my
great-great-grandpa would be here!
He's halfway across town
throwing some big party.
That bum. Who doesn't show up
to his own rehearsal?
If you're such good friends,
how come he didn't invite you?
He's your great-great-grandpa,
how come he didn't invite you?
Hey, Gustavo! You know
anything about this party?
(SCOFFS) It's the hot ticket!
But if you're not on the guest list,
you're never getting in, Chorizo.
-Hey! It's Chorizo! Choricito!
Ah-ha. Very funny, guys. Very funny.
Oh, this guy's famous.
Go on, go on.
Ask him how he died.
I don't want to talk about it.
He choked on some chorizo!
I didn't choke, okay?
I got food poisoning
which is a big difference.
This is why I don't like musicians.
Bunch of self-important jerks!
-Hey, I'm a musician.
-You are?
If you really want to get to Ernesto,
there is that music competition...
at the Plaza de la Cruz.
Winner gets to play at his party.
No, no. Chamaco,
you're loco if you think...
I need to get
my great-great-grandfather's blessing!
You know where I can get a guitar?
(SIGHS) I know a guy.
Have you found him, Pepita?
Have you found our boy?
-ROSITA: A footprint!
-It's a Rivera boot.
 -Size seven!
-And a half.
HÉCTOR: Why the heck would you
want to be a musician?
MIGUEL: My great-great-grandpa
was a musician!
Who spent his life
performing like a monkey
for complete strangers.
(GROANS) No thank you.
No! Guácala!
(SCOFFS) What do you know?
So, how far is this guitar, anyway?
We're almost there.
Keep up, chamaco. Come on!
-ALL: Cousin Héctor!
-Hey! These guys! Hey, Tío!
¿Qué onda?
These people are all you family?
In a way. We're all the ones
with no photos or ofrendas.
No family to go home to.
Nearly forgotten, you know?
So, we all call each other cousin,
or tío, or whatever.
-Tía Chelo!
Muchas gracias!
Hey! Save some for me!
Is Chicharrón around?
CHELO: Eh, in the bungalow.
I don't know if he's
in the mood for visitors.
(SCOFFS) Who doesn't like
a visit from cousin Héctor?
Buenas noches, Chicharrón!
I don't want to see
your stupid face, Héctor.
Come on. It's Día de Muertos.
I brought you a little offering.
-Get out of here.
-I would Cheech.
But the thing is,
me and my friend, Miguel...
We really need to borrow your guitar.
-My guitar?
My prized beloved guitar?
I promise we'll bring it right back.
Like the time you promised
to bring back my van?
-Or my mini-fridge?
-Ah, you see...
-Or my good napkins?
My lasso? My femur?
Well, no, not like those times.
Where is my femur?
Whoa, whoa.
-You okay, amigo?
-(SIGHS) I'm fading, Héctor.
I can feel it.
I couldn't even play
that thing if I wanted to.
You play me something.
No. You know
I don't play anymore, Cheech.
The guitar is for the kid.
You want it, you got to earn it.
Ay, only for you, amigo.
Any requests?
You know my favorite, Héctor.
♪ Well, everyone knows Juanita
♪ Her eyes each a different color
♪ Her teeth stick out
And her chin goes in
♪ And her...
♪ Knuckles they drag on the floor
-Those aren't the words.
-There are children present.
♪ Her hair is like a briar
♪ She stands in a bow-legged stance
♪ And if I weren't so ugly
♪ She'd possibly give me a chance ♪
Brings back memories.
Wait. What happened?
He's been forgotten.
When there's no one left
in the living world
who remembers you...
you disappear from this world.
We call it the final death.
(STAMMERS) Where did he go?
No one knows.
But I've met him.
I could remember him when I go back!
No, it doesn't work like that, chamaco.
Our memories,
they have to be passed down
by those who knew us in life...
in the stories they tell about us.
But there's no one left alive
to pass down Cheech's stories.
Hey, it happens to everyone eventually.
Come on, de la Cruzcito,
you've got a contest to win.
Where are you taking me? Wait.
Wait. I'm sorry.
A votre santé!
(CHUCKLING) All right.
That should do it.
Congratulations. You were able to
repeat your accidental success.
But you'll need to know more than soup
if you are to survive in my kitchen, boy.
Colette will be responsible for
teaching you how we do things here.
Listen, I just want you to know
how honored I am
to be studying under such...
No! You listen. I just want you to know
exactly who you are dealing with.
How many women
do you see in this kitchen?
(TITTERING) Well, I...
-Only me. Why do you think that is?
-Well, I...
Because haute cuisine
is an antiquated hierarchy
built upon rules
written by stupid old men.
Rules designed to make it impossible
for women to enter this world.
But still I'm here. How did this happen?
Because, well, because you...
Because I am the toughest cook
in this kitchen.
I've worked too hard
for too long to get here
and I am not going to jeopardize it
for some garbage boy who got lucky.
Got it?
Easy to cook. Easy
to eat. Gusteau makes Chinese food
-Excellent work, Francois, as usual.
-It's good, isn't it?
I want you to work up something
for my latest frozen food concept.
Gusteau's Corn Puppies.
They're like corn dogs, only smaller.
Bite size.
What are corn dogs?
Cheap sausages dipped in batter
and deep fried. You know, American.
Whip something up.
Maybe Gusteau in overalls
and Huckleberry Tom hat.
Or as a big ear of corn
in doggie make-up.
