Sunday, April 26, 2020

Disney NeverEnding Chronology (Spring 2017 Part 2) - Subtitles (en)

April 2017
Good evening, madam. Is this
the residence of Basil of Baker Street?
I'm afraid it is.
He's not here at the moment,
but you're welcome to come in and wait.
Oh, I... I don't want to impose.
It's... it's just, the girl...
Oh, my!
You poor dear!
You must be chilled to the bone!
But I know just the thing.
Let me fetch you a pot of tea
and some of my fresh cheese crumpets.
A-ha! The villain's slipped this time!
I shall have him!
-Out of my way! Out of my way!
I say... Oh!
-Who are you?
-What? Oh.
Basil of Baker Street, my good fellow.
-Mr. Basil, I need your help. And...
-All in good time.
But you don't understand.
I'm in terrible trouble.
If you'll excuse me.
Now... Now see here!
This young lady is
in need of assistance.
-I think you ought to listen...
-Hold this, please, doctor.
Of course.
Wait just a moment.
How did you know I was a doctor?
A surgeon, to be exact.
Just returned from military duty
in Afghanistan, am I right?
Oh, yes. Major David Q. Dawson.
-Uh... But how could you possibly...
-Quite simple, really.
You've sewn your torn cuff together
with a Lembert stitch,
which, of course, only a surgeon uses.
And the thread is
a unique form of catgut
easily distinguished
by its peculiar pungency,
found only in the Afghan provinces.
it's elementary, my dear Dawson.
What in heaven's name?
Oh! Oh... My... (SPITS)
My good pillows.
Mr. Basil! (SPITS)
-How many times have I told you...
-Mrs. Judson, it's quite all right.
Uh... (SNIFFS) Mmm.
I believe I smell some of those
delightful cheese crumpets of yours.
-Why don't you fetch our guests some?
I know that bullet's here somewhere.
-Thank you, Miss...
-Flaversham. Olivia Flaversham.
-Yes, but you don't understand.
Another dead end.
He was within my grasp.
Now, will you please listen to me?
My daddy's gone, and I'm all alone.
Young lady, this is
a most inopportune time.
Surely your mother knows where he is.
I... I don't have a mother.
Well... Um...
Then perhaps...
See here, I simply have
no time for lost fathers.
I didn't lose him. He was taken by a bat.
-Did you say bat?
-Did he have a crippled wing?
-I don't know, but he had a peg leg!
I say, do you know him?
Know him? That bat,
one Fidget, by name,
is in the employ of the very fiend
who was the target of my experiment!
The horror of my every waking moment.
The nefarious Professor Ratigan!
-Uh... Ratigan?
-He's a genius, Dawson.
A genius twisted for evil.
-The Napoleon of crime.
-As bad as all that, eh?
For years, I've tried to capture him,
and I've come close, so very close.
But each time,
he's narrowly evaded my grasp.
Not a corner of London's safe
while Ratigan's at large.
There's no evil scheme
he wouldn't concoct!
No depravity he wouldn't commit.
Who knows what dastardly scheme
that villain may be plotting,
even as we speak?
Quite an ingenious scheme,
eh, Flaversham?
And aren't you proud to be a part of it?
This whole thing is...
It... it's monstrous.
RATIGAN: We will have our little device
ready by tomorrow evening, won't we?
You know what will happen if you fail.
I... I... I don't care!
You can do what you want with me.
I won't be a part of this... this...
-...this evil any longer.
Very well, if that is your decision.
Oh, uh, by the way,
I'm taking the liberty
of having your daughter brought here.
-(GASPS) Olivia?
-Yes. Yes.
-Yes. (CHUCKLES) Yes.
I would spend many a sleepless night
if anything unfortunate
were to befall her.
-FLAVERSHAM: You... You wouldn't.
Finish it, Flaversham!
Oh, I love it when I'm nasty.
Bright and alert as always.
Here's the list.
You know what to do, and no mistakes!
No mistakes, sir.
"Tools, gears, girl, uniforms..."
-Now, Fidget!
-I'm going! I'm going! I'm going!
My friends, we are
about to embark on the most odious,
the most evil, the most diabolical
scheme of my illustrious career.
A crime to top all crimes.
A crime that will live in infamy!
Tomorrow evening,
our beloved monarch
celebrates her Diamond Jubilee.
And with the enthusiastic help
of our good friend, Mr. Flaversham,
it promises to be a night
she will never forget.
Her last night, and my first
as supreme ruler of all mousedom!
From the brain that
brought you the Big Ben Caper
The head that made headlines
in every newspaper
And wondrous things like
the Tower Bridge Job
That cunning display
that made Londoners sob
Now comes the real tour de force
Tricky and wicked, of course
My earlier crimes
were fine for their times
But now that I'm at it again
An even grimmer plot
has been simmering
In my great criminal brain
Even meaner?
You mean it?
Worse than the widows
and orphans you drowned
You're the best of the worst around
Oh, Ratigan
The rest fall behind
To Ratigan
The world's greatest criminal mind
Thank you, thank you.
But it hasn't all been
champagne and caviar.
I've had my share of adversity,
thanks to that miserable
second-rate detective,
-Basil of Baker Street.
For years, that insufferable pipsqueak
has interfered with my plans.
I haven't had
a moment's peace of mind.
ALL: Aww...
But all that's in the past!
This time nothing, not even Basil,
can stand in my way!
All will bow before me!
Oh, Ratigan
You're tops and that's that
To Ratigan
To Ratigan, the world's greatest rat
-What was that?
-What did you call me?
-He didn't mean it, professor.
-It was just a slip of the tongue.
I am not a rat!
-'Course you're not. You're a mouse!
-That's right. A mouse.
-Yeah, a big mouse.
Oh, my dear Bartholomew,
I'm afraid that
you've gone and upset me.
You know what happens
when someone upsets me.
(DRUNKENLY) Oh, Ratigan
Oh, Ratigan
You're the tops and that's that
(HICCUPS) Oh, dear.
To Ratigan
-To Ratigan
The world's greatest...
Oh, Felicia, my precious, my baby.
Did Daddy's little honey bun
enjoy her tasty treat?
I trust there will be
no further interruptions.
as you were singing...
Even louder
We'll shout it
No one can doubt
what we know you can do
-You're more evil than even you
Oh, Ratigan
-Oh, Ratigan
-You're one of a kind
To Ratigan
To Ratigan
The world's greatest criminal
BASIL: This case is most intriguing
with its multiplicity of elements,
its many twists and turns.
Now, you're certain
you've told me everything?
The slightest detail may be important.
It's just as I said.
And then my father was gone.
What do you make of it?
Ratigan's up to something.
A crime of the most
sinister nature, no doubt.
The question is...
What would he want with a toymaker?
Quickly, we've not a moment to lose!
I'm right behind you, Basil.
No... No sign
of the blackguard anywhere.
Not quite, Dawson.
He left some rather unusual footprints.
They belong to the same fiend
who abducted the girl's father.
-Ratigan's peg-legged lackey.
-Uh... Basil?
Excellent work, old man.
Now there's nothing
to be afraid of, my dear.
-The scoundrel's quite gone.
-But not for long, Miss Flamhammer.
-Whatever. Now...
We simply pursue
our peg-legged friend
until he leads us to the girl's father.
-Then you'll get my daddy back?
And quite soon, if I'm not mistaken.
Now, hurry along, Dawson.
We must be off to Toby's.
-Oh, you must meet him.
-He's just the chap for this.
-You... You want me to come?
I should think
a stout-hearted army mouse like you
would leap at the chance for adventure.
-Well, I am rather curious.
-Wait for me! I'm coming too!
What? Certainly not!
This is no business for children.
-Are we going to take a cab?
My dear, I don't think you understand.
-It will be quite dangerous.
Oh! Why, you... Look what...
Young lady, you are most definitely
not accompanying us.
And that is final!
And not a word out of you.
(GRUNTS) Yeah!
Oh! Hello, mammals.
Hi, Buck!
Bye, Buck!
BUCK: Um, a little help.
Right on the spleen!
Utterly useless, but totally hurts.
(LAUGHS) Hey, Buck.
Welcome back, buddy.
Wait. This half-a-snack
is the dinosaur whisperer?
And expert salsa dancer.
I have one eye but all my original teeth.
Would you like to count them? Ah...
No, thank you.
And this must be Nectarine.
-Um... Peaches.
-Semantics, my dear.
I am deeply honored.
Sweet eye patch. Very gangsta.
Thank you.
-I like this kid.
-MANNY: Buck.
-What are you doing here?
Well, I... What?
I'm trying!
But how do you tell someone
they're doomed?
He's stumped. (LAUGHS)
We're not doomed, Buck.
It was just a meteor shower,
and the show's over.
Oh, quite the contrary, old chap.
It's just beginning.
You see, I found a prophecy.
Do you mind?
Boy, he really sucks the fun
out of everything. Doesn't he?
Fun sucker!
I read this tablet front to back.
And the story it tells is very disturbing.
Every hundred million years or so,
the world gets a cosmic cleansing.
Before the dinosaurs,
there were these horseshoe
crab-looking thingies.
Ugh! Yuck.
Then, at the bottom
of this mountain range,
an asteroid hit.
Boom! Bye-bye.
Next, dinosaurs,
mountain range, asteroid.
Boom! Bye-bye.
And coming up next, mammals.
Mountain range, asteroid, boom!
-(GIGGLES) Stupid mammals.
-That's us.
Yep, and there she is.
The mother of all asteroids
screaming towards us.
Even going underground
won't save us this time.
Hey, that wasn't there before.
And look what it's doing to the sky.
No worries. Because I've got a plan.
Really? To stop an asteroid?
