Sunday, April 26, 2020

Disney NeverEnding Chronology (Spring 2018 Part 1) - Subtitles (en)

March 2018
MAN 1: Forty seconds.
MAN 2: All right. Here we go.
You see the feet walkin'
down the street in the fast lane
Walkin' on the street where they goin'
Just makin' a move tryin' to survive
Find a way or not to stay alive
Cool cat in a cruel world knows
good from bad, his mind is in a swirl
Got to look out and open your eyes
If you're in a jam you got to realize
-You're in the fast lane
-Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute
-In the fast lane
-Wait, wait, wait
-Hi. Sorry I'm late.
-That's all right.
Come on, sweetheart. We're late.
You can play with the kitty
some other time, honey. Come on.
-MAN: (HUMMING) Hey, 'scusa me.
Don't ya see I'm pushin'
somethin' here? Thank you.
Hey, come on, folks! Step right up.
-Get your hot dogs.
The best hot dogs in New York.
Hey, it's a beautiful day, eh?
Come on, folks.
Step right up. (WHISTLING)
Hey! Go on. Get outta here. Shoo!
Get outta here. Go on, kitty.
Get your sausages.
All right, let's go, folks.
Step right up.
I got the hottest dogs in the Big Apple!
Psst. Psst.
-(GASPS) Hmph!
-Ooh. La-de-da.
LOUIE: Hey! Hey, get off of me!
-What's the matter with you?
-Well, well.
LOUIE: I said get outta here.
Looks like Louie's got a visitor.
Could be time for the Dodge to turn
this into a total "cat-astrophe."
Get off me! Get outta here. Go on! Shoo!
Ooh, you sure picked the wrong guy
to get hot dogs from, kid.
-Get away from me!
-Whoa! Chill out, man.
I don't eat cats. It's too much fur.
I've been watching you,
and I think you're in serious need
of some professional guidance.
Now what do ya say we team up
and change old Louie's mind
about sharing those hot dogs?
I'm not goin' back there again.
Hey. It'd be a snap, kid.
I'm an expert at these things.
All you gotta do is learn some moves.
-You know. Tempo.
Ooo-cha-ba. A rhythm.
This city's got a beat.
You gotta hook into it.
And once you got the beat,
you can do anything.
-"Absitively posolutely."
The man you see before you
is affectionately known as "Old Louie."
A well-known enemy
of the four-legged world.
Our mission, cat, is to liberate
those all-beef kosher franks
and hightail it outta here.
-Startin' to feel that rhythm?
-Well, uh...
Yeah! Yeah!
I do feel it! When are we gonna get
those hot dogs?
Right now.
Hey! Dog.
(GASPS) Hey! Get outta here! Hey!
Hey! Hey. Get outta there!
I'll get you! (GROANS)
Hey, you really got that rhythm, kid.
Uh... Yeah?
We were good, huh?
So when are we gonna eat?
-Yeah. I'm starvin'.
Listen, kid. I hate to break it to ya,
but the dynamic duo
is now the dynamic uno.
What do ya mean?
What I mean is,
our partnership is herewith dissolved.
But, wait! Wait. You're not being fair!
Fairs are for tourists, kid. Consider it
a free lesson in street savoir faire
from New York's coolest quadruped.
Check ya later.
Hey, wait! I helped you get those!
Half of those are mine!
Ya want 'em? Come and get 'em.
But I'm warnin' ya, kid.
One minute, I'm in Central Park
Then I'm down on Delancey Street
What the... Hey!
Say, from the Bowery
to St. Mark's
There's a syncopated beat
Like I said
I'm street wise
I can improvise
Said ooo-hoo woo-hoo-oo
I'm street smart
I've got New York City heart
Why should I worry
Why should I care
I may not have a dime
But I got street savoir faire
Why should I worry
Why should I care
It's just be-bopulation
I got street savoir faire
The rhythm of the city
Boy, once you get it down
Then you can own this town
You can wear the crown
Why should I worry
Tell me why should I care
Say, I may not have a dime
Oh, but I got street savoir faire
Why should I worry
Why should I care
It's just doo-wopulation
And I got street savoir faire
Everything goes, everything fits
They love me at the Chelsea
They adore me at the Ritz
Why should I worry
Why should I care Yeah
And even when I cross that line
I got street savoir faire
Said ooo-ooo woo-hoo-oo
Woo-ooo woo-hoo-oo
Woo-hoo woo-ooo-oo
Come on. Where you goin'? No! No!
Woo-hoo woo-hoo-oo
Woo-hoo woo-hoo-oo
Woo-hoo woo-hoo-oo
Woo-hoo woo-hoo-oo
I'm home.
Fluffy? Here, kitty.
-Milo James Thatch?
Who... Who are you?
How did you get in here?
I came down the chimney. Ho, ho, ho.
My name is Helga Sinclair.
I'm acting on behalf of my employer,
who has a most intriguing
proposition for you.
Are you interested?
You employer? (SCOFFS)
Who is your employer?
This way, please.
And don't drip on the Caravaggio.
Step lively.
Mr. Whitmore does not like
to be kept waiting.
You will address him
as "Mr. Whitmore" or "sir."
You will stand unless
asked to be seated.
Keep your sentences short
and to the point.
-Are we clear?
And relax.
He doesn't bite...often.
Finest explorer I ever met. (SIGHS)
Preston Whitmore.