But, please, with dignity.
Get my lawyer!
Well, the will stipulates
that if after a period of two years
from the date of death
no heir appears,
Gusteau's business interests
will pass to his sous chef. You.
I know what the will stipulates.
What I want to know is if this letter...
If this boy changes anything!
There's not much resemblance.
There's no resemblance at all.
He is not Gusteau's son.
Gusteau had no children,
and what of the timing of all this?
The deadline in the will
expires in less than a month!
some boy arrives with a letter
from his recently deceased mother
claiming Gusteau is his father?
Highly suspect!
-This is Gusteau's?
-Yes, yes, yes.
-May I?
-Of course.
But the boy does not know.
She claims she never told him,
or Gusteau, and asks that I not tell.
-Why you? What does she want?
-A job for the boy.
-Only a job?
-Well, yes.
Then what are you worried about?
If he works here,
you'll be able to keep an eye on him
while I do a little digging.
Find out how much of this is real.
I will need you
to collect some DNA samples
from the boy. Hair, maybe.
Mark my words.
The whole thing is highly suspect.
He knows something.
Relax, he's a garbage boy.
I think you can handle him.
What are you doing?
(STAMMERING) I'm cutting vegetables.
I'm cutting vegetables?
No! You waste energy and time!
You think cooking is a cute job,
like Mommy in the kitchen?
Well, Mommy never had to face
the dinner rush when the orders
come flooding in,
and every dish is different
and none are simple,
and all of the different cooking times,
but must arrive on the customer's table
at exactly the same time,
hot and perfect!
Every second counts,
and you cannot be Mommy!
What is this? Keep your station clear!
When the meal rush comes,
what will happen?
Messy stations slow things down.
Food doesn't go, orders pile up.
I'll make this easy to remember.
Keep your station clear,
or I will kill you!
look like you threw up on them.
Keep your hands and arms in,
close to the body. Like this. See?
Always return to this position.
Cooks move fast. Sharp utensils,
hot metal, keep your arms in.
You will minimize cuts and burns
and keep your sleeves clean.
Mark of a chef:
Messy apron, clean sleeves.
I know the Gusteau style cold.
In every dish, Chef Gusteau
always has something unexpected.
I will show you.
I memorize all his recipe.
-Always do something unexpected.
-No. Follow the recipe.
-But you just said that...
-No, no, no.
It was his job to be unexpected.
It is our job to...
-Follow his recipes.
-Follow the recipe.
How do you tell how good bread is
without tasting it?
Not the smell, not the look,
but the sound of the crust.
Symphony of crackle.
Only great bread sound this way.
The only way to get the best produce
is to have first pick of the day
and there are only two way
to get first pick.
Grow it yourself, or bribe a grower.
Voilá! The best restaurant get first pick.
People think haute cuisine is snooty.
So chef must also be snooty.
But not so.
Lalo there ran away from home at 12.
Got hired by circus people
as an acrobat.
(CHUCKLING) And then he get fired
for messing around
with the ringmaster's daughter.
Horst has done time.
LINGUINI: What for?
No one know for sure. He changes
the story every time you ask him.
I defrauded a major corporation.
I robbed the second largest bank
in France using only a ballpoint pen.
I created a hole in the ozone
over Avignon.
I killed a man with this thumb.
COLETTE: Don't ever play cards
with Pompidou.
He's been banned from Las Vegas
and Monte Carlo.
-Larousse ran gun for the Resistance.
-Which resistance?
He won't say.
Apparently, they didn't win.
So you see.
We are artist, pirate.
More than cooks are we.
-Oui. You are one of us now, oui?
Oui. Thank you, by the way,
for all the advice about cooking.
-Thank you, too.
-For what?
For taking it.
The rat!
-(STUTTERING) But he is a...
-(TITTERING) I just dropped my keys.
Have you decided this evening?
-Your soup is excellent. But...
-But we order it every time.
-What else do you have?
-Well, we have a very nice foie gras.
I know about the foie gras.
The old standby,
used to be famous for it.
What does the chef have that's new?
-Someone has asked what is new!
Yes. What do I tell them?
-Well, what did you tell them?
-I told them I would ask!
What are you blathering about?
-Customers are asking what is new.
-What should I tell them?
-What did you tell them?
-I told them I would ask!
This is simple.
Just pull out an old Gusteau recipe,
something we haven't made
in a while...
They know about the old stuff.
They like Linguini's soup.
They are asking for food from Linguini?
A lot of customers like the soup.
That's all we are saying.
Were we saying that?
Very well. If it's Linguini they want
tell them Chef Linguini has prepared
something special for them.
Something definitely off menu.
Oh, and don't forget to stress
-its Linguini-ness.
-Oui, chef.
Now is your chance to try something
worthy of your talent, Linguini.
A forgotten favorite of the chef's,
sweetbread a la Gusteau.
-Colette will help you.
-Oui, chef.
Now, hurry up. Our diners are hungry.
Are you sure?
That recipe was a disaster.
Gusteau himself said so.
Just the sort of challenge
a budding chef needs.
"Sweetbread á la Gusteau.
"Sweetbread cooked
in a seaweed salt crust
"with cuttlefish tentacle,
dog rose puree,
"geoduck egg, dried white fungus?
"Anchovy licorice sauce."
I don't know this recipe,
but it's Gusteau's, so...
Lalo! We have
some veal stomach soaking, yes?