Look, the last two asteroids
have pummeled the earth
in the same spot.
And it's about to happen again.
We've got to go there and see
what's attracting the asteroid.
Once we know why it's coming...
we can figure out
how to send it somewhere else.
That plan is so dumb,
I wish it had a face so I could smack it.
Let me get this straight.
Instead of running away from
a deadly asteroid...
you want us to run directly towards it?
I know it sounds suboptimal,
but the good news is...
it'll kill us no matter where we went.
Well, that's reassuring.
Okay, but even if we get
to the crash site...
how are we supposed to change
what is literally written in stone?
Ah, my cynical friend.
The dinos were wiped off
the face of the Earth,
but some escaped.
They changed their fate
and we can change ours, too.
Who's with me?
So, what do you think?
Honestly. I'm worried the weasel's right.
Don't listen to the weasel.
He's a raving loon!
(LAUGHS) Sorry, I just
love playing devil's advocate.
And looking fabulous!
Well, Buck has saved
our lives before, right?
But what if he can't this time?
I don't know what to believe.
But I'm afraid our lives will be over
before they begin.
I guess we're in.
Crash and Eddie, reporting for duty.
(LAUGHS) Doody.
Excellent! And dirty word processed.
Now, we better get on the road
because time till impact is roughly...
2 days, 4 hours, 1 minute
and 16 seconds.
15 seconds, 14 seconds...
I think we get it.
I think we're all gonna get it.
Whoo! We look so cool.
Ugh. What is this stuff?
Where is he? When I am through
with that one-eyed weasel...
he's going to need two eye patches.
I admire your bloodthirstitude, Gertie.
But you heard them.
An asteroid is coming.
(LAUGHS) This changes things.
Holy snowballs! It's freezing up here.
Parts are retracting
into other parts. (SCREAMS)
Would you please
stop acting like a parakeet?
It's a good thing
you got your mother's eyes...
or you'd be totally useless.
Well, that's just hurtful. (SCREAMS)
What do you see?
-(SIGHS) Nothing. Nothing.
Deadly asteroid
screaming towards Earth.
Wait! There he is.
That's too bad. He is really far away.
Probably too far to reach by flight.
Oh, well. Let's just go home.
We are not retreating!
Until that weasel came along...
our family made an honest living
stealing dino eggs.
An honest living. Stealing.
Kind of fronic, don't you think?
Besides, why take out the weasel
if the asteroid is just gonna take us out?
So much sight. So little vision.
If we stop the weasel and his friends
from diverting the asteroid...
It kills the weasel and everyone else...
while we glide safely above it all.
It'll be our paradise.
That's seems highly implausible.
Just from a scientific standpoint.
Fine. It's a great plan. Dynamite!
One of the top three or four species
annihilation plans I've ever heard.
That's better.
Now let's make sure that asteroid hits.
Why can't we just fear the
apocalypse like a normal family?
NANI: We're looking for something
that can defend itself...
Something that won't die...
Something sturdy, you know?
Like a lobster.
Lilo, you lolo.
Do we have a lobster door?
No. We have a dog door.
We are getting a dog.
JUMBA: So nice to see
your pretty face again!
We need your name and address
at the bottom of the form...
The kennel's back this way.
Go. Pick someone out.
(ECHOING) Hello?
Are there any "aminals" in here?
LILO: Hello!
Hoh... Ha...
Oh, yes. Mm-hmm.
All of our dogs are adoptable.
Except that one!
What is that thing?
A dog, I think.
But it was dead this morning.
It was dead this morning?
Well, we thought it was dead.
It was hit by a truck.
I like him! Come here, boy.
Oh! Aah!
Wouldn't you like a different dog?
We have better dogs, dear.
Not better than him.
He can talk! Say hello.
He... Hel...
Dogs can't talk, dear.
LILO: He did.
Does it have to be this dog?
Yes, he's good. I can tell.
WOMAN: You'll have to think
of a name for him.
His name is... Stitch.
-Now, that's not a real name...
-Hmm. Uh-uh, uh-uh-uh.
...In Iceland...
But here, it's a good name.
Stitch it is.
And there's a two dollar license fee.
I want to buy him!
Can I borrow two dollars?
He's all yours.
JUMBA: You're all mine.
PLEAKLEY: Well, what's he doing?
Shh! Keep quiet. He's listening for us.
is his hearing? I mean, can he...
Why don't you run?
Coming! I'm coming!
I have just determined this situation
to be far too hazardous!
Don't worry, I won't hit her.
No! That girl is a part
of the mosquito food chain.
Here! Educate yourself.
Using a little girl for a shield.
This is low, even for you!
-(TAUNTINGLY) Whoo-hoo!
Tear him apart
with all both my bare hands!
Have you lost your mind?
What is it, Stitch?
We cannot be seen!
Bad dog, barking at nothing!
You can't shoot, and you can't be seen.
Look at you!
You look like a monster.
We have to blend in.
NANI: Okay, I got to get to work.
Stick around town
and stay out of the roads, okay?
-I'll meet you at 1:00.
Oh! Ah!
NANI: Okay, I guess
we should be going.
(GIGGLES) What about Stitch?
My friends!
What do you want?
I'm sorry I bit you and pulled your hair
and punched you in the face.
Apology not accepted.
Now get out of my way
before I run you over.
I got a new dog. His name is Stitch.
That is the ugliest thing
I have ever saw.
Eww! Get it away from me!
I'm gonna get a disease!
Somebody do something!
Oh, great! He's loose.
His destructive programming
is taking effect.
He will be irresistibly drawn
to large cities
where he will back up sewers,
reverse street signs
and steal everyone's left shoe.
It's nice to live on an island
with no large cities.
Are you okay?
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Every moment now
The bond grows stronger
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see
Mama, look! Look over there!
APE 1: Kala!
APE 2: She's back.
APE 3: We looked everywhere for you.
-APE: Are you all right, dear?
-I'm fine. No, really, honestly.
It's just that I got a little bit sidetracked.
Well, isn't that, uh...
-Well, it's so...
-Why, it's just so...
It's freaky-lookin', okay?
That's what it is.
-Well, it is!
I mean, what the heck is it anyway?
(CHUCKLES) He's a baby.
Well... Ah!
I can't...
So, where's his mama?
Well, I'm going to be his mother now.
You know, he's not so bad,
once you get used to him.
Kala's gonna be its mother now.
Kerchak, I saved him from Sabor.
Kala, it won't replace the one we lost.
I know that. But he needs me.
But it...
Kala, look at it. It's not our kind. (SIGHS)
No, you have to take it back.
Take him back? But he'll die.
-If the jungle wants him...
-I want him.
Kala, I cannot let you
put our family in danger.
Does he look dangerous to you?
Was it alone?
Yes. Sabor killed his family.
-Are you sure?
-Yes. There are no others.
Then you may keep him.
Kerchak, I know he'll be a good son.
KERCHAK: I said he could stay.
That doesn't make him my son.
We will nest here for the night.
So, um, what you gonna call it?
I'm gonna call him...
Tarzan? Okay, he's your baby.
All right, little lady, come on.
It's way past your nest time.
-Oh, Mom.
TERK: Five more minutes?
Two more minutes?
One more minutes?
KALA: Oh! Oh, no. Shh. Shh.
Don't cry. I'm here. Come on. Come on.
(SINGING) Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you from all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
For one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart
KALA: Always.
KALA: Tarzan?
I sure scared you, Mom.
You sure did.
Can't you imitate any quieter animals?
Oh, Mom, they're no fun.
Wanna see me be a leopard?
Why don't you just come up
with your own sound?
ALL: Kala.
Tarzan! Thank goodness
you're all right!
Kala and I have been so worried.
Thank you. Thank you so much
for finding him, Kerchak.
You are such a wise and caring leader.
Um. Hmm.
-Are you thick in the head?
How many times do I have to tell you?
If you want Kerchak to like you,
stay away from him.
(LAUGHING) Come on, step on it!
Last one there is a dung beetle!
Yeah, the first one's gotta eat it.
Terk, can I come?
Well, you could if you could keep up,
but, you know, you can't really keep up.
Wait up, guys!
Wait up! Right behind you!
CHIMP: You're standing on my spleen.
Take that! Stop hitting yourself.
-Stop hitting yourself.
-Ow! Ow!
Stop hitting yourself.
(SINGING) The fun has arrived
-Thank you very much.
-Hey, what took you so long?
I had a little pest control problem,
but it's all taken care of. Whoa!
Hi, guys.
Terk, what is this, some kind of joke?
Tell me I'm not looking
at the hairless wonder.
Well, Terk said I could come
along if I could keep up.
-Oh! No, no.
-Terk. Come on.
I'll handle this, guys, okay?
Listen, buddy. Come here.
We got a tiny, little,
itsy-bitsy problem here, okay?
Personally, I'd love to hang out
with you. You know I would.
But the guys... They need
a little convincing, you know?
Okay, what do I gotta do?
Do? What do you gotta do?
-(LAUGHING) It's so stupid.
Well, you gotta...
You gotta go get a hair.
-A hair?
-TERK: Yeah, a hair.
An elephant hair.
An elephant hair?
Like I said, it's stupid, right?
Listen, take it from me.
Go home. Okay?
Who needs this aggravation?
You know, I'm probably
gonna leave soon myself.
You go, I'll catch up, all right?
You see? Leave it to me.
I told you I could...
-Tarzan! Tarzan!
ALL: Ooh!
That one hurt him.
Look! Oh! Oh! There he is!
He's alive!
-Hey, guys!
-ALL: Hi.
-TERK: Oh, no. No, no.
Come back! Come back.
This guy's great.
If he lives, you should
bring him around more often.
Come on, come one.
Let's go get a better seat.