Pleasure to meet you, Milo.
Join me in a little yoga?
No, no. Thank you.
Did you really know my grandfather?
Oh, yeah. Met old Thaddeus
back in Georgetown.
Class of '66. We stayed close friends
till the end of his days.
Mmm... Even dragged me along
on some of his danged fool expeditions.
Thatch was crazy as a fruit bat, he was.
He spoke of you often.
Funny. He never mentioned you.
Oh, he wouldn't.
He knew how much I like my privacy.
I keep a low profile.
Mr. Whitmore, should I be
wondering why I'm here?
Look on that table.
It's for you.
It's from my grandfather.
He brought that package
to me years ago.
He said if anything
were to happen to him,
I should give it to you
when you were ready.
Whatever that means.
It can't be.
It's The Shepherd's Journal.
Mr. Whitmore, this journal is the key
to finding the lost continent of Atlantis!
Atlantis. (LAUGHS)
I wasn't born yesterday, son.
No, no, no. Look. Look at this.
Coordinates. Clues. It's all right here.
Yeah, looks like gibberish to me.
That's because it's been written
in a dialect that no longer exists.
-So it's useless.
-No, no, just difficult.
I've spent my whole life
studying dead languages.
It's not gibberish to me.
Ah, it's probably a fake.
Mr. Whitmore,
my grandfather would have known
if this were a fake. I would know.
I will stake everything I own,
everything that I believe in,
that this is
the genuine Shepherd's Journal.
All right, all right.
So, what do you want to do with it?
Well, I'll get funding.
-I mean, I'll... The museum...
-They'll never believe you.
I'll show them! I will make them believe.
Like you did today?
Yes! Well, no. How did you...
Forget about them, okay? Never mind!
I will find Atlantis on my own.
I mean, if I have to rent a rowboat!
Congratulations, Milo.
This is exactly what I wanted to hear.
But forget the rowboat, son.
We'll travel in style.
It's all been arranged,
the whole ball of wax.
For years, your granddad bent my ear
with stories about that old book.
I didn't buy it for a minute.
So, finally, I got fed up
and I made a bet with the old coot.
I said, "Thatch, if you ever
actually find that so-called journal,
"not only will I finance the expedition,
"but I'll kiss you full on the mouth."
Imagine my embarrassment
when he found the darn thing.
Now, I know
your grandfather's gone, Milo.
God rest his soul,
but Preston Whitmore
is a man who keeps his word.
You hear that, Thatch?
I'm going to the afterlife
with a clear conscience, by thunder!
Your grandpa was a great man.
You probably don't realize how great.
Those buffoons at the museum
dragged him down,
made a laughing stock of him.
He died a broken man.
If I could bring back
just one shred of proof,
that'd be enough for me.
Ah, Thatch.
What are we standing around for?
We got work to do.
But, Mr. Whitmore,
you know, in order to do
what you're proposing,
you're gonna need a crew.
Taken care of.
You'll need engineers and geologists.
Got 'em all. The best of the best.
Gaetan Moliere,
geology and excavation.
The man has a nose for dirt.
Vincenzo Santorini, demolitions.
Busted him out of a Turkish prison.
Audrey Ramirez.
Don't let her age fool you.
She's forgotten more about engines
that you and I will ever know.
They're the same crew that
brought the Journal back.
-Where was it?
I knew it! I knew it!
All we need now is
an expert in gibberish.
So, it's decision time.
You can build on
the foundation your grandfather left you
or you can go back to your boiler room.
-This is for real.
-Now you're catching on.
All right. Okay. I'll have to quit my job.
It's done. You resigned this afternoon.
-I did?
-Yep. Don't like to leave loose ends.
My apartment.
I'm gonna have to give notice.
-Taken care of.
-My clothes?
-My books?
-In storage.
-My cat?
My gosh.
Your granddad had a saying.
"Our lives are remembered,
by the gifts we leave our children."
This journal is his gift to you, Milo.
Atlantis is waiting.
What do you say?
I'm your man, Mr. Whitmore.
You will not regret this.
Boy, I am so excited,
I can't even hold it in.
I just spoke with the constabulary.
Those blaggard pirates
have fled without a trace.
I'm sorry, Sarah.
I'm afraid the old Benbow Inn
has burned to the ground.
Ahem. Well, certainly a lot of trouble
over that odd little sphere.
Those markings baffle me.
Unlike anything I've ever encountered.
Even with my vast experience
-and superior intellect,
it would take me years
to unlock its... Hey!
Why, it's a map!
Wait. Wait, wait, wait!
This is us, the planet Montressor.
That's the Magellanic Cloud!
Whoo! The Coral Galaxy!
That's the Cygnus Cross,
and that's the Kerian Abyss.
Wait. What's this? What's this?
Why, it... It's...
Treasure Planet.
That's Treasure Planet!
DOPPLER: Flint's trove?
The loot of a thousand worlds?
You know what this means?
It means that all that treasure
is only a boat ride away.
Whoever brings it back
would hold an eternal place
atop the pantheon of explorers!
He'd be able to experience...
-Whoo! What just happened?
Mom, this is it. This is
the answer to all our problems.
Jim, there is absolutely no way...
Don't you remember, all those stories?
That's all they were. Stories!
With that treasure,
we could rebuild the Benbow
a hundred times over!
Well, this is... It's just... Oh, my.