LALO: Yes!
The veal stomach, I get that.
Veal stomach?
I'll be right back. Where...
Hey, I got to... Hey!
Don't mind me.
I just need to borrow this real quick.
Let's see, over here...
I'll be back.
Thank you.
Excuse me. I'm going to...
Apparently, I need this. I'll be right...
I'm going to pick that up.
I got some of that spice.
What are you doing? You're supposed
to be preparing the Gusteau recipe.
This is the recipe.
The recipe doesn't call
for white truffle oil!
What else have you...
You are improvising?
This is no time to experiment.
The customer are waiting.
You're right. I should listen to you!
-Stop that!
-Stop what?
Freaking me out!
Whatever you are doing, stop it.
-HORST: Where is the special or?
-I thought we were together on this.
-We are together.
-Then what are you doing?
-It's very hard to explain.
-The special?
-Come get it!
Whoa, whoa.
I forgot the anchovy licorice sauce.
-Don't you dare.
-I'm not, I'm not. I'm...
Is Linguini's dish done yet?
Ja. It's as bad as we remember.
Just went out.
-Did you taste it?
-Ja, of course, before he changed it.
Good. What? How could he change it?
He changed it
as it was going out the door!
They love it!
Other diners are already
asking about it, about Linguini.
I have seven more orders!
That's wonderful.
I'd like one of those.
Special order!
What is that?
HORST: Special order! Special order!
Special order!
ALL: To Linguini.
-Congratulations, Mr. Linguini.
-Cheers, ja?
LAROUSSE: Drink now, there's plenty.
Take a break, Little Chef. Get some air.
We really did it tonight.
(CHUCKLES) Got your toque!
Oh, seriously now.
I'd love to have a little talk with you,
Linguini, in my office.
-Am I in trouble?
-Trouble? No.
A little wine, a friendly chat.
Just us cooks.
The plongeur won't be coming to you
for advice anymore, eh, Colette?
He's gotten all he needs.
Toasting your success, eh, Linguini?
Good for you.
I just took it to be polite.
I don't really drink, you know.
Of course you don't.
I wouldn't either if I was drinking that.
But you would have to be an idiot
of elephantine proportions
not to appreciate
this '61 Chateau Latour.
And you, Monsieur Linguini,
are no idiot.
Let us toast your non-idiocy.
Many say your speech today is critical.
Both sides just want the best
for their people.
We are so close to finally
getting peace in the region.
I haven't done this in a while.
This is good.
The train gives us momentum.
Just go out there
and be your charming self...
and capitalize on it.
Ms. Elastigirl,
they're ready for you.
Hey, stretch a leg.
Thank you, Chad. It was fun.
-Ambassador, your documents.
-We're moving to the rooftop.
Oh, Madame Ambassador, hello!
Oh, you are Elastigirl!
This is why now I'm shaking your hand.
I was so sad
when you went underground.
I am glad to see
you back in your shiny outfit.
That means so much coming from you.
Good luck with your speech.
This way, Ambassador.
Bring lasting peace!
I will, when you defeat evil.
Three, two...
For over 15 years,
superheroes have been in hiding.
Forced into it by a society
no longer willing to support them.
That may soon be changing...
due to a growing movement
to bring the Supers back.
Here, fresh on the heels of her own
heroic save of a runaway train...
and sporting a new look,
is the superhero, Elastigirl.
-Hello, Chad.
All the polls are going in your direction.
That's true.
Things are good...
Uh, hello?
Do I have your attention?
Yes, Chad.
Of course I do.
I'm appearing on your screen.
Reading the words I'm saying
off of another screen.
Screens are everywhere.
-We are controlled by screens.
And screens are controlled by me...
I control this broadcast...
and this idiotic anchorman
you see before you.
WOMAN: What's wrong with him?
The signal's been hijacked!
I'll check it out.
Don't look at any monitors.
I could hijack
the ambassador's aerocade...
while it's still airborne.
Right, Elastigirl?
Nearest window!
Where's the nearest window?
-Oh, what's going on?
-Where's Elastigirl?
(GROANS) Which one?
What are you doing here?
The ambassador is in danger.
Which chopper is she...
Look out!
Follow them and get me close!
Get out of the sky,
and touch down safely!
-Stand down! It's Elastigirl.
Stay in your seat, ma'am!
-We're under attack!
Quick, go!
Protect the ambassador!
Open the door!
Do as she says!
Can you all swim?
-ALL: Yeah.
ELASTIGIRL: We're gonna have
to slingshot! Hang on!
-Are you all right, ma'am?
I'm perfectly fine...
MIKE: Okay! Listen up, Oozmas.
Now, we're going to have to start
winning these things together,
so that means I'm going to need
each of you guys
to pull your own weight.
-(GASPS) What is it?
We've made a list of
our strengths and weaknesses.
In high school, I was
the master of the silent scare.
I could sneak up on a field mouse
-in a pillow factory.
Sorry! They get stickier
when I'm sweaty.
Oh, my gosh, that's terrible.
We're experts in the ancient craft
of close-up magic.
It's all about misdirection.
-I have an extra toe. (LAUGHS)
Not with me, of course.
Guys, one slip-up on the next event,
and we're goners.
So for this to work,
I'm gonna need you
to take every instinct you have
and bury it deep, deep down.
-From now on, we are of one mind.
My mind.
Oh, please.
I will tell you exactly what to do,
and how to do it.