ELEPHANT: You can never get
enough sleep, let me tell you.
-ELEPHANT 2: I get enough.
ELEPHANT: It burns calories.
Are you sure this water's sanitary?
It looks questionable to me.
It's fine, honey.
Ick! But what about bacteria?
Tantor, can't you see Mummy's talking?
Huh! Watch out!
There's something swimming!
It's coming right at you!
Honey, Mummy's losing her patience.
But this time I really see something.
MOM: Oh, boy.
(GASPS) Piranha! It's a piranha!
Sweetheart, there are no
piranhas in Africa.
Don't tell the kid that.
Of course there are piranhas in Africa.
No, she's right.
They're native to South America.
ELEPHANT 1: Get outta here.
ELEPHANT 2: It's true.
ELEPHANT 1: No way.
ELEPHANT 2: Come on, now.
Think I'd be here if there were?
Ah! It's right behind you! Run!
For the last time, honey,
there are no piranhas in...
My butt!
-Told you!
-There's something on my butt!
-What is it?
-Are there any more of them?
-What is it?
-It's a piranha.
-ALL: Piranha!
Tantor, where are you?
-He's dead.
We're dead!
We didn't do it! They're the ones!
Oh, thank you, Kerchak.
Tarzan, buddy! Buddy, come on!
Tarzan, don't die on me!
Don't die on me!
-You weren't supposed to do it!
-Get away from there.
Don't you know a piranha
can strip your flesh in seconds?
-What? He's not a piranha! He's...
He's alive!
He's alive! He's alive!
-He's alive!
You idiot!
You nearly gave me
a heart attack! You happy?
I don't believe it. You got the hair?
Is that what this is all about?
I got a whole tail of them.
KALA: Tarzan?
APE MOTHER: Terkina?
TERK: Oh, no.
-Who's that?
-BOTH: My mom.
-KALA: Tarzan.
-Hi, Aunt Kala.
-Oh, you scared me!
-What happened?
-Well, I...
Um, it's sort of a long... It's involved.
Because what happened,
it was a weird...
What happened?
-It was my fault, Kerchak.
We were playing, and...
Well, I'm sorry, Kerchak.
You almost killed someone.
-It was an accident.
-He's only a child.
That's no excuse.
You can't keep defending him.
-He'll learn.
-He will not.
You can't learn to be one of us.
-You never give him a chance.
-Give him a chance?
KERCHAK: Kala, look at him.
He will never be one of us.
KALA: Kerchak!
Tarzan, what are you doing?
Why am I so different?
Because you're covered with mud.
No! Kerchak said I didn't belong in...
KALA: Close your mouth.
Kerchak said I don't
belong in the family.
Never mind what Kerchak said.
-Hold still.
-But, look at me!
I am, Tarzan.
And do you know what I see?
I see two eyes, like mine,
and a nose, somewhere. Ah!
Two ears.
-And let's see, what else?
-Two hands?
That's right. (LAUGHS)
Close your eyes.
Now, forget what you see.
What do you feel?
My heart.
Come here.
-Your heart.
They're exactly the same.
Kerchak just can't see that.
I'll make him see it.
I'll be the best ape ever.
(CHUCKLES) Oh, I bet you will.
Oh, the power to be strong
And the wisdom to be wise
All these things will come to you in time
On this journey that you're making
There'll be answers that you'll seek
And it's you who'll climb the mountain
It's you who'll reach the peak
Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Someday you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man, a man in time you'll be
Though there's no one there
To guide you
No one to take your hand
But with faith and understanding
You will journey from boy to man
Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Someday you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man, a man in time you'll be
In learning you will teach
And in teaching you will learn
You'll find your place
Beside the ones you love
And all the things you dreamed of
The visions that you saw
Well, the time is drawing near now
It's yours to claim it all
Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Someday you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man, a man in time you'll be
Son of Man
Son of Man's a man for all to see
Olympus Coliseum
Hercules, slow down!
Look out!
Sorry, guys.
-Hey, watch where you're goin'.
-Sunday driver!
Thanks, son.
When old Penelope twisted her ankle
back there, I thought we were done for.
No problem, Pop.
Uh, don't unload just yet.
First, I have to finagle with Phideas.
Sorry, Penelope.
Now, Hercules, this time, please just...
I know. I know.
-Stay by the cart.
That's my boy.
Oh, my goodness. Whoa!
-Why, thank you.
-No problem.
Why, Hercules! (SPUTTERING)
It's you!
-Let me help you with that.
-No, no, no, no, no. I got it!
(STRAINING) I'm fine.
You just run along.
-Are you sure?
-Oh, yes.
Yo! Give it here! (GASPS)
Hey, you need an extra guy?
Sorry, Herc.
Uh, we already got five,
and we want to keep it an even number.
Hey, wait a second. Five isn't an even...
-See ya, Herc.
-What a geek!
-Destructo Boy.
-Maybe we should call him "Jerkules."
BOY: Heads up!
I got it!
No! Stop!
It's okay.
Hey! Whoa!
-Hang on, Pop! Be right back!
Oh, my! No! Don't! No, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no, no, no!
-Watch out!
Nice catch, Jerkules.
This is the last straw, Amphitryon!
That boy is a menace!
He's too dangerous
to be around normal people!
He didn't mean any harm.
He's just a kid.
He just can't control his strength.
I'm warning you.
You keep that freak away from here!
-BOY: Freak! Yeah, go away!
(SIGHS) Son, you shouldn't let those
things they said back there get to you.
But, Pop, they're right. I am a freak.
I try to fit in. I really do.
(SIGHS) I just can't.
Sometimes I feel like
I really don't belong here,
like I'm supposed to be someplace else.
Hercules, son...
I know it doesn't make any sense.
I have often dreamed of a far off place
Where a great, warm welcome
will be waiting for me
Where the crowds will cheer
when they see my face
And a voice keeps sayin'
this is where I'm meant to be
I will find my way
I can go the distance
I'll be there someday
If I can be strong
I know every mile
Will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere to feel like I
there's something your mother and I
have been meaning to tell ya.
But if you found me,
then where did I come from?
Why was I left here?
This was around your neck
when we found you.
It's the symbol of the gods.
This is it! Don't you see?
Maybe they have the answers!
I'll go to the temple of Zeus and...
Ma, Pop,
you're the greatest parents
anyone could have, but...
I gotta know.
I am on my way
I can go the distance
I don't care how far
Somehow, I'll be strong
I know every mile
Will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere
To find where I belong
Oh, mighty Zeus,
please, hear me and answer my prayer.
I need to know.
Who am I?
Where do I belong?
My boy.
My little Hercules.
-Hey, hey, hey. Hold on, kiddo!
What's your hurry?
After all these years, is this the kind of
hello you give your father?
Didn't know you had a famous father,
did you?
Look how you've grown.
Why, you've got your mother's
beautiful eyes and my strong chin. Hah!
I don't understand.
If you're my father,
that would make me a...
-A god.
-A god.
A god!
Hey, you wanted answers,
and by thunder, you're old enough
now to know the truth.
But why did you leave me on Earth?
Didn't you want me?
Of course we did.
Your mother and I
loved you with all our hearts.
Someone stole you from us
and turned you mortal,
and only gods
can live on Mount Olympus.
And you can't do a thing?
I can't, Hercules, but you can.
Really? What? I'll do anything.
Hercules, if you can prove yourself
a true hero on Earth,
your godhood will be restored!
A true hero. Great!
Exactly how do you
become a true hero?
First, you must seek out Philoctetes,
the trainer of heroes.
Seek out Philoctetes.
Right. I'll... Whoa!
Whoa! Hold your horses!
Which reminds me.
ZEUS: Ha ha!
You probably don't remember Pegasus,
but you two go way back, son.
Oh, Pegasus!
He's a magnificent horse
with the brain of a bird.
I'll find Philoctetes
and become a true hero.
That's the spirit!
I won't let you down, Father!
Good luck, son.
I will beat the odds
I can go the distance
I will face the world
Fearless, proud and strong
I will please the gods
I can go the distance
Till I find my hero's welcome
right where I
Good timing. Give me a hand, will ya?
Move that pedestal over there for me.
I gotta spruce this place up
for the games.
It weighs a ton!
It's way too heavy!
What? Too heavy?
Since when have you
been such a little...
Oh. Wrong guy. What're you doing here?
This here's the world-famous Coliseum,
heroes only!
And I got my hands full
preparing for the games.
So run along, pip-squeaks.
Look, it's like this.
Heroes are coming from all over
to fight ferocious monsters
right here in the Coliseum.
You got heroes standing
right in front of you.
Yup. He's a real hero
chosen by the Keyblade!
And we're heroes, too.
Hero? That runt?
What's so funny?
I've fought a bunch of monsters!
Hey, if you can't even move this...
you can't call yourself...
a hero!
Okay, so it takes more than brawn.
Well, well, let's see what you can do.
This trial is tough. You got what it takes?
-You ready?
-I'm ready!
Okay, kid. Let's see what you've got.
You know, you ain't bad, kid.
Looks like I'm headed for the games.
Afraid not.
Why not?
Two words.
You guys ain't heroes.
Come on!
Wanna become a real hero?
Start by mastering this spell.
You sure this is the right place?
What's the matter, little guy?
You stuck?
Hey, butt out, buddy!
Girls! Stop! Stop!
Come back, come back, come back.
Whoa, whoa! Oh. Geez!
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Oh, Nymphs!
-They can't keep their hands off me.
What's the matter?
You never seen a satyr before?
Uh, no. Can you help us?
We're looking for someone
called Philoctetes.
Call me Phil.
Boy, am I glad to meet you!
I'm Hercules.
-This is Pegasus.
Animals! Disgusting!