Delbert, would you please
explain how ridiculous this is?
It's totally preposterous,
traversing the entire galaxy alone.
Now, at last, we hear some sense!
-That's why I'm going with you.
I'll use my savings
to finance the expedition.
I'll commission a ship,
hire a captain and a crew.
You're not serious.
All my life I've been waiting
for an opportunity like this,
and here it is screaming,
"Go, Delbert! Go, Delbert!"
Okay. Okay! You're both grounded!
JIM: Mom, look,
I know that
I keep messing everything up,
and I know
that I let you down.
But this is my chance
to make it up to you.
I'm gonna set things right.
If I may?
You said yourself,
you've tried everything.
There are much worse remedies
than a few character-building
months in space.
Are you saying this
because it's the right thing,
or because you really want to go?
I really, really, really, really want to go,
and it's the right thing.
I don't want to lose you.
Mom, you won't.
I'll make you proud.
DOPPLER: Well, uh, ahem...
There we are then.
We'll begin preparations at once.
Jim, my boy, soon we'll be
off to the spaceport.
BERNARD: Miss Bianca,
I'm not sure it's a good idea
to fly this soon after eating!
BIANCA: Darling, you'll be just fine!
But aren't you supposed
to wait 45 minutes?
Oh, just knock on the door
and see if Orville is there!
Nobody's home, let's go.
This is no time to play in the snow.
I wasn't playing in the snow.
It was an avalanche.
Look, Bernard!
"Under new management, see Wilbur."
Come on, darling. Let's get a move out!
I'm the cat's pajamas
 Always run around
with crazy little mamas
Yoo-hoo! Mr. Wilbur!
Get down there, son!
Pick it, boy, pick it! Yeah!
Whoo! Here we go! Let's walk!
Look out! Excuse me, sir.
Do something! He can't hear us!
WILBUR: Big time, big time!
The girls all look when I go by...
-Who killed the music?
That's better.
Excuse us for interrupting.
We're from the Rescue Aid Society.
I am Miss Bianca, and this is my...
The Miss Bianca? I don't believe it.
My brother, Orville, told me all about
you. Boy. This is an honor to have...
May I just say, "EnchantéSeñorita,"
to you? May I?
We need to charter a flight.
You've come to the right place,
buddy boy. Welcome to...
"Albatross Air.
A fair fare from here to there."
(CHUCKLING) Get it? A fair fare?
It's a play on... Never mind.
I've got tons of exotic
destinations, faraway places,
custom designed for
A romantic weekend getaway.
The finest in-flight accommodations.
Speaking of which, what can I get you?
How about a nice mango Maui cooler?
Very nice, very tasty.
No, thank you.
A coconut, guava nectar?
It's carbonated.
I got little umbrellas for each one,
and a little coconut thing.
-It's urgent that we leave immediately!
-Nothing? Nothing at all?
-How about a cream soda?
-We need a flight to Australia.
Australia? The land down under?
That's a fabulous idea!
So when can I pencil you in?
After spring thaw?
Mid-June would be very nice.
We must leave tonight.
Tonight? (GASPING)
Come on, you're kidding me, right?
Have you looked outside?
It's suicide out there.
Oh, no. Oh, no.
I'm afraid your jolly little holiday
will have to wait.
What a bunch of jokers.
But you don't understand,
a boy needs our help. He's in trouble.
Boy? You mean, a little kid kinda boy?
He was kidnapped.
Kidnapped? Oh, that's awful.
Locking up a little kid.
A kid should be free.
Free to run wild through the house
on Saturday mornings.
Free to have cookies and milk,
and get those little white mustaches.
Nobody's gonna take
a kid's freedom away while I'm around.
Does that mean you'll take us?
Storm or no storm,
Albatross Airlines, at your service!
Passengers are requested
to fasten their seat belts
and secure all carry-ons.
We'll be departing following our
pre-flight maintenance. Thank you.
Loosen up, get the blood flowing
up to the head.
And a couple of these...
Okay, one's enough, there we go.
Ah, yeah! That feels better. Oh, baby.
Tie your kangaroos down, sports fans!
Here we come!
Let's go for it! Whoa! Hey!
I didn't adjust for the winds.
All right, we're gonna make it!
Gotta duck down lower.
Go under the wind, go under it!
Here we go! Whoo-hoo!
Ow! This is cold!
Slippery! Ice!
We got ice!
Whoa! Hang on now!
Here we go!
Whoa! Cowabunga!
BIANCA: Captain, is this a
non-stop flight to Australia?
Well, not exactly no.
I could definitely say no.
We're gonna have to make
connections with a bigger bird.
Non-stop? What do I look like,
Charles Lindbergh?
Righteous, righteous, righteous!
Totally sick. Totally sick.
I know. Isn't it great?
No! I'm gonna be totally sick.
It's the California current, dude.
It's got some gnarly chop.
-Surf's up, dude!
Hey, dude, if you're gonna hurl,
just do me a solid...
head to the back of the shell,
lean out, and go for distance.
We call that "feeding the fishes."
Correctamundo, Squirt!
And now we're looking for my parents
at the Brooch of the Atlantic? Or the...
-The Jewel of Morro Bay, California.
How are you gonna find your parents?
Do you remember what they look like?
I'm a bit new to the memory thing,
so I can't say for sure...
but something tells me they were
mostly blue, with s... Maybe yellow.