ALL: Uh... Okay, Mike.
Seems about right.
All right. Give me scary steps.
Fifty up and down, right now. Let's go!
You're wasting your time.
We need a new team.
(SCOFFS) We can't just
"get a new team"!
I checked this morning.
It's against the rules.
What if we disguised a new team
to look like the old team?
Oh, no, no. We are not cheating.
It's not cheating. I'm just, you know,
leveling the playing field.
Okay, so it's kind of cheating,
but what do you want me to do?
They're not exactly
the scariest group in the world.
Oh, a ladybug!
Make a wish! Make a wish!
This is not going to work.
Where are you going? We're training.
I'm a Sullivan.
That's not enough.
You're all over the place.
You're charging ahead when you...
Bup, bup, bup!
You tell them what to do but not me.
So long, Coach.
Okay, Oozmas... (GASPS)
Boy, we need to get you a bell.
Listen up. "If a kid hears you coming,
they'll call Mom or Dad,
"then you'd better run fast
or things will get bad."
In the next event,
if even one of us gets caught,
we're all out.
So remember, do exactly what I do.
Are you sure we should be
stopping with goons after us?
We aren't gonna get far
without a map, are we?
-RODDY: Is that a house?
-Yes, and it's very dangerous.
So... Why don't you wait here.
Waiting here. Excellent idea.
-Watch out for the piranha.
Here you go, Annie. You, Shamus.
Mimi, get your finger
out of your nose. Fergus.
-Jojo, no bitting.
-BOY: That is wild good!
ALL: Rita!
Rita's back!
-Mum! Oh, Mum.
Thank goodness you're safe.
-Hello, Dad.
-Give us a hug, girl!
Whoa! Oh!
Why, Mum,
there's a peeping Tom outside!
Tom? Ohh, it's Tom Jones!
-Mother, it's not Tom Jones.
-That's just my passenger.
-He's very good-looking.
-He is not coming in.
-MUM: Soup's on!
BOY: It's lovely. Thanks, Mum.
So how long have you been
Rita's boyfriend?
He's not my boyfriend.
Will you make an honest woman
of my daughter?
We were thinking of a spring
wedding, right, cream puff?
Look, I just want
all of you to know he's...
-Tom Jones!
So your name is "Roddy," is that right?
Yes, that's right. Roddy St. James.
What a beautiful name.
-Hi, Roddy.
-Who might you be, little chap?
-They call me Shocky.
-Why do they call you that?
-Yes! Got it.
Rita, where are you taking
this handsome young man, then?
Well... Actually, that's
why I need your maps, Dad.
Because he's from...
Kitchen. Now.
Sing us a song, Tom!
I'm not saying it isn't risky.
-But it's impossible, Rita.
No one's ever got past
the rapids at Hyde Park.
Dad, Dad! He's gonna pay us.
For the last time,
we don't need the money!
A new stove might be nice.
RODDY: Talkin' about the little lady
GRANDMA: Go, Tom! Go!
-Sing to my heart!
-She's a lady
Talkin' about that old lady
And the lady wears big undies
Huge undies. Whoo!
Psst! Rita!
It's okay. It's me, Liam.
Quick, in the kitchen.
Look at those moves! I love you, Tom!
This bloke isn't who he says he is.
His real name is Millicent Bystander,
an international jewel thief.
A mastermind, a super-criminal.
Looks like he crossed The Toad
and got away with it.
He's dangerous, but I'm a
thinker. I've got a plan.
More! More!
-That was brilliant!
-Oh, it was nothing.
-So you're from Up Top?
-I've met one of your lot before.
-Oh, really?
Used to be some old lady's pet.
That's nice.
Terribly lonely for him, though.
He had no one to talk to.
No one to cuddle with!
No one to shocky.
That's no life, is it?
I'd better get these dishes started.
Oh, please, permit me.
Oh, you're such a gentleman.
RITA: Great! So I hand Roddy
over to The Toad
and claim the reward.
Then we're all sitting pretty
for the rest of our lives.
Its that it?
LIAM: The Toad will pay
a fortune for him.
He's a bad one anyway,
so that's all right, isn't it?
You cheeky little monkey. I won't
have no son of mine acting the rat.
We Malones never go back on our word.
-He's gonna steal your boat.
-He won't.
-He's stealing your boat.
-He isn't stealing...
-He stole your boat.
LIAM: He's like Robin Hood in reverse.
-Oi! I thought we had a deal!
So did I!
This is an emergency!
Get out of the way! Emergency!
Keep clear! I'm coming, Mr. Jones,
I'm coming! Oh, marry me, Mr. Jones!
That double-crossing little
schemer. I don't need her.
I mean, anyone can get out
and sail. Look at me!
All right, Sid, you're in for a big surprise.
MALE RAT: Look out!
Sid's Tattoo and Hot Dog Parlor.
It's Roddy. Remember me?
-The butler?
Listen, you! If you're still
there when I get back...
(BELCHING) Back? Back? And
how you gonna do that then, Roddy?
-What was that?
-Gotta go, Rodders.
-If I find one thing out of place...
(SINGING) Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry
Be happy
Don't worry, be happy now
Where are they hiding?
Think. Think.
To find a rat, you got to think like a rat.
I've had a tip-off.
They're heading west to Kensington.
Scrabble! (CHUCKLES)
Enough games. To the ratmobiles!
Okay, okay. We can fix it.