-I need your help.
I want to become a hero, a true hero.
-Sorry, kid. Can't help ya.
Uh, sorry.
-Why not?
-Two words, I am retired.
Look, I gotta do this.
Haven't you ever had a dream,
something you wanted so bad
you'd do anything?
Kid, come inside.
I want to show you something.
(SIGHS) Rather a stubborn old goat,
wouldn't you say?
Who are you?
Whoa, hold on there, fuzz boy.
Wait, let me guess.
You want to enter the games, right?
Well, then, hey, get a load of this.
A pass?
It's all yours. Good luck, kid.
I'm pulling for you, little shorty.
Hey, how'd you get this?
Can we enter the games now?
Well... I guess so.
We start with the preliminaries!
-Ready for the preliminaries?
-Yeah, let's go!
Some real weirdos
signed up for the games.
Better watch yourself.
Watch it!
That was part of the mast of the Argo.
-The Argo?
Who do you think
taught Jason how to sail?
I trained all those would-be heroes.
Odysseus, Perseus, Theseus.
A lot of "yeuseus."
And every single one of those bums
let me down flatter than a discus.
None of 'em could go the distance.
And then there was Achilles.
Now, there was a guy who had it all,
the build, the foot speed.
He could jab, he could take a hit,
he could keep on comin'.
But that furshlugginer heel of his!
He barely gets nicked there once
and kaboom!
He's history.
Yeah, I had a dream once.
I dreamed I was gonna train
the greatest hero there ever was.
So great, the gods would hang a picture
of him in the stars all across the sky,
and people would say,
"That's Phil's boy."
That's right.
Eh, but dreams are for rookies.
A guy can only take
so much disappointment.
But I'm different than
those other guys, Phil!
I can go the distance.
Come on. I'll show you.
-Geez! You don't give up, do ya?
Watch this.
Holy Hera.
(MUTTERING) You know, maybe if I...
No! Snap out of it!
I'm too old
to get mixed up in this stuff again.
But if I don't become a true hero, I'll
never be able to rejoin my father, Zeus.
Hold it!
Zeus is your father, right?
Zeus. The big guy. He's your daddy.
Mr. Lightning Bolts!
Read me a book, would ya, Da-da?
(MIMICS ZEUS) "Once upon a time..."
It's the truth!
So you wanna be a hero, kid
Well, whoop-de-do
I have been around the block before
With blockheads just like you
Each and every one a disappointment
Pain for which there ain't no ointment
So much for excuses
Though a kid of "Zeus" is
Askin' me to jump into the fray
My answer is two words
-You mean you'll do it?
-You win.
-You won't be sorry, Phil.
-Oh, gods.
So when do we start?
Can we start now?
Oy vey.
I'd given up hope
that someone would come along
A fella who'd ring the bell for once
Not the gong
The kind who wins trophies
Won't settle for low fees
At least semipro fees
But, no, I get the greenhorn
I've been out to pasture, pal
My ambition gone
Content to spend lazy days
and to graze my lawn
But you need an advisor
A satyr, but wiser
A good merchandiser and... Whoa
There goes my ulcer
I'm down to one last hope
and I hope it's you
Though, kid, you're not exactly
a dream come true
I trained enough turkeys
Who never came through
You're my one last hope
So you'll have to do
Rule number six.
When rescuing a damsel...
...always handle with care.
Rule number 95, kid. Concentrate!
Rule number 96.
Demigods have faced the odds
And ended up a mockery
Don't believe the stories
That you read on all the crockery
To be a true hero, kid, is a dying art
Like paintin' a masterpiece
It's a work of heart
It takes more than sinew
Comes down to what's in you
You have to continue to grow
Now, that's more like it!
I'm down to one last shot
And my last high note
Before that blasted underworld
gets my goat
My dreams are on you, kid
Go make 'em come true
Climb that uphill slope
Keep pushin' that envelope
You're my one last hope
And, kid, it's up to you
Did you see that?
Next stop, Olympus.
All right, just take it easy, champ.
I am ready. I want to get off this island.
I want to see battles and monsters.
-Rescue some damsels.
You know, heroic stuff.
-Aw, come on! Phil!
Well, okay. Okay, you want a road test?
Saddle up, kid.
We're going to Thebes!
We need to loosen those ancient joints.
First the wheels.
And forward, and rest,
and forward, and rest.
Join me! Rest. (HUFFING) And rest.
Is all this resting necessary?
We're working you in slowly.
And reach for your lunch.
Reach for your lunch.
Now reach, to the front.
What is there? It's your lunch.
Now backwards. Is lunch there?
McQUEEN: When do we go
on the simulator?
This is not working.
Are we getting close?
SADNESS: Yeah, just another right.
And... a left and then another... left and...
Uh, are you sure
you know where we're going?
Because we seem to be
walking away from Headquarters.
Riley's awake.
Ooh! Oh!
Don't touch. Remember?
If you touch them, they stay sad.
Oh, sorry, I won't. Starting now.
Oh, I can't take much more of this.
Mind workers!
But, Joy, we're almost...
Phone numbers.
We don't need all these.
They're in her phone.
-Excuse me, hi.
-Just forget all of that. Please. Forget it!
-I need to find Friendship Island.
-Look at this.
Four years of piano lessons.
it looks pretty faded.
You know what'? Save Chopsticks
and Heart and Soul, get rid of the rest.
-Are you...
-US Presidents. What do you think?
Yeah, just keep
Washington, Lincoln and the fat one.
-Forget 'em!
You can't throw those away!
Those are perfectly good memories.
The names of
every "Cutie Pie Princess" doll?
Yes! That is critical information!
JOY: Glitterstorm, Honeypants...
Forget 'em!
Hey! Bring those back!
They're in the dump. Nothing
comes back from the dump.
Yeah. Look, lady, this is our job, okay?
When Riley doesn't care
about a memory, it fades.
-Happens to the best of them.
Yeah, except for this bad boy.
(LAUGHS) This one will never fade.
MAN: ♪ TripleDent gum
WOMAN: ♪ Will make you smile ♪
(GASPS) The song
from the gum commercial?
You know, sometimes we send that one
up to Headquarters for no reason.
It just plays in Riley's head
over and over again.
-Like a million times!
Let's watch it again!
♪ TripleDent gum ♪
Yeah, I know. We all know the song.
Okay. Yeah, real catchy. Okay.
Hey, what do you think?
Should we do it?
Okay, here we go!
♪ TripleDent gum ♪
What the... This again?
Wait! Do you know how to
get to Friendship Island?
You Can Shake An Apple
Off An Apple Tree
Shake-a, Shake-a, Sugar,
But You'll Never Shake Me
No, Siree, Uh-uh...
I'm Gonna Stick Like Glue
Stick Because I'm...
Stuck On You
I'm Gonna Run My Fingers
Through Your Long, Black hair...
Hey, over here, little buddy.
...Squeeze You Tighter
Than A Grizzly Bear
Yes, Siree, Uh-huh
Doo-doo-doo, Doo-doo-doo
I'm Gonna Stick Like Glue
Stick Because I'm...
Stuck On You
Hide In The Kitchen
Hide In The Hall
Ain't Gonna Do You No Good At All
'Cause Once I Catch Ya
And The Kissin' Starts
A Team O' Wild Horses
Couldn't Tear Us Apart
Try To Take A Tiger
From His Daddy's Side...
When you're ready to give up
just let us know, heh?
CRUZ: Good morning,
Mr. McQueen. Looking good.
This'll get oil to places
it hasn't been in a long time.
-Is that a drip pan?
-Just in case.
How old do you think I am?
Visualize yourself driving fast
down a steep hill.
I'll be back in a few.
Visualize... Wait. Cruz! A few what?
I just want to go on the simulator.
KURT: How's it hanging, Drip Pan?
You're no heroes yet,
but you ain't doing bad.
Lucky you came to me for coaching.
Something tells me
he'll be a tough one to beat.
Who knows,
maybe you'll end up facing him.
-Okay, day three...
Treadmill. I've set a maximum
speed to conserve your energy.
What I want you to do is
visualize beating this guy.
-Uh-huh, that's right.
Get him! Get him, Mr. McQueen!
Get him? This thing's only
going like 5 miles an hour!
We'll work up to the higher speeds
right after you take your nap.
-Nap? I don't need a nap!
KURT: Hit him with the bugs! (LAUGHS)
I am not taking a nap!
-HERCULES: So what's in Thebes?
-A lot of problems.
It's a big, tough town.
Good place to start buildin' a rep.
Sounds like your basic DID,
Damsel in Distress.
Not so fast, sweetheart.
I swear, Nessus. Put me down or I'll...
Whoo! I like 'em fiery!
-Now, remember, kid.
First, analyse the situation.
Don't just barrel in there
without thinking.
-He's losin' points for this!
-You don't know what you're...
Step aside, two legs.
Pardon me, my good sir.
I'll have to ask you to
release that young...
-Keep movin', junior.
But you...
Aren't you a damsel in distress?
I'm a damsel, I'm in distress.
I can handle this. Have a nice day.
Ma'am, I'm afraid you may be
too close to the situation to realize...
-What are you doin'? Get your sword!
-Sword. Right, right.
Rule number 15,
a hero is only as good as his weapon!
Whoa! Hold it! Hold on!
He's gotta do it on his own.
Come on, kid! Concentrate!
-Use your head!
All right! Not bad, kid!
Not exactly what I had in mind,
but not bad.
Oh, gee, miss, I'm really sorry.
That was dumb.
Excuse me.
Nice work! Excelente!
Is Wonderboy here for real?
What are you talkin' about?
Of course he's real.
And by the way, sweet cheeks,
I'm real, too.
Yee-hah! Yahoo!