That sounds right.
Also I'm pretty sure I'm gonna know
them when I see them. We're family.
By the way crossing the ocean
is the kind of thing you should...
only do once. One time!
Morro Bay, California's
coming up, dudes.
DORY: Whoo-hoo!
Let's find my family.
CRUSH: Go! Go! Go, go, go.
NEMO: Just go, Dad.
MARLIN: Don't push me, Nemo.
Whoo-hoo! (LAUGHS)
SQUIRT: So long, Little Blue!
Hope you find your parents.
CRUSH: And good luck
"feeding the fishes."
Too late. Already fed.
Hey, Surge, (SIGHS)
are we glad to see you.
We want to report
some malfeasance
over by the Whac-a-Mole.
Yeah, we saw some undesirables
causing a real donnybrook
over there.
(SCOFFS) Oh, heck no.
Not on my watch.
Appreciate the tip.
-No, no, no, no.
Dante, stop! Cállate! Shh!
I'm sorry.
 Señor de la Cruz, please don't be mad.
(STAMMERS) I'm Miguel.
Your great-great grandson.
I need to borrow this.
(SIGHS) Our family thinks
music is a curse.
None of them understand
but I know you would have.
You would have told me
to follow my heart.
To seize my moment!
So, if it's all right with you,
I'm gonna play in the plaza.
Just like you did!
DOPPLER: Jim! Oh, Jim! Wait for me!
Well, Jim, this should be
a wonderful opportunity
for the two of us
to get to know one another.
You know what they say,
familiarity breeds, um,
well, contempt, but in our case...
Look, let's just find the ship. Okay?
So, all we gotta do
is find this eboy place.
-Right, ebay.
So we go there,
get the steering wheel...
we have it delivered to Litwak
before Friday.
He'll fix your game.
Everything goes back
to the way it was.
Boom! Happily ever after.
This is a shockingly sound,
well-thought-out idea
for you, Ralph.
No offense.
I know. And none taken.
VANELLOPE: Ooh, here it comes.
Ladies and gentlemen,
boy and girls...
I give you the Internet!
The Internet is
not nearly as impressive
as how Sonic described it.
Yeah, I gotta admit,
I'm underwhelmed.
Where do you think
they keep their ebay?
RALPH: Beats me.
Hello, anybody here?
VANELLOPE: Anyone? Hello?
We're looking for ebay!
Ooh. Did you hear that, kid?
Sweet echo.
Check this out.
VANELLOPE: Hoolie-hoo!
Carrots. Why is there always carrots?
I didn't even eat carrots.
MRS. PACKARD: Attention.
All hands to the launch bay.
To whoever took the "L"
from the Motor Pool sign,
ha-ha, we are all very amused.
Excuse me? I need to, uh, report in?
Yes, Mr. Thatch?
(GASPS) It's you!
Blondie, I got a bone to pick with you.
Hold that thought.
What is it this time, Cookie?
You done stuffed my wagon full
to busting with non-essentials.
Look at all this.
Cinnamon, oregano, cilantro.
What in the cockadoodle is cilantro?
And what is this?
That would be lettuce.
Lettuce? Lettuce?
It's a vegetable, Cookie.
The men need
the four basic food groups.
I got your four basic food groups!
Beans, bacon, whiskey, and lard!
All right, cowboy.
Pack it up and move it out.
MRS. PACKARD: Attention.
All hands to the launch bay.
Final loading in progress.
-Second berth on your right!
-You can't miss it.
Hey, thanks.
It's the suit, isn't it?
I should never have listened
to that pushy two-headed saleswoman.
This one said it fit,
that one said it was my color.
I didn't know what to do.
I get so flustered. Ooh!
Oh, Jim! This is our ship!
The R.L.S. Legacy!
VINNY: Hey, Junior.
If you're looking for the pony rides,
they're back there.
Excuse me. Excuse me?
You dropped your
(STUTTERS) dynamite.
What else have you got in there?
Oh, gunpowder,
nitroglycerin, notepads,
fuses, wicks, glue, and...
Paper clips. Big ones.
You know, just office supplies.
Milo! Where you been?
I want you to meet Commander Rourke.
He led the Iceland team
that brought the Journal back.
Milo Thatch.
Pleasure to meet the grandson
of old Thaddeus.
I see you got that journal. Nice pictures,
but I prefer a good western myself.
Pretty impressive, eh?
Boy, when you settle a bet,
you settle a bet.
Well, your granddad always believed
you couldn't put a price
on the pursuit of knowledge.
Well, believe me,
this'll be small change
compared to the value
of what we're gonna learn on this trip.
Yes, this should be
enriching for all of us.
MRS. PACKARD: Attention, 
all personnel.
Launch will commence in 15 minutes.
-Mr. Whitmore.
It's time.
-Bye, Mr. Whitmore!
-Make us proud, boy!
ARROW: Stow those casks forward!
Heave together now!
How cool is this?
-Sorry about that. I didn't mean...
Allow me to handle this.
I'm fluent in Flatula, Jim.
Took two years of it in high school.
Flatula? Cool.
Good morning, Captain.
Everything shipshape?
Shipshape it is, sir,
but I'm not the captain.
The captain's aloft.
Mr. Arrow, I've checked
this miserable ship
from stem to stern
and, as usual, it's spot on.
Can you get nothing wrong?
You flatter me, Captain.