Yes, we can. Obviously...
Fairly major burn to the hand.
Smell of burning flesh.
Maybe I should just...
-Ow! Oh...
Oh, oh, ow! That really hurt.
Just start, you worthless old pile of
rubbish! You useless, unreliable...
RITA: Untrustworthy, double-crossing,
two-faced, conniving little toe-rag!
Ha! Ha! Oh...
So I'm the double-crosser?
Oh, yes, that's rich!
I overheard everything.
Yes, you and your family
were gonna sell me to The Toad!
You dipstick! That was
my stupid little brother's plan.
And no one listens to him.
Ah, must have missed that part.
How could you think I'd sell you out?
When I make a deal, I make a deal.
Your hair's on fire.
Ow! Ah! Oh, God...
Rita, look...
I'm sorry, all right. I was wrong.
And I think we should
just put it behind us.
Okay. I suppose I can put it behind me.
This is such an overreaction!
Rita, you can't just leave me here on a...
On a duck! Up the creek without a...
You're getting everything
you deserve. Sneaking around,
eavesdropping on other
people's conversations.
I was not sneaking around.
I say, you can't really intend
to just strand me like this.
You're not that heartless.
Okay, maybe you are.
If you're trying to teach me
a lesson, consider it taught!
I'm on a duck, begging!
(SINGING) Ice cold Rita
Never did I meet a
Girl who's half so cruel
I offered her a jewel
But she left me stuck
Stranded on a duck
What a shoddy thing to do to Roddy
That's Roddy St. James of Kensington
Poor, poor Roddy
Flushed down his own potty
Rita, can't you find it in your heart
(LOW) To help him
How mean can one rat be
Ice cold Rita
Won't you be sweeter to me
Oh! Ah!
Am I forgiven?
No. I was just afraid
you'd sing another verse.
Rita, I wasn't eavesdropping,
I swear to you.
Oh, really?
What were you doing, then, Roddy?
Well, I was actually, uh, just
watching you with your family...
thinking how lucky you were.
Lucky? Stuck with you?
So our deal's still on?
Sure it is.
Look, I really want to
help out more around here.
Just give me a job.
Anything, engineer, navigator.
I could drive for a bit if you like.
DORY: Are we there yet?
HANK: Sh. Keep it down!
Hank, I'm so glad I found you.
It feels like... I... Destiny.
For what must be the millionth time,
it's not destiny.
Uh-oh. Have I said "destiny" before?
I'm sorry.
I'm just so nervous
because I'm gonna meet my parents.
I haven't seen them in I don't even know
how long because...
-you see I suffer from short-term...
-HANK: Short-term memory loss.
Look, no more talking. Okay?
I don't like talking.
I don't like chatter and questions.
And, "How are you? Oh, I'm fine."
"How are you? I'm fine too."
News flash -nobody's fine.
Oh, I'm fine. How are you?
-Hank, look, there's a map!
The plan is you're gonna read that
and figure out where your parents live.
Then I'm on the truck to Cleveland.
You got it?
Got it. What was the first part again?
What? The octopus escaped again?
Wow. Look at all the exhibits.
How can you do this park in one day?
-Pick one!
-Okay. Um...
(GROANS) Well,
tell everyone to keep an eye out.
We're supposed to be releasing
the octopus back to the ocean today.
Well, of course I haven't seen him.
If I was looking I'd find him.
Hank! There you are.
-Hurry up!
-Okay. Okay.
K. It starts with a "k."
Kid z-own-y. Kid zone!
No! No kids. Kids grab things.
And I'm not losing
another tentacle for you.
You lost a tentacle?
Well then you're not an octopus,
you're a septopus.
I may not remember, but I can count.
-Hurry up!
Journey to the... Hey, look. Shells.
Hey, look. Shells!
Daddy, here's a shell for you.
That's great, Dory.
You found another one.
-I did?
-Oh, yes, you did.
You're getting good at this, Dory.
Hey, look. Shells!
-Hey, I live there.
-Yes! Yes, indeed.
-I like shells.
-(LAUGHS) That's right, dear.
Do you think you could find me
another shell?
(WHISPERS) Purple ones
are my favourite.
Okay, Mommy.
Mommy. Purple shell. Purple shell!
Hey, my home had a purple shell.
So what? Half the exhibits here
have purple shells in them.
No, no, no. You don't understand.
I remember her now.
Purple shells were her favourite
and she had this adorable giggle.
And then my dad was really friendly.
And now your wacky memory's
gonna get us caught.
Still think this is destiny?
-Hank, we have to find my folks!
Ugh. Base, this is Carol.
Uh, I think I might have found
that missing octopus. Over.
-See what you did?
This could not be worse.
Hmm. "Destiny." (GASPS) Destiny.
-Hank. I got a feeling.
I think we should get in the bucket.
-No. Stop.
-Seriously. It says "destiny" and it is...
-No, no, no, no, no.
-We've got to get in that bucket.
-I'm not going with you in that bucket. Bye.
Hey, guys, I'm looking for my family.
Oh, good idea. Play dead.
I'm sorry. I got to blink. How do you
hold your eyes open that long?
Hey, guys. Wait a second.
Our next guest
has been here a very long time.
She's a whale shark.
Her name is Destiny.
Destiny? Really?
You'll notice she's extremely
near-sighted and has trouble...
navigating her environment.
Oh! And here she comes now.
Ooh! Destiny. (GASPS) You're a fish?