-How was that, Phil?
-Rein it in, rookie.
You can get away with mistakes
like those in the minor decathlons,
but this is the big leagues!
At least I beat him, didn't I?
Next time, don't let your guard down
because of a pair of big goo-goo eyes!
It's like I keep tellin' ya.
You gotta stay focused, and... You...
Are you all right, Miss...
Megara. My friends call me Meg.
At least, they would if I had any friends.
So did they give you a name
along with all those rippling pectorals?
Uh, I'm, um, uh...
Are you always this articulate?
Hercules. My... (CLEARS THROAT)
My name is Hercules.
Hercules. I think I prefer Wonderboy.
So, how'd you get mixed up with the...
Pinhead with hooves?
Well, you know how men are.
They think that "No" means "Yes, " and
"Get lost" means "Take me, I'm yours."
Don't worry.
Shorty here can explain it to ya later.
Well, thanks for everything, Herc.
It's been a real slice.
Wait! Can we give you a ride?
I don't think
your pinto likes me very much.
Pegasus? Oh, no. Don't be silly.
He'd be more than happy to... Ow.
I'll be all right. I'm a big, tough girl.
I tie my own sandals and everything.
Bye-bye, Wonderboy.
-She's something. Isn't she, Phil?
Yeah. Yeah. She's really something.
A real pain in the patella!
Earth to Herc!
Come in, Herc! Come in, Herc!
We got a job to do, remember?
Thebes is still waitin'.
HERCULES: Yeah. Yeah. I know.
Say, you're better than I thought, kid!
Wish he was here to see this.
He's a hero if ever there was one.
Too bad he's off visiting his father.
This is you.
This is your badness level.
It's unusually high
for someone your size.
We have to fix that.
Ay-yi-yi, Lilo!
Your dog cannot sit at the table.
Stitch is troubled. He needs desserts.
Oh, you didn't even eat
your sweet potato.
I thought you liked them.
LILO: David!
I got a new dog.
-Oh! You sure it's a dog?
He used to be a collie
before he got ran over.
Howzit, Nani?
Did you catch fire again?
Nah, just the stage.
Listen, I was wondering
if you're not doing anything this...
David, I told you, I can't. I...
I got a lot to deal with right now.
I know. I just figured
you might need some time...
You smell like a lawn mower.
Look, I got to go.
The kid at Table 3's throwing poi again.
Maybe some other time, okay?
LILO: Don't worry.
She likes your butt and fancy hair.
I know. I read her diary.
She thinks it's fancy?
Oh! Mmm!
Aha! Look what I find! Get restraints!
-Ow! Take that! Hurry!
Uh, hold still just a...
MAN: Hey, Nani!
-Is that your dog?
All is well.
Please, go about your business.
I'm okay.
Oh, your head looks swollen.
Actually, she's just ugly.
Darling... He's joking.
Ugly, look at me...
Uh, this is not working out.
-Uh, b-but...
Well, who wants to work
at this stupid...
Fakey luau anyway.
Come on, Lilo.
ANNOUNCER: All cars in
the test bay simulator...
How was your nap, Mr. McQueen?
It was kind of refreshing actually.
Oh! Okay, what are you... Hey!
You've been driving on tires a long time.
Have you ever stopped
to get to know them?
I'm sorry, what?
Tires are individuals.
You should give each a name.
Name them? (SCOFFS)
I won't be doing that.
Mine are named Maria, Juanita,
Ronaldo, and Debbie Richardson.
-Long story.
 May I have my tires back so I can go
on the simulator please?
Name them!
Uh, Lefty, Righty, Backy,
Backy Junior. Okay?
-Does this make you mad?
-Yes, it does!
Use that! And merge, and yield,
-and merge, and yield.
Beep, beep, beep, beep.
Now you got some tire damage.
Speed bump, speed bump.
Now clean up your messy garage.
-Bug in your windshield.
-Thank you, Cruz, I'm done.
Mr. McQueen, where are you going?
McQUEEN: To the future.
HADES: That little punk is your
next opponent, okay?
Now, don't blow it. Just take him out.
The great god of the Underworld
is afraid of a kid?
Sorry, but my contract says...
I know! You think I don't know?
I wrote the contract!
I know it says you're only required
to kill Hercules in this tournament.
But you've gotta fight that
kid to get to him. Come on.
Hey, it's like that old goat says,
rule 11. It's all just a game,
so let loose and have fun with it!
I mean, a casualty or two along
the way is no big deal, right?
Geez. Stiffer than the stiffs back home.
Still, suckers like him are
hard to come by...
Aw... How cute.
A couple of rodents
looking for a theme park.
Who you callin' a rodent, sister?
I'm a bunny!
And I'm his gopher.
I thought I smelled a rat.
Speak of the devil.
Meg, my little flower, my little bird,
my little nut, Meg.
What exactly happened here?
I thought you were gonna
persuade the river guardian
to join my team for the uprising,
and here I am,
kind of river guardian-less.
I gave it my best shot,
but he made me an offer I had to refuse.
Fine. So, instead of subtracting
two years from your sentence,
hey, I'm gonna add two on, okay?
Give that your best shot.
It wasn't my fault.
It was this wonderboy, Hercules.
Why does that name ring a bell?
I don't know.
Maybe we owe him money?
-What was that name again?
He comes on with
this big, innocent farm boy routine,
but I could see through that
in a Peloponnesian minute.
Wait a minute.
Wasn't Hercules the name
of that kid we were supposed to...
-Oh, my gods!
-Oh, my gods!
-Run for it!
So you took care of him, huh?
Dead as a door nail.
Weren't those your exact words?
This might be a different Hercules.
Yeah! I mean, Hercules
is a very popular name nowadays!
Remember, like, a few years ago,
every other boy was named Jason,
and the girls were all named Brittany?
I'm about to rearrange the cosmos,
and the one schlemiel who can louse
it up is waltzing around in the woods!
Wait. Wait, big guy.
-We can still cut in on his waltzing.
-That's right!
And at least we made him mortal.
That's a good thing.
Didn't we?
Fortunately for the three of you,
we still have time to correct
this rather egregious oversight.
And this time, no foul-ups.
-Is that all one town?
-One town, a million troubles.
The one and only Thebes.
The Big Olive itself.
If you can make it there,
you can make it anywhere.
Stick with me, kid.
This city is a dangerous place.
-Look where you're goin', numbskull!
-Hey, I'm walkin' here!
You see what I mean?
I'm tellin' you, wackos.
MAN: Pitta bread. Pitta bread.
Get your pitta bread here.
Hey, Mack.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
-You wanna buy a sundial?
-He's not interested, all right?
Come on, kid.
The end is coming! Can't you feel it?
Yes, yes. Thank you for the info. Yes.
We'll ponder that for a while.
Just stare at the sidewalk. Come on.
Don't make eye contact.
People here are nuts.
That's because
they live in a city of turmoil.
Trust me, kid.
You're gonna be
just what the doctor ordered.
It was tragic!
We lost everything in the fire.
Everything except old Snowball here.
Now, were the fires
before or after the earthquake?
They were after the earthquake.
I remember.
But before the flood.
Don't even get me started
on the crime rate.
Thebes has certainly
gone downhill in a hurry.
OLD MAN: Tell me about it.
It seems like every time I turn around,
there's some new monster
wreaking havoc and I...
All we need now is a plague of locusts.
That's it! I'm movin' to Sparta!
HERCULES: Excuse me.
...seems to me that what
you folks need is a hero.
Yeah, and who are you?
I'm Hercules, and I happen to be a hero.
-Is that so?
-Have you ever saved a town before?
-Uh, no. Not exactly, but I...
Have you ever
reversed a natural disaster?
Well, uh, no.
Listen to this.
He's just another chariot chaser.
-This we need.
-WOMAN: That's a laugh.
-Don't you pea brains get it?
-WOMAN: Hmm?
This kid is the genuine article.
Hey, isn't that the goat-man
who trained Achilles?
Watch it, pal.
Yeah, you're right.
Hey, nice job on those heels!
Ya missed a spot! (LAUGHING)
I got your heel right here!
I'll wipe that stupid grin
off your face! You...
Hey, Phil! Phil! Phil! Take it easy. Phil.
What are you, crazy? Sheesh!
Young man, we need
a professional hero, not an amateur.
Well, wait. Stop!
How am I supposed to prove myself
a hero if nobody will give me a chance?
You'll get your chance.
You just need some kind of
catastrophe or disaster.
MEG: (PANTING) Please.
Help! Please!
There's been a terrible accident!
-Speakin' of disasters.
Wonderboy! Hercules!
Thank goodness!
What's wrong?
Outside of town, two little boys.
They were playing in the gorge.
There was this terrible rockslide.
-They're trapped!
-Kids? Trapped?
Phil, this is great!
You're really choked up about this,
aren't ya?
Come on!
No, I... You don't...
I have this terrible fear of heights!
I'm right behind ya, kid! Whoo!
I'm way behind ya, kid.
(SPUTTERING) I got a fur wedgie.
Oh, right, there was
one other rule I forgot.
Accidents happen.
Phil, get them out of here!
Whew, that was close!
That was Cerberus,
the guardian of the Underworld.
Herc should be able to handle him.
But then again, maybe not...
This doesn't look good.
Hey, what are you doing up here?
Would you quit that, please?
I know you're not a pigeon.
You're blowing my cover.
We're the only ones up here.
That's just what they want you to think.
Now, enough moping.
Take this back to the science fair
and fix that Memory Scanner.
Stop! Stop! Get away from me!
Maybe you've forgotten.
I'm a time cop from the future,
should be taken very seriously.
That's no badge.
This is a coupon for a tanning salon!
You're a fake.