Dr. Doppler, I presume?
Uh, um... Yes. I...
-Hello! Can you hear me?
-Yes, I can! Stop that banging!
If I may, Doctor,
this works so much better
-when it's right-way up and plugged in.
Lovely. There you go.
If you don't mind,
I can manage my own plugging!
I'm Captain Amelia,
late of a few run-ins
with the Protean Armada.
Nasty business, but I won't
bore you with my scars.
You've met my first officer, Mr. Arrow.
Sterling, tough, dependable,
honest, brave, and true.
Please, Captain.
Shut up, Arrow. You know
I don't mean a word of it.
Ahem. Excuse me. I hate to
interrupt this lovely banter,
but may I introduce to you
Jim Hawkins?
Jim, you see, is the boy
who found the treasure...
Doctor, please!
I'd like a word with you in my stateroom.
Doctor, to muse and blabber
about a treasure map
in front of this particular crew
demonstrates a level of ineptitude
that borders on the imbecilic,
and I mean that in a very caring way.
"Imbecilic," did you say?
Foolishness, I've...
May I see the map, please?
Mr. Hawkins, in the future,
you will address me
as "Captain" or "ma'am. "
Is that clear?
Mr. Hawkins?
-Yes, ma'am.
-That'll do.
Gentlemen, this must be kept
under lock and key
when not in use. And, Doctor, again,
with the greatest possible respect,
zip your howling screamer.
Captain, I assure you I...
Let me make this
as monosyllabic as possible.
I don't much care
for this crew you hired.
They're... How did
I describe them, Arrow?
I said something rather good
this morning before coffee.
"A ludicrous parcel
of driveling galoots," ma'am.
-There you go. Poetry.
-Now, see here...
Doctor, I'd love to chat,
tea, cake, the whole shebang,
but I have a ship to launch,
and you've got your outfit to buff up.
Mr. Arrow, please escort
these two neophytes
down to the galley straightaway.
Young Hawkins will be working
for our cook, Mr. Silver.
What? The cook?
That woman! That feline!
Who does she think
is working for whom?
It's my map,
and she's got me bussin' tables?
I'll not tolerate a cross word
about our captain!
There's no finer officer
in this or any galaxy.
ARROW: Mr. Silver?
Why, Mr. Arrow, sir.
Bringin' in such fine
and distinguished gents
to grace my humble galley.
Had I known,
I'd have tucked in me shirt.
A cyborg!
May I introduce Dr. Doppler,
the financier of our voyage.
Love the outfit, Doc.
Well, thank you. Um, love the eye.
Uh, this young lad is Jim Hawkins.
Now, don't be too put off
by this hunk of hardware.
These gears have been
tough getting used to,
but they do come in mighty handy
from time to time.
Here, now, have a taste
of me famous bonzabeast stew.
Mmm! Delightfully tangy, yet robust.
SILVER: Old family recipe.
In fact, that was part of the old family!
I'm just kiddin', Doc!
Yeah, well...
I'm nothin' if I ain't a kidder.
Go on, Jimbo. Have a swig.
SILVER: Morph!
You jiggle-headed blob of mischief!
So that's where you was hiding!
What is that thing?
"What is that thing?"
SILVER: He's a morph.
I rescued the little shape-shifter
on Proteus 1.
Aw, he took a shine to me.
We been together ever since.
Right? Yeah. Nice boy.
We're about to get underway.
Would you like to observe
the launch, Doctor?
Would I?
Does an active galactic nucleus
have superluminal jets?
I'll follow you.
Mr. Hawkins will stay here
in your charge, Mr. Silver.
Beggin' your pardon, sir, but...
Captain's orders! See to it
the new cabin boy's kept busy.
-But, no, but...
-No, you can't...
So, Captain's put you with me, eh?
Well, who be a humble cyborg
to argue with a captain?
You know, these purps,
they're kind of like the ones
back home on Montressor.
You ever been there?
I can't say as I have, Jimbo.
Come to think of it, just before I left,
I met this old guy who was, um...
He was kind of looking
for a cyborg buddy of his.
Is that so?
What was that old salamander's name?
Oh, yeah. Bones.
Billy Bones?
Bones? Bones?
T'ain't ringin' any bells.
Must have been a different cyborg.
There's a slew of cyborgs
roamin' this port.
-ARROW: Prepare to cast off!
Off with you, lad, and watch the launch.
There'll be plenty work
a- waitin' for you afterwards.
We best be keepin' a sharp eye
on this one, eh, Morph?
We wouldn't want him strayin'
into things he shouldn't.
Okay, connect to network.
Password is "high score"
with a zero instead of an "o."
And we are online.
We're all clear, Captain!
Well, my friend. Are we ready
to raise this creaking tub?
My pleasure, Captain.
All hands to stations!
Smartly now!
Come on, you scurvy scum!
I'll race you!
Loose all solar sails!
Come on!
ARROW: Heave up the braces.
Brace up.
Ooh! Oh!
Mr. Zoff, engage artificial gravity.
South by southwest,
Mr. Turnbuckle, heading 2-1-0-0.
Aye, Captain. 2-1-0-0.
DIVING OFFICER: Rig ship for dive!
Aye, sir! Rig ship for dive.
Lieutenant, take her down.
Diving officer, submerge the ship.
-Make the depth one-five-zero feet.
Make the depth one-five-zero feet.
Dive, dive! Five degrees down bubble.