Wait. What?
-Hi! Hello there.
-Whoa! Oh. Whoa.
All right, I'll go with you.
-Excuse me.
-Is that blue blob talking?
-Can you help me? I lost my family.
-You lost your family?
Well, it's a long story,
and truth be told,
I don't remember most of it.
Aw, that is so sad.
You poor thi... (SCREAMS)
Sorry. Not a great swimmer.
I can't see very well.
Oh, I think you swim beautifully.
In fact, I've never seen a fish
swim like that before.
(VOCALIZING) Thank you.
(VOCALIZING) You're welcome.
Wait. Say that again.
Um, you're (VOCALIZING) welcome.
-(GASPS) Dory!
-You and I were friends!
-Dory, it's me! Destiny!
-You know me?
Of course! We talked through the pipes
when we were little.
-We were pipe pals!
-We were?
-(GASPS) Aw, you're so pretty.
-So you know where I'm from?
Yep, you are from
the Open Ocean exhibit.
I'm from the Open Ocean exhibit?
(GASPS) Then that's
where my parents are.
We got to go. Can you take me there?
Uh... Kind of tough for a whale
to travel around here.
Can you please keep it down
over there? My head hurts.
-Who's that?
That's my neighbour, Bailey.
He was brought in with a head injury.
I know you're talking about me, Destiny.
He thinks he can't use his echolocation,
but I've overheard...
the doctors talking.
There's not a thing wrong with him.
Hear every word
you're saying about me.
What's echolocation?
Bailey's head is supposed to put out
a call and the echo helps him...
find objects far away.
Oh, but apparently he's still "healing."
Now I know you're talking about me.
-I really can't echolocate.
I cannot have this conversation again.
I just can't.
I hit my head very hard out there.
See how swollen it is!
Your head is supposed to be big!
You're a beluga!
Oh, like the world's
most powerful pair of glasses?
-What are glasses?
It's sort of like you go, "hoo"
and then you see things.
Why do I know that?
Oh. That's interesting.
There you are!
Listen up, you and I are square.
I took you to the map,
now give me that tag!
Wait, no. I know where my parents are.
They're in the...
What's it called? The place...
The soap and lotion?
-BOTH: Open Ocean.
-Open Ocean!
(GASPS) Open Ocean!
I know where that is.
That's the exhibit located right next to...
I don't care.
If you're trying to get to the Open Ocean
exhibit go through the pipes.
-HANK: Through the pipes. Great.
-Through the pipes?
Yep. Take two lefts, swim straight
and you'll hit it.
Oh, that's a lot of directions. That's...
Did you get that, Hank? All that?
-Uh, yeah.
-Great! Let's go.
I'm not going with you. I won't fit.
You have to go by yourself.
That's... I'm... I... See, I can't because
I'm not so good with directions.
Well, that's too bad. A deal's a deal.
You wanted to find your parents?
That's how you get to them.
Now give me your tag.
But, Hank, I can't go in the pipes alone.
I'll forget where I'm going.
-Not my problem. Tag!
-But I can't get in that way.
-I'm sorry, but there's no other way.
-There's no other way. (GASPS)
-There's no other way.
-Now, now. Don't panic.
It's okay. Not everything in life is
easy to do. Isn't that right, Charlie?
She's right. When something's
too hard, you should just give up.
-A joke. I'm kidding!
Just a joke. A joke.
Caution, joker at work.
-Joke. I got it.
You see, kelpcake?
There's always another way.
Thank you, Daddy.
Thank you, Daddy.
(GASPS) Nope. My father said
there's always another way.
-What? There is no other way.
-Open Ocean. Open Ocean. Hmm...
Open Ocean. I'm pretty sure
it's the building over there.
That's ill-defined and roundish.
Like Bailey's head.
-Wait, what?
-Always another way. There's...
There! Guys, follow me.
I know how we can get to locomotion.
BOTH: Open Ocean.
DORY: Exactly.
Um, guys.
You know I can't swim over there, right?
BOTH: Ooo-roo, ooo-roo, ooo-roo.
MARLIN: I don't see how this
is going to get us inside.
What are you even doing?
We're calling her over, of course.
Calling her over? Calling who over?
Lads, meet Becky.
Flying? No, no, no new information.
Listen, tell her thank you.
You guys have gone
above and beyond. Really.
But is there a way to get in
that involves, like, swimming?
Because that's really our strength.
Look, your friend is going to be
in quarantine.
That's where they take the sick fish.
And the one and only one way
into that place is Becky.
Hi, Becky.
Ow! Stop. Let's call
her Pecky because this is hurting.
(CHUCKLES) I think she likes you, Dad.
Becky, love? These two nice fish
need to get into quarantine.
Are you free today, Rebecca darling?
Becky, is... Would that work
with your schedule? Ow!
She doesn't understand
what I'm saying.
All you have to do
is imprint with her, mate.
-Imp... What?
-BOTH: Imprint.
Look her in the eye and say, "ooo-roo"
and she'll be in sync with you.
-Now look her in the eye.
(GROANS) Nemo, I think we should
devise an alternate plan.
One that involves staying in the water
and someone sane.
Because this bird, this bird...
This ain't the bird!
That's fine, Dad. And in the meantime,
Dory will just forget us.
Like you said, it's what she does best.
(SIGHS) Fine.
Okay, look her in the eye. Which eye?
FLUKE: Just pick one, mate.