Okay, you got me. I'm not a cop,
but I really am from the future,
and there really is this Bowler Hat Guy.
Here we go again.
He stole a time machine,
came to the science fair
and ruined your project.
My project didn't work
because I'm no good.
There is no Bowler Hat Guy,
there is no time machine,
and you're not from the future!
You're crazy!
(EXCLAIMING) I am not crazy.
Oh, yeah, Captain Time Travel?
Prove it.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
I'm just gonna go lock myself
in my room
and hide under the covers
for a couple years.
If I prove to you I'm from the future,
will you go back to the science fair?
Yeah, sure, whatever you say.
Hey, let go of me!
-What are you doing? Let go of me!
What is this? Where are we going?
To the future!
(SINGING) The future has arrived
The future has arrived today
The future has arrived
The future has arrived today
Kid, you're not entering the arena,
are ya?
This ain't just some match.
This is for real!
I'm not afraid.
You can decide if I'm
hero material or not.
Careful, kid!
-Are you okay?
-I'll be fine.
Just get me down
before I ruin the upholstery.
PAIN: Help! I can't breathe!
-Get us out!
-We're suffocating!
Somebody call IX-I-I! (COUGHING)
Easy, fellas. You'll be all right.
-We can't last much longer!
-Get us out before we get crushed!
-How you boys doin'?
-We're okay now.
Jeepers, mister. You're really strong.
Well, try to be a little more careful
next time, okay, kids?
We sure will.
HADES: A stirring performance, boys.
I was really moved. (SLURPING)
"Jeepers, mister"?
I was going for innocence.
And, hey, two thumbs
way, way up for our leading lady.
What a dish. What a doll.
Get outta there, you big lug,
while you still can.
Okay. Here we go. How do I do this?
-Come on, baby.
-Mr. McQueen...
Cruz, thank you for the old-man
training, as crazy as it was,
but I'm... warmed up enough
and now I need you to launch this thing.
Wait until you can handle it. Please?
-There are no shortcuts.
Okay. We'll just see about that.
STERLING: All right.
My star racer is on the simulator!
Why, yes, I am!
Well, let's see you
take it out for a spin.
Right away, Mr. Sterling,
owner of the company.
Is this proof enough for you?
Is it ever!
I never thought that time travel
could be possible in my lifetime,
and here it is, right in front of me!
The truth will set you free, brother.
This is beyond anything
I could've imagined.
This means
I could really change my life.
That's right. You can.
Next stop, science fair,
to fix your Memory Scanner.
Okay. Have fun.
This is what I'm talking about.
Whoa. Didn't know about those.
SIMULATOR: Prepare to race.
The green flag is out.
I don't see the flag. What do I do?
(PANTING) Phil, I did great.
They even applauded, sort of.
I hate to burst your bubble, kid,
but that ain't applause.
Phil? What do you call that thing?
PHIL: Two words.
(ECHOING) Let's get ready to rumble!
Kid, I got two words of advice for you.
That's it. Dance around! Dance around!
Watch the teeth. Watch the teeth.
Keep going. Come on. Come on.
Lead with your left.
Lead with your left! Your other left!
All right! All right! You're bad! Okay!
See, Phil? That... That wasn't so hard.
Kid, kid, kid.
How many horns do ya see?
Eh, close enough.
Let's get you cleaned up.
Guys, guys, relax.
It's only half-time.
That doesn't sound good.
Definitely not good!
That's sensitive. (YELPING)
SIMULATOR: You have hit a wall.
-It shouldn't be this hard, should it? Ah!
-You have hit a wall.
You're fighting the simulator.
Just race like you always do.
-You have hit a wall.
There can't be this many walls
on a regular track!
You have been passed by
Jackson Storm.
-Wait, Storm's in here?
-For motivation.
Storm races at 207.
Pick it up, Mr. McQueen!
I'm trying!
Whoa! Whoa!
Will you forget the head-slicing thing?
Phil, I don't think we covered
this one in basic training!
Uh, she did not just say that.
A new girl? Meg has
a new friend already?
-Hey, hey! Stay happy!
We do not want to lose
any more islands here, guys!
Hey, I'm not gonna fix
that stupid Memory Scanner.
-Wilbur, this is a time machine!
Why should I fix my dumb invention
when you can take me
to see my mom now in this ship?
Uh... Um...
I could actually go back to that night
and stop her from giving me up.
The answer is not a time machine.
It's this.
You like to read minds, Meg?
I got something
for you to read, right here!
Let's just be calm for one second! Ahhh!
This? You want to know
what I think about this?
What are you doing?
I'm sorry, Wilbur,
but you don't know
what I've lived through.
-You have hit a wall.
Mr. McQueen, come down from there
and we'll work you up to this.
I am fine, Cruz. I can do it, okay?
-Lewis, no!
-Let go!
-Whoa, whoa, whoa!
-You have jumped a barrier.
-You let go!
-You're not the boss of me!
Yes, I am, 'cause you're 12, and I'm 13.
That makes me older.
(GASPS) Sorry!
You have maimed two vehicles.
Well, I was born in the past,
which makes me older
and the boss of you!
You have destroyed a drinking fountain.
You have disabled an ambulance.
You are on fire. Danger. Danger.
You are going the wrong way.
My favourite part of the game,
sudden death.
Look out! Turn it off!
Get these things off of me!
ALL: Huh?
SIMULATOR: You have crashed.
You have crashed.
There goes another one.
Just like Achilles.
-Are you all right?
-You have crashed.
I have crashed.
I am so dead.
CRUZ: It's not easy for him.
STERLING: Cruz, just relax.
-Give him another chance.
-STERLING: I will talk to him.
CRUZ: I can still work with him.
STERLING: I know he's your project.
Okay, could you just please
tell me which way is...
-Oh, no!
Friendship Island! What?
Oh, not Friendship.
Oh, Riley loved that one.
And now it's gone.
Goodbye, friendship.
-Hello, loneliness.
-CRUZ: Are you sure?
-CRUZ: Well, can't you just...
CRUZ: It's not easy for him.
STERLING: Look, I'm trying to help you.
McQUEEN: Whoa.
I'm not allowed to look at this thing,
let alone drive it!
Mom and Dad are gonna kill me,
and I can tell you this.
It will not be done with mercy.
Isn't there like
a time machine repair shop
-or something?
There's only two time machines
in existence,
and the Bowler Hat Guy
has the other one!
Well, somebody's gonna have
to fix this.
Good idea. You're smart. You fix it.
Are you crazy? I can't fix this thing.
Yes, you can. You broke it. You fix it.
You're all warshed up, McQueen.
(STUTTERS) I'm sorry. What?
I said, the floor's
all washed up and clean.
Oh, right. (CHUCKLES)
We'll just have to go the long way.
Yeah. The long, long, long, long way.
SADNESS: I'm ready.
-STERLING: Thank you very much.
Good luck.
STERLING: Hey, Lightning.
Come on in.
Got something to show you. You ready?
Uh, for what?
You are about to become
the biggest brand in racing.
We are talking saturation on all
continents for every demographic.
Movie deals, infomercials,
product endorsements.
-McQUEEN: Mudflaps?
-Of course.
We'll be rich beyond belief.
You think you're famous now?
I thought you'd be mad
about the simulator.
I mean, this is all great, Mr. Sterling,
I guess, but I don't know.
I've never really thought
of myself as a brand.
Oh, nor do I. I'm a fan.
Maybe your most avid.
I think of this as your legacy!
It sounds like something that
happens after you're done racing.
Mr. Sterling, what is this about?
Look, Lightning. I'm not gonna race you.
What? What do you mean not race me?
-Hold on. Hold on.
-I'm not going to Florida?
You have no idea how excited I was
to get you here because...
I knew you'd be back.
It was gonna be the
comeback story of the year!
But your speed and performance
just aren't where they need to be.
I'm sorry.
We're talking about speed
on a simulator.
-Listen to how crazy that sounds.
-Look, I'm trying to help you.
As your sponsor, yes,
but also as your friend.
Your racing days are coming to an end.
Every time you lose,
you damage yourself.
Damage the brand, you mean?
Oh, Lightning, come on.
You've done the work.
Now move on to the next phase
and reap the reward.
The racing is the reward. Not the stuff.
I don't want to cash in.
I want to feel the rush
of moving 200 miles an hour...
inches from the other guys,
pushing myself faster
than I thought I could go!
That's the reward, Mr. Sterling!
Oh, Lightning, come on.
Look, I can do this. I can, I promise!
I'll train like I did with Doc.
I'll get my tires dirty
on every dirt track from here to Florida.
I can start on Fireball Beach
where all the old greats used to race.
Get your tires dirty.
That's how you're gonna
get faster than Storm?
Yes! Exactly! I mean, sacred dirt, right?
Mr. Sterling, if you care about
my legacy, the one that Doc started,
you'll let me do this.
I promise you, I will win.
(SIGHS) I don't know.
What you're asking, it's too risky.
Come on. You like it, I can tell.
It's got that little "comeback story
of the year" feel to it, doesn't it?
One race?
If you don't win at Florida,
you'll retire?
Look, if I don't win
I'll sell all the mudflaps you got.
But if I do win,
I decide when I'm done. Deal?
Thank you, Mr. Sterling.
You won't be sorry.
Just one thing and this is only because
I don't like taking chances.
You're taking someone with you.
All right, under one condition.
I fix it,
you take me back to see my mom.
What? You didn't even follow through
on our last deal.
How can I trust you?
Well, you told me you were a time cop
from the future.
How can I trust you?
So do we have a deal?
Phil, you gotta admit.
That was pretty heroic.
Ya did it, kid! Ya did it!
You won by a landslide!
Hades mad.
Well, what do ya know?