DIVING OFFICER: Take us down.
CREW MEMBER: Take us down!
-VANELLOPE: Hoolie-hoo!
-VANELLOPE: Hoolie-hoolie-hoo!
VANELLOPE: Ooh, Ralph, look.
Cool. Mood lighting.
Ahhh! That's a gremlin!
Stay away! It's a gremlin!
It looks like
a tiny Mr. Litwak.
Full speed, Mr. Arrow, if you please.
Take her away!
IP address 415-1037-483.
Oh, cool! Come on, Ralph,
let's follow him!
Hey, wait for me!
Kid, come back! Wait!
Don't leave without me!
IP address 415-1037-483.
(MUFFLED) I can't breathe.
I don't fit.
Brace yourself, Doctor.
(SNIDELY) "Brace yourself. "
Aah! Oof!
VANELLOPE: Whoo-hoo!
Yeah! Whoo!
Ralph! Isn't this great?
No, it is not!
No, no, no.
Sweet mother of monkey milk!
Kid, I don't think
we're in Litwak's anymore.
We most certainly are not,
We are in the Internet!
Come on, Ralph!
Upon my word, an Orcus Galacticus.
Doctor, I'd stand clear...
-MAN 1: The guitar! It's gone!
MAN 2: Somebody stole
de la Cruz's guitar!
WOMAN: The window's broken. Look!
All right, who's in there?
I'm sorry. It's not what it looks like.
De la Cruz is my...
-There's nobody here.
-MAMÁ: Miguel!
Miguel, come home.
Where are you, Miguel?
 Dios mio! Little boy. Are you okay?
Here. Let me help you.
Thanks. I...
-Do you mind? Whoa!
-Look how big she's getting.
 (GASPS) Dante!
-You can see me? Wait!
What's going on? Dante!
-Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
You're here? Here, here.
And you can see us?
-Our Migueli-ti-ti-ti-to!
Remind me how I know you.
-We're your family, mijo.
-MIGUEL: Tía Rosita?
-MIGUEL: Papá Julio?
MIGUEL: Tía Victoria?
He doesn't seem entirely dead.
-He's not quite alive, either.
We need Mamá Imelda.
She'll know how to fix this.
Oye! It's Mamá Imelda.
-She couldn't cross over!
-She's stuck!
-On the other side!
Tío Oscar? Tío Felipe?
-Oh. Hey, Miguel.
I have a feeling this has
something to do with you.
But if Mamá Imelda can't come to us...
Then we are going to her! Vámonos!
Come on, Miguel. It's okay.
'Tis a grand day for sailing, Captain,
and look at you.
You're as trim and as bonny as a sloop
with new sails and a fresh coat of paint.
You can keep that kind of flim-flammery
for your spaceport floozies, Silver.
"Spaceport floozy, spaceport floozy... "
You cut me to the quick, Captain.
I speaks nothing
but me heart at all times.
MORPH: "Nothing but me heart."
And, by the way,
isn't that your cabin boy
aimlessly footling about
in those shrouds?
Yep, it...
A momentary aberration, Cap'n,
soon to be addressed. Jimbo!
I got two new friends
I'd like you to meet.
Say hello to Mr. Mop and Mrs. Bucket.
MRS. PACKARD: Attention.
Tonight's supper will be baked beans.
Musical program to follow.
-Who wrote this?
You have disturbed the dirt.
-Pardon me?
-You have disturbed the dirt!
Dirt from around the globe,
spanning the centuries!
What have you done?
England must never merge with France!
-What's it doing in my bed?
-You ask too many questions.
Who are you? Who sent you?
Speak up!
-Me? I'm...
-I will know soon enough.
Hey, hey, hey! Let go!
Do not be such a crybaby. Hold still.
A-ha! There you are.
(GASPS) Now,
tell me your story, my little friend.
Parchment fiber from
the Nile delta circa 500 B.C.
Lead pencil, number 2.
Paint flecks of a type
used in government buildings.
You have a cat,
shorthaired Persian, two years old,
third in a litter of seven.
There are all the microscopic
fingerprints of the mapmaker.
And linguist.
-Hey, how did you...
-This is an outrage!
You must leave at once!
Out, out, out, out, out!
Uh-oh. Sat in the dirt, didn't you?
Moliere, now what have I told you
about playing nice with the other kids?
Get back. I've got soap,
-and I'm not afraid to use it.
Back, foul creature!
Back to the pit from which you came!
The name's Sweet.
Joshua Sweet. Medical officer.
Yeah, Milo Thatch.
Milo Thatch. You're my 3:00.
Well, no time like the present.
-Oh, boy.
-Nice, isn't it?
The catalog says that this little beauty
can saw through a femur in 28 seconds.
I'm betting I can cut that time in half.
Now, stick out your
tongue and say, "Ah."
Oh, no, really. I have a... Ah!
-So, where you from?
Really? I have family up that way.
Beautiful country up there.
Do you do any fishing?
Me? I hate fishing. I hate fish.
Hate the taste, hate the smell,
and hate all them little bones.
Here, I'm gonna need you
to fill these up.
(SPUTTERS) With what?
MRS. PACKARD: Will Milo Thatch
please report to the bridge?
Thank you.
I mean, nice meeting you.
Uh-huh, nice meeting you, too.
So I says to him,
"What's wrong with my meatloaf?"
-And he says to me...