MARLIN: Becky.
(ECHOING) Ooh. Ooo-roo.
Roo-roo, Becky.
Okay, this is all great.
How exactly is Becky
supposed to carry us?
Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. Gerald!
-RUDDER: Yeah, Gerald.
-FLUKE: Come on, son.
Come on, Gerald. Give us your pail,
we'll let you sit on the rock.
-Yeah, Gerald. We swear it.
That's right. Shimmy on over here.
-Come on. You can do it.
-That's right.
Mind you don't scuff your bum.
-Thank you so much, Gerald.
Welcome to your time on this rock.
-Comfortable, isn't it?
BOTH: Time's up! Get off!
-Off! Off! Off! Off!
-Time's up! Now get off, Gerald! Off!
No, this is nuts! Why do I keep getting
talked into insane choices?
-Good luck!
Okay, when I tell you you're gonna...
Yeah. I know. I'm gonna signal
with a big splash.
On my mark. Not clear yet.
Not clear yet.
-Not 'til Destiny gives the signal.
You know something? I have no idea
why you're even doing this.
What do you mean?
It seems like a lot of trouble
just to find some more fish.
If I had short-term memory loss...
I'd just swim off into the blue
and forget everything.
Well I don't want to do that.
I want my family.
Not me, kid. I don't want anyone
to worry about.
You're lucky. No memories.
No problems.
Huh. No memories. No problems.
Still not clear. Still not clear.
You don't have to say when it's not time.
-Just tell me when it is time.
Okay, here we go. And... Wait!
(INHALES) "Here we go. Wait."
Are you serious?
-Okay, on the count of three.
-Don't count. Just say, "Go."
-Go! Now, now. Do it! Do it!
-What? Okay, okay. (GRUNTS)
-Wow. Look at that! I mean...
-That's the signal.
-Go, go, go! That's the signal!
HANK: Now remember,
Destiny said follow the signs
-to the Open Ocean exhibit.
-DORY: Uh-huh.
HANK: I can't see squat,
so it's your job to look for it.
Got it. Follow the signs to Open Ocean.
I'm just gonna repeat it, okay?
That should work.
Follow the signs to Open Ocean.
Follow the signs to Open Ocean.
Mm. Go right! Follow the signs
to Open Ocean.
Follow the signs to Open Ocean.
Follow the signs to Open Ocean. Left!
-Follow the signs to Open Ocean.
-And steer clear of people, will you?
Especially kids.
I don't want to be touched.
Sh! Do not mess me up!
Oh, poor baby.
Let me get that for you. Here you... Oh!
Oh, my. Ugh.
-Where do we go? Where do we go?
Oh, sorry!
Okay, I was looking, looking...
MARLIN: Roo-roo, Becky!
Drop us anywhere. We're okay.
Just wait, Dad. I think she's looking
for a place to land.
She's confused, Nemo. She doesn't
even know which way to look.
Wait, Becky. What are you doing?
Ooo-roo. Ooo-roo-roo-roo-roo.
Okay. I was going somewhere.
The question is where.
Which way? Do you see the sign?
I'm looking. I'm looking. Something to
something gets me to my family!
"The world's most powerful pair of..."
I know that. Why do I know that?
It's another memory.
Hank, we need to go that way!
Left. Go left.
CLAIRE: We are at the halfway point
of the second event,
and things are getting interesting.
(SOFTLY) Got it.
Pick on someone your own size!
-You heard the captain.
-BARNACLE: Get lost!
There's no room
for passengers on this boat.
Let go, you sticky little...
CLAIRE: Only two teams left.
Who will make it out with their flag,
and who will be eliminated?
BROCK: In a real Scare,
you do not want to get caught
by a kid's parent.
And in this event,
you do not want to get caught by
the librarian.
(SCOFFS) What's so scary
about a little old librarian?
I said, "Quiet."
-Slow and steady.
-Slow and steady.
-Slow and steady.
BOTH: Slow and steady.
Slow and steady.
MARLIN: Becky! Ooo-roo. Ooo-roo.
She can't hear you, Dad.
All right. New plan. We have to get
closer to Becky so she can hear us.
-I don't think we should move the pail.
Nemo. Without me Becky's lost.
Dad, just trust her.
Trust her? So she can forget us
all together?
-I trust Becky.
-You trust her? Becky's eating a cup!
Becky! Becky! Ooo-roo! Whoa!
Well, at least we're not stuck
in the bucket any more.
Or on top of quarantine.
SIGOURNEY: The baby otter talk
is beginning now.
Why, thanks, Sigourney Weaver.
Hey, who wants to learn about otters?
DORY: Looking for the world's
most powerful pair of glasses.
(GASPS) Otters!
-Welcome, it's a huge cuddle party!
-Cuddle party! I'm in!
Where are we?
Are we close to Open Ocean?
Uh, yes. I think... Well, I don't know.
But I saw that other sign so...
What? What other sign?
The world's most powerful
pair of glasses.
What? What are you talking about?
Why would we follow that sign?
Well, because I remembered it.
No. That wasn't the plan. Ow!
All right, that's it!
You have wasted my time!
-Wait. No.
-That transport truck leaves at dawn...
and I'm not missing it,
so give me your tag.
Wait. No, I remembered that sign.
-So I'm remembering more...
and more and I feel like my memory's
getting better. I think we should...
No! Your memory is not working.
You can't remember anything.