Thus, I do hereby
dub thee junior heroes,
and confer upon thee full rights
and privileges to participate
in the games. Further...
Hey! What do you mean
"junior heroes"?
You rookies still don't understand
what it takes to be a true hero.
So, what does it take?
Well, that's just something you'll
have to find out for yourselves.
Just the way that I did.
No problem. We'll start by
proving ourselves in the games.
There ain't gonna be
any games for a while.
Gotta clean up the mess
from that last battle first.
Okay, we'll be back.
I still can't believe that squirt
actually beat Cerberus.
Just between us,
I'd already worn Cerberus down
by the time the little guy jumped in.
My lips are sealed.
SORA: Hey, are you all right?
CLOUD: Yeah.
So why did you go along
with him, anyway?
I'm looking for someone.
Hades promised to help.
I tried to exploit the power of
darkness, but it backfired.
I fell into darkness,
and couldn't find the light.
SORA: You'll find it.
I'm searching, too.
For your light?
Don't lose sight of it.
How about a rematch sometime?
Fair and square,
no dark powers involved.
I think I'll pass.
HADES: He's strong, he's kind.
He's always there for you,
and he's handsome to boot.
He's perfect. Perfect. Perfectly
infuriating! He makes me crazy.
Wait a minute.
What are you worried about?
All the pieces are in place. Relax.
Here's what you do.
Let Hercules train the kid.
In the next games,
I'll take care of them both.
Who invited you to the party?
Stay out of this. This is my show.
As you wish.
Fight to your heart's content.
May 2017
Good day, madam.
-I'm here to change the future.
-Yes, sir?
I must speak with the man
in charge immediately.
-Yes, sir.
-I have an appointment with destiny.
Very good, sir. I'll let Smith know,
and I'll have your dry cleaning
delivered directly to your suite.
-Now, what time is your appointment?
-Are you talking to me?
What time is your appointment?
Big hand is on the... Oh, 2:00!
You're the 2:00?
Yes. Yes, I am.
You're Mary Johnson?
Mary is short for...
-Can that be a boy name?
-(SIGHS) Yes.
-(SIGHING) Have a seat.
Oh, goody!
"Pass off invention as my own." Check.
Oh, I love checklists.
RECEPTIONIST: The board is ready
to see you now.
Wait. What am I going to say?
I'm never gonna remember that.
Would you... Why don't you go?
You do it so much better than me.
That's true.
A hat without a head
couldn't really pass off an invention
as its own.
Fantastic! Great idea!
I'm so glad I have you!
"Prepare to be amazed." Oh, I got it!
Prepare to be amazed!
"This is my invention."
"I doubt any of you have seen
anything as brilliant as this device."
Very well,
Miss Johnson?
It's Ms.
You have two minutes. Please begin.
-It's shiny!
-What is that thing?
Well, I like to call it my...
To call it my...
-What are you looking at?
-No! I... The sun, in my eyes.
Well, then let me close the blinds.
Now, the name?
(STAMMERING) Well, what...
We can quibble about names
at a later date.
The point is,
what I have here is special, unique.
Yes. Yes, you must love it
and buy it and mass produce it,
and the best part is,
it's got really comfy headphones.
I wonder, could you lean forward
just a little bit, please?
Yes, thank you.
Yes, they are quite comfortable.
What do you hope
to accomplish with this?
Oh, nothing of consequence.
I simply wish to crush the dreams
of a poor little orphan boy!
After that, it's all a little fuzzy.
You mean,
you haven't thought this through?
Thirty seconds.
Allow me to show you how it works.
First, we turn it on.
Uh... Hmm.
That's not it.
Ten seconds.
So where do I sign?
Doris, it's all over.
All our hopes and dreams dashed,
like so many pieces
of a broken machiney thing.
You're right.
Success is still ours for the taking.
We must find that boy.
(GROANS) There's got to be
a better way.
BING BONG: Ooh! Look at you!
I will take you, but not you.
Oh, who am I kidding? I can't leave you.
Wait! Hey! Wait!
Oh, wait! Stop!
-Excuse me.
Uh, I was looking for, um... Diversion!
-JOY: What?
-Ha-ha! So long, sucker!
BING BONG: Ow, I hurt all over.
Wait. I know you.
No, you don't. I get that a lot.
I look like a lot of people.
No, no, no. I do. (GASPS)
Bing Bong! Riley's imaginary friend!
-You really do know me?
-Well, of course!
Riley loved playing with you!
You two are best friends!
Oh! Oh, you would know.
We're trying to get
back to Headquarters.
Headquarters? You guys
are from Headquarters?
Well, yeah. I'm Joy. This is Sadness.
-You're Joy? The Joy?
-JOY: Mmm-hmm.
What the heck are you doing out here?
That's a good question.
You want to answer that, Sadness?
Wow. Without you,
Riley won't ever be happy.
We can't have that.
We got to get you back.
I'll tell you what. Follow me!
Oh, thank you!
It is so great to see you again.
I gotta tell you, I am such
a huge fan of your work.
Do you remember when you
and Riley were in a band?
(LAUGHS) I went to all of your concerts.
BING BONG: Yeah, I blow a mean nose.
JOY: Watching you play tag
was such a treat.
BING BONG: Two-time world champ.
JOY: Oh! And remember your rockets?
BING BONG: Of course!
It runs on song power!
That's right! Your theme song!
♪ Who's your friend who likes to play?
♪ Bing Bong
Bing Bong
♪ His rocket makes you yell "Hooray!"
BOTH: ♪ Bing Bong, Bing Bong ♪
What exactly are you supposed to be?
You know, it's unclear.
I'm mostly cotton candy.
But shape-wise I'm part cat,
part elephant, part dolphin.
You got to remember,
when Riley was three,
animals were all the rage.
The cow goes moo.
The horse goes neigh.
That's all people talked about back then.
Yeah. Yeah. I guess that's true.
What are you doing out here?
Well, there's not much call
for imaginary friends lately.
So, uh, I, you know, um...
Hey, hey. Don't be sad.
Tell you what. When I get
back up to Headquarters,
I'll make sure Riley remembers you.
-You will?
-Of course!
-She'd love that.
This is the greatest day of my life!
Ha, cha, cha, cha, cha. Ow!
Ow, ow, ow, ow!
Oh, are you okay?
Hey, what's going on?
I cry candy.
Try the caramel. It's delicious.
Ooh. Whoa!
Ooh, here, use this.
-Whoa, hold on, wait a second.
It always gets stuck at the bottom.
Here. What? It's imaginary.
Thanks. This will make it a lot easier
to walk back to Headquarters.
Walk? We're not walking.
We're taking the Train of Thought!
JOY: The train, of course!
That is so much faster!
But how do we catch it?
Well, it kind of goes all over the place,
but there is a station
in Imagination Land.
I know a shortcut. Come on, this way!
JOY: Oh, I am so glad we ran into you!
The station is right
through here. After you.
I read about this place
in the manual. We shouldn't go in there.
Bing Bong says
it's the quickest way to Headquarters.
No, but, Joy, this is abstract thought.
What are you talking about?
I go in here all the time.
It's a shortcut, you see?
D-A-N-G-E-R. Shortcut.
I'll prove it to you.
Look at me. I'm closer to the station
because I'm taking the shortcut.
Let's go around. This way.
BING BONG: Almost there!
If you want to walk the long way,
go for it.
But Riley needs to be happy.
I'm not missing that train.
Bing Bong knows what he's doing.
JOY: He's part dolphin.
They're very smart.
SADNESS: Well, I guess.
Okay, what abstract concept
are we trying to comprehend today?
Um... Loneliness.
Hmm. Looks like
there's something in there.
I'm going to turn it on for a minute
and burn out the gunk.
BING BONG: What did I tell you?
You'll be at Headquarters in no time.
would you look at that?
Whoa! What's happening?
Oh, no, they turned it on.
Huh. Never seen this before.
My face! My beautiful face! Oh!
-What is going on?
-We're abstracting!
There are four stages. This is the first:
Non-objective Fragmentation!
All right. Do not panic.
What is important is that
we all stay together. Oh!
We're in the second stage.
We're deconstructing!
Run! Ah!
I can't feel my legs!
Oh, there they are.
Come here, me!
We've got to get out of here
before we're nothing
but shape and color!
Ow! We'll get stuck here forever!
Stuck? Why did we come in here?
I told you, it's a shortcut!
-(GASPS) The train!
SADNESS: Oh, no. We're
two-dimensional! That's stage three!
We're getting nowhere!
-Depth! I'm lacking depth!
-Come on.
We can't fit.
SADNESS: Oh, no, we're Nonfigurative.
This is the last stage!
BING BONG: We're not going to make it!
SADNESS: Wait! We're
two-dimensional. Fall on your face!
JOY: Stop! Stop!
Oh, no! I thought you said
that was a shortcut.
I did, but wow,
we should not have gone in there.
That was dangerous!
They really should put up a sign.
How long until the next train?
-Who knows. But don't worry.
There's another station. That way.
The train always stops there.
Right before it goes to Headquarters.
If we hurry, we can catch it.
This isn't another one
of your shortcuts, is it?
really another station?
Uh-huh. Through there.
BING BONG: Welcome to
Imagination Land!
(GASPS) Imagination Land?
I come here all the time.
I'm practically the mayor.
Hey, you guys hungry?
There's French Fry Forest!
-Mmm! Delicious.
-No way!
BING BONG: Check it out!
Trophy Town!
Medals! Ribbons! Everyone's a winner!
I won first place!
-Me too!
-Oh, participation award.
Wait, is that... Sadness,
look, it's Cloud Town!
(GASPS) That is my favorite!
(WHOOPING) Oh, it's so soft!
Oh! Let me try.