Hold on a second, Margie.
I got another call.
Sir, we're approaching coordinates.
Hello, Margie?
Yeah, so anyways, he says...
ROURKE: All right,
let's have a look around.
HELGA: Aye, sir.
Set course to two-four-zero.
SAILOR: Aye, aye, sir.
HELGA: 15 degrees down angle
on the bow planes.
Come right two-four-zero.
ROURKE: Welcome to
the bridge, Mr. Thatch.
Okay, everybody,
I want you to give Mr. Thatch
your undivided attention.
Good afternoon.
Can everyone hear me okay?
Okay, how about some slides?
The first slide is
a depiction of a creature.
A creature so frightening
that sailors were said
to be driven mad by the mere sight of it.
-MRS. PACKARD: Hubba, hubba.
Uh, I'm sorry. That's wrong.
Geez, I used to take lunch money
-from guys like this.
Anyway, this... Okay.
This is an illustration of the Leviathan,
the creature guarding
the entrance to Atlantis.
With something like that,
I would have white wine, I think.
It's a mythical sea serpent.
He's described in The Book of Job.
The Bible says,
"Out of his mouth go burning lights,
"sparks of fire shoot out."
But more likely, it's a carving or
a sculpture to frighten the superstitious.
So we find this masterpiece.
Then what?
When do we dig?
Actually, we don't have to dig.
You see, according to the Journal,
the path to Atlantis
will take us down a tunnel
at the bottom of the ocean,
and we'll come up a curve
into an air pocket right here,
where we'll find the remnants
of an ancient highway
that will lead us to Atlantis.
Kind of like the grease trap in your sink.
Cartographer, linguist, plumber.
Hard to believe he's still single.
-You said there'd be digging.
-HELGA: Go away, Mole.
Captain, you'd better
come look at this, sir.
Okay, class dismissed.
Give me exterior lights.
Look at that.
There are ships here from every era.
Commander, I think
you should hear this.
Commander? Commander?
"Enter the lair of the Leviathan."
MRS. PACKARD: Commander?
"There you will find the path
to the gateway."
-Yes, Mrs. Packard. What is it?
I'm picking up something
on the hydrophone
-I think you should hear.
-Put it on speakers.
What is it? A pod of whales?
Uh-uh... Bigger.
It sounds metallic.
Could be an echo off one of the rocks.
Do you want to do my job? Be my guest.
Is it just me, or is that getting louder?
Well, whatever it was, it's gone now.
Helmsman! Bring us about.
Tighten our search pattern
and slow us to...
-Out of my way!
Tell Cookie to melt the butter
and break out the bibs.
I want this lobster served up
on a silver platter.
Load the torpedo bays!
Sub pod crews, battle stations!
ENSIGN: Battle stations!
Steady, boys. Don't panic.
Jimmy Christmas! It's a machine!
Wait, wait! (GRUNTS)
Launch subpods!
ENSIGN: Subpods away!
We're free. All ahead full.
Fire torpedoes!
ENSIGN: Fire torpedos!
Get me the bridge!
Sir, it's Engineering on four.
Rourke! We took a big hit down here,
and we're taking on water fast.
I don't want to be around
when it hits the boilers.
How much time do we have?
Twenty minutes, if the bulkhead holds.
(CLANGS) You better make that five.
You heard the lady. Let's move!
Move! Where? Move where?
Packard, sound the alarm!
He took his suitcase?
Marge, honey,
I don't think he's coming back.
-I have to call you back.
No, no, I'll call you.
MRS. PACKARD: All hands, 
abandon ship.
Move it, people!
Sometime today would be nice!
Come on! Everybody
grab a seat and buckle in.
Lieutenant, get us out of here!
-ROURKE: Lieutenant!
-I'm working on it!
Hang on.
Where to, Mr. Thatch?
We're looking for
a big crevice of some kind.
There! Up ahead.
All craft, make your mark
20 degrees down angle.
Roger! 20 degrees down angle.
Right behind you!
-MOLE: Sacré bleu!
-We're getting killed out here!
Look out!
It's only a grease trap.
It's just like a sink.
It's only a grease trap.
It's just like a sink.
Let me out of here!
Let me go! You can't do this!
Breaker, breaker, little mate.
I forgot to tell you around here,
you need to be quiet!
Or the rangers might hear you.
Now sit down and relax,
enjoy the view.
Nothing but abandoned opal mines
as far as the eye can see.
And dead ahead, is home sweet home.
(SINGING) Home, home on the range
Where the critters
are tied up in chains
I cut through their sides
And I rip off their hides
And the next day, I do it again
Home, home on the range...
WOMAN: Cody! Cody!
MAN: Ladies and gentlemen, Flight 12
is now approaching Sydney airport.
Make sure your seat belts
are fastened and tables secured.
Enjoy your stay in Australia.
-Are we there yet?
Perhaps we should wake up Wilbur.
All right, I'll get him up.
-Just five more minutes, Ma.
-That's all I need, five more minutes.
Wilbur, are you awake?
-Get up, we're there!
-I'm up, I'm up.
Watch out!
Must have been sleeping on a bolt.
Oh, boy.
Throw another shrimp on the barbie,
'cause here I come!
-Here we go again!
Gangway! Coming through.
Mice on board!
Clear the way!
Move over madam, there you go!
Coming through, sir. Thank you.
Next stop, Mugwomp Flats.