It's probably how you lost your family
in the first place!
All right, look, let's just take it down
a notch. Just give me the tag and...
You know something, for a guy
with three hearts you're not very nice.
Three hearts? What are you talking
about? I don't have three hearts.
-Yes, you do.
-I don't!
-You do!
-Stop saying that!
Fun fact- the octopus has three hearts.
Two pump blood to the gills
while the third pumps...
-blood throughout the body.
You know, someone with three hearts
shouldn't be so mean.
And it's mean to say that
I would lose someone I love!
I did not lose them! Hank?
Hank? Hank?
SPIKE: I'm the captain,
and I say go left.
WHITEY: Would that be port
or starboard, Spike?
There they are!
Go get them, lads!
Wait for it, wait for it... Now!
Have another go if you think
you're fast enough!
RITA: Hold on, Roddy!
Get that cable, lads!
You've got a great car
Yeah, what's wrong with it today
-You may now kiss the bride.
-Congratulations, by the way!
DRIVER: Watch your starboard!
RODDY: Rita!
Rita! Can we go a little faster, please?
We don't have to!
RITA: Go, go, purple custard!
-End of the line, Millicent.
Oh, yeah! Haha!
-Rita, try and go right!
Just trust me!
I hope you know what you're doing!
Now head for the rope!
Oh, no.
Well done, Roddy!
We did it! We did it!
We didn't do it.
Whoa! Rita,
can you get me back on the boat?
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Whew! (GASPS)
-No. Not Hans. I'm looking for Hank.
-Hank. With a "k." Hank.
-Hands? Oh, oh, oh, hands!
-Hank! Hank?
My arm!
(SCREAMS) Where are you? Hank!
Oh! Ahh! Can you please help me?
I'm looking for...
Please help me. I've lost
my friend Frank. I'm sorry, not Frank.
You're in my space! (SCREAMS)
He's an octopus. No, septo...
Septopus. That's right.
TERRI: Five, six, seven, eight!
BOTH: Look over here!
-Is that legal?
-You better believe it, mop top!
The only rule is don't get caught.
-BOTH: Hey! Over here!
He's a septopus. Septopus.
Septopus. Septopus. (GASPS)
One, two, three, four, five, six, s...
Septopus! He's camouflaged!
Hank. Come on, Hank!
Let's get out of here.
-Dory, what are you doing?
What's the plan?
The plan is I'm gonna stay here forever.
Okay. Good plan.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Hank. I'm sorry.
I can't remember right. (GASPS)
-Sweetie. Sweetie.
-Oh, watch out, kelpcake.
Oh, watch where you're going.
I'm sorry, Daddy.
I'm sorry I can't remember right.
Oh, sweetie.
Sweetie, you don't need to be sorry.
You know what you need to do?
Just keep swimming.
And I bet you can remember
that because we're just...
We're gonna sing a song about it.
♪ Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming
BOTH: ♪ Just keep swimming
Swimming, swimming
♪ What do we do?
We swim
♪ Swim, swim, swim
We swim
-♪ We swim, swim, swim
-DORY: ♪ Just keep swimming ♪
(GASPS) My parents
taught me that song!
We sang it as a family.
All this time I thought I made it up!
-What song?
-Just keep swimming.
Hank, we've just got to keep swimming.
What? No way! Listen to me,
it's too dangerous to move.
No, you listen to me. I know
you're scared, but you can't give up.
Follow me.
♪ Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming
♪ My mom wrote
this song for me
♪ It's gonna get us out of here ♪
Sing with me, Hank. Come on.
Are you sure about this, Spike?
These things are
supposed to be dangerous.
Danger is my middle name.
-I thought it was Leslie.
Just thought I'd drop in.
Rita, do something quick! Anything!
-Hang on tight!
Any last requests?
Yes. Could you fly quite suddenly off
the boat, screaming like a girl?
Oh, dear.
-Come and get me!
-Come and get me! Whoo-hoo!
Guys, what are you doing?
They said don't let her catch you.
But they didn't say how!
Move it! Move it! Move it! Come on!
ALL: Whoa!
(GASPS) I'm coming, Mommy.
I'm coming, Daddy!
-We're gonna be okay.
-Turn back.
Turn back!
ALL: You're headed
right for Poker's Cove.
Poker's Cove.
-Poker's Cove?
-Stop it!
CHILDREN: Oh, what is this?
HANK: Sorry.
DORY: That's okay. Everybody does it.
Nothing to be ashamed of.
We did it!
No, we didn't. We forgot the flag!
-Way to go, Squishy!
-Way to go, Squishy!
The EEKs have been eliminated
and Oozma Kappa live
to scare another day!
We're OK! We're OK! We're OK!
-Oh, yeah!
Sailing takes me away
To where I've always heard it could be
MALE RAT: You darn foreigners!
Do you think the boss
will be annoyed with us?
Hank? Oh, Hank. There you are.
Wow. You got us out of there.
Huh. I did.
I got us out of there.
I mean, technically
you also got us in there.
But if you hadn't I'm not sure
we would have gotten here.
Echolocation. Echolocation!
The world's most powerful pair
of glasses. We found it!
No. You found that.
Welcome to the Open Ocean.
SQUISHY: I've never felt so alive!
TERRI: We were awesome!
Okay, look. That wasn't real Scaring.
It was better than what you did.
You should've stuck to my strategy.
Talk to me when we start
the real Scaring.

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