Hey! What's the big idea?
You better fix that wall,
or else you're in big troub...
Oh, no! Lava! Whoo! Oh!
Imagination Land is the best!
Oh, is it all going to be so interactive?
Hey, look! The House of Cards!
Oh, wait. Hang on just a minute.
-JOY: (GASPS) Your rocket!
I stashed it in there for safekeeping,
and now I'm all set to
take Riley to the moon!
-Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, I love Imagination Land.
Isn't it great? And there's
always something new, like...
BING BONG: Who the heck is that?
Imaginary boyfriend.
I would die for Riley.
-Oh, I've never seen him before.
I live in Canada.
Anyway, this way.
Through Preschool World!
We're nearly to the train!
Riley, here we come! Whoo-hoo!
What are you doing, Buck?
All rocks tell a tale.
Where we've been
and where we're heading.
That, however, is a turd.
I want you to know
that if we don't make it...
if we never get married...
you were the only one for me.
Hey, come on!
Of course we'll make it,
and we will get married.
But maybe it's the universe
telling us we won't.
SID: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
You're going to let one tiny little...
300-mile-wide asteroid ruin your plans?
How can we think about our future
when we may not have one?
Hey, we're going to stop this thing
and you'll get married.
Bada-bing, bada-boom!
Well, not boom. Forget I said boom.
I know! I'll be your wedding planner!
It'll take your mind
off all this end-of-the-world stuff.
Actually, we were just gonna wing it!
(CHUCKLES) Keep it low-key.
Peaches. Peaches. Sweetheart.
you don't just wing
the happiest day of your life!
No, you seize it and you cherish it.
You strangle it with good intentions.
Ooh. Let's start with your hair.
Updo with a top bun? Traditional.
Or updo with a fishtail braid. Flirtatious.
But maybe be a little trashy.
And garter belts!
Today, Ed is modelling laced daisies.
While Crash is rocking
a more elegant ivy...
that's all about the calves.
Ooh. We need a seating chart!
The singles table, the kids table,
the weird relatives table...
the smelly table,
two-more, smelly tables.
(SCOFFS) Look at him.
JULIAN: Oh, you're gonna love it.
Who walks like that?
(MIMICKING JULIAN) Oh! Look at me!
I'm Julian.
Forget the asteroid.
Gimme a hug, Bro-Dad!
that pretty bird there.
Yeah! That is a pretty bird.
Good eye, Manny.
The sky is literally falling...
and she thinks we're just gonna
let her stroll into the wilderness...
with Mr. No Plans Bouncy Walk.
Stop picking on him.
Come on, Ellie, you're not
still mad at me, are you?
No. I'm not still mad.
Because that's not how I want to spend
what could be our final days together.
But if we somehow survive that
planet-killing hunk of space rock...
you're in for it.
If we survive, we lose our daughter.
Well, I've been thinking about that, too.
What if...
Ooh. I know! We destroy
the relationship, right?
That way we never have to let her go...
and she'll just stay our little girl forever!
No, you psychopath!
What if we convince them
to stay near us?
Oh! That's better.
I like it. But how?
The way we always
get her to do what we want.
We make her think it's her idea.
You sneaky, sneaky minx! (GIGGLES)
Let's just hope we
haven't lost our touch.
Found it!
Behold, mammals!
A sneak preview
of the asteroid to come.
A space rock. Fresh from the cosmos.
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
I taste iron, carbon.
Oh! And a hint of nickel.
Space tastes lonely.
Hey, look! I found another one.
Me too!
Hey! Yours is attracted to me.
No. Yours is attracted to me.
We're just too attractive!
Stupendous! Now we have something
to play with during our final hours.
You're missing the point, Tiger.
They're magnets.
And if these space rocks are magnetic...
so is that.
This can only mean one thing.
And that would be...
Allow me.
Where are we?
(ECHOING) You are in my brain.
Hmm. Kind of chilly.
Gentlemen, here's what we know.
Space rocks? Magnetic.
Asteroid? Also, magnetic.
(GASPS) Famed astrophysicist
Neil deBuck Weasel!
He knows the cosmos.
Ipso facto, thusly and ergo...
the crash site must have
a heap of these things
attracting the asteroid.
Ooh. Pythagoras Buck.
He's got the right angle.
What if we use the magnets to
attract the asteroids somewhere else?
As in, not towards Earth.
Theoretically speaking,
if we can launch
enough of these into space...
they will pull the asteroid off course.
Thus, saving the world.
So, we just need to go
to the crash site...
and launch a bunch of rocks into space.
(CHUCKLES) That's easy, right?
Oh, yeah.
Sounds like a real piece of cake.
This is progress!
Now we know exactly
what we don't know how to do.
Vamanos, mammals!
This trail will take us
directly to the crash site.
All right, kids.
(LAUGHS) Let's have some fun.
Okay, everyone. Follow the trail.
Never leave the trail.
Okay, everyone. Leave the trail.
Into the forest. Chop, chop.
-But you just said...
You know I'm crazy. Come on.
I love the shade. Don't you?
Well played, weasel.
Stay sharp, kids.
They can't hide forever.
Did you lose your job
because of Stitch and me?
Nah. The manager's a vampire
and he wanted me to join
his legion of the undead.
I knew it.
This is a great home. You'll like it a lot.
Uh, Lilo...
-(GRUNTS) Hey!
What is the matter with you?
Be careful of the little angel!
It's not an angel, Lilo.
I don't even think it's a dog.
We just have to take him back.
He's just cranky
because it's his bedtime.
NANI: He's creepy, Lilo.
I won't sleep
while he's loose in the house.
LILO: You're loose in the house
all the time and I sleep just fine!
Hey, what are you doing?
Stop that, Stitch!
Look at him, Lilo.
He's obviously mutated
from something else.
We have to take him back.
He was an orphan and we adopted him!
What about "'ohana"?
He hasn't been here that long.
Neither have I.
Dad said 'ohana means family.
-'Ohana means family.
Family means...
BOTH: Nobody gets left behind.
Or forgotten.
I know. I know. I hate it
when you use 'ohana against me.
(GIGGLES) Don't worry,
you can sleep right next to me.
Look how curious the puppy is.
This is my room, and this is your bed.
This is your dolly and bottle.
See? Doesn't spill.
I filled it with coffee.
Good puppy. Now get into bed.
Hey! That's mine!
Be careful of that! You don't touch this!
Don't ever touch it!
No! Don't pull on her head!
She's recovering from surgery.
No! That's from my blue period.
You know, you wreck
everything you touch.
Why not try and make something
for a change?
-Wow. San Francisco.
(IN HIGH VOICE) Save me!
No more caffeine for you.
 This little girl is wasting her time.
6-2-6 cannot be taught to ignore
its destructive programming.
(LAUGHING) Push that over.
-What are you doing?
-Uh, say, I want to try it on.
Share! Let me try it!
Hey! Ow! You're just jealous
'cause I'm pretty!
Don't move. A mosquito has
chosen me as her perch.
She's so beautiful.
Look, another one.
And another one!
Why, it's a whole flock.
And they like me!
They're nuzzling my flesh
with their noses.
Now, they're, um, they're...
NANI: I think it might be a koala.
An evil koala.
I can't even pet it.
It keeps staring at me,
like it's going to eat me.
Are you there?
JUMBA: Now, this is interesting.
6-2-6 was designed to be a monster
but now he has nothing to destroy.
You see, I never gave him
a greater purpose.
What must it be like to have nothing...
Not even memories to visit
in the middle of the night?
That's the Ugly Duckling.
See? He's sad because he's all alone
and nobody wants him
but on this page,
his family hears him crying
 and they find him.
Then the Ugly Duckling is happy
because he knows where he belongs.
LILO: Want to listen to the King?
You look like an Elvis fan.
LILO: Nani.
Uh... Yeah?
We Can't Go On Together
With Suspicious Minds...
...Cious Minds...
...Can Build Our Dreams...
...On Suspicious Minds...
Heard you lost your job.
Well, uh, actually, I just quit that job
because, you know,
the hours are just not conducive
to the challenges of raising a child...
(GASPS) I am so sorry about that.
What is that thing?
That's my puppy.
Thus far, you have been adrift
in the sheltered harbor of my patience,
but I cannot ignore you being jobless.
Do I make myself clear?
And next time I see this dog, I expect it
to be a model citizen... Capisce?
Uh... Yes?
New job.
Model citizen.
Good day.
I can't sit here while I go nowhere
Chase my dreams 
through the polluted air
I'm walking on a wire
Running out of time
There's no room in this old heart of mine
Hungry minds will stare you in the eyes
Spread it thick and lay the biggest lies
Words jump off the pages
Passion hits the street
Anger's cookin' in the city heat
World's too crazy I can't take no more
I won't stay here locked behind the door
Got to stir it up
I got to break it up now
When I think about tomorrow
Ooh, I can't wait to
Stir it up 
Got to shake it up now
If I had to beg or borrow
I'm not gonna take it anymore
-Oh-oh oh-ohh-oh oh-ohh-oh
-Come on
-So much pressure to keep holding on
Pack my clothes up, baby
I'll be gone
Stir it up Got to break it up now
When I think about tomorrow
-I can't wait to
-Stir it up
I got to shake it up now
If I have to beg or borrow
I'm not gonna take it no more
Hey, Donald, maybe
King Mickey's down there.
In a backwater place like that? No way!
Let's move on.
Hold on, Riku and Kairi
might be down there.
Let's just check it out.
Forget it!
We're on an important mission!
-Just land!
-Come on!
-Aw, phooey!
We're landing!
Don't touch that! (QUACKING) No!
Deep Jungle
To see the whole adventure, go to: Tarzan – Subtitles (en)

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