Did we lose anyone back there?
BERNARD: Miss Bianca, from now on,
can't we just take the train?
Dante? Dante! Dante, wait up!
You got to stay with me, boy.
You don't know... where...
This isn't a dream, then.
You're all really out there.
-You thought we weren't?
-Well, I don't know.
I thought it might've been one of those
made up things that adults tell kids.
Like vitamins.
Miguel, vitamins are a real thing.
Well, now I'm thinking
maybe they could be.
-Mija, it's not nice to stare at...
Ay! Santa Maria!
Are those... Alebrijes! But those are...
OSCAR: Real alebrijes. Spirit creatures.
They guide souls on their journey.
Watch your step.
They make caquitas everywhere.
ANNOUNCER: Welcome back
to the Land of the Dead.
Please have all offerings
ready for re-entry.
Welcome back.
Anything to declare?
Some churros. From my family.
How wonderful. Next.
ANNOUNCER: If you are
experiencing travel issues,
agents at the Department of Family...
Reunions are available to assist you.
Next family, please.
 Oh! Your photos are
on your son's ofrenda.
Have a great visit.
BOTH: Gracias.
ANNOUNCER: And remember
to return before sunrise.
Enjoy your visit.
Your photo's on your dentist's
ofrenda. Enjoy your visit.
Yes! It is I. Frida Kahlo.
Shall we skip the scanner?
I'm on so many ofrendas
it'll just overwhelm your blinky thingy.
Well, shoot, looks like no one
put up your photo, Frida.
Okay, when I said I was Frida,
just now, that was a lie.
And I apologize for doing that.
No photo on an ofrenda,
no crossing the bridge.
I'm just gonna zip right over.
You won't even know I'm gone.
Almost...there. Just a little further.
Upsy daisy...
Fine. Okay. Fine, who cares?
Dumb flower bridge!
Aw. I don't know what I'd do
if no one put up my photo.
-Oh! Come, mijo. It's our turn.
Welcome back, amigos.
Anything to declare?
As a matter of fact, yes.
Paging Marta Gonzales-Ramos.
Please report to Level Seven.
(SIGHS) I miss my nose.
JAKE: Well, Sparky,
you've had this coming for a long time.
And now, you're gonna get it.
Wise fly.
WILBUR: Mugwomp tower,
this is Albatross 1-3
requesting permission to land. Over?
Albatross? Let's see.
Finch, wren, scrub-bird, lorikeet,
freckled duck, galah,
kookaburra, parrot,
cockatoo, alba... It's a jumbo!
Negative, you'll have to turn back.
-Our runway isn't long enough for you.
-WILBUR: Not long enough?
Look pal,
I can land this thing on a dime!
BERNARD: Wilbur,
if the runway isn't long enough...
WILBUR: You can't let radar jockeys
push you around. Leave it to me.
I say again, mate,
our runway is too short.
And I say again, mate, I'm coming in!
Crazy Yank. Quick, Sparky,
we gotta extend the runway.
Here we go!
We'll never make it!
Passengers, please remain seated
until the aircraft comes
to a full and complete stop.
Thank you.
Quick, Sparky,
we need to make a drag line!
Don't try and tell me
the runway's too short.
Hold this for me, will you, pal?
Bloke ought to have his wings clipped.
Captain thanks you
for flying Albatross Airlines...
Crazy Yanks.
They think they can do any fool thing
without regard for...
Welcome to Australia, ma'am.
Name's Jake. If there's any way
I can make your stay pleasant,
don't hesitate to ask.
-Oh, how kind.
-Allow me to get that bag for you.
I've got a lot of luggage here.
Let me give you a hand with those.
Part of the friendly service
at Albatross...
-Ow! Big time hurt!
Back! It's out!
-Are you all right?
-Don't worry, I'll handle this.
Sparky, watch the tower.
We gotta get this bird to the hospital.
Can't go down, can't go up.
Take the bags!
MICE: Heave! Ho!
WILBUR: What are you doing?
What's going on? Wait!
-Wait a minute. Just stop everything.
-BIANCA: Wilbur, don't worry.
We'll come back the moment
we find the boy.
Wait! Wait a minute!
Don't leave me here, please!
I'm feeling much better now.
I'm even ready to hit the beaches.
I'm even ready to mambo. (HUMMING)
Doctor, will he be all right?
Now, my dear. Keep a stiff upper lip.
They all come in with a whimper,
and leave with a grin.
Off with you now. Leave everything
to me. Shoo, shoo. Off you go.
Hop to it, ladies.
We've got a bent bird on our hands.
-Move, bustle, bustle. That's it.
-Will it hurt, Doc?
Dear boy, you won't feel a thing.
-Launch the back brace!
-WILBUR: Hey, wait!
(SCREAMS) I've been skewered!
I've already missed tea, Mr. Albatross.
Now don't force me to take
drastic measures. You must relax.
Relax? I have never been
more relaxed in my life!
If I were any more relaxed, I'd be dead!
I'm not convinced.
60 milligrams!
60 milligrams.
WILBUR: Hey! What?
Are you guys crazy?
You can't do that to me!
I'm an American citizen, buddy!
-Better double it!
-Double, coming up!
Prepare the albatross for medication.
I'm dreaming!
Come on, Wilbur. Wake up, boy!
-DOCTOR: Three degrees right.
-Come on!
-Three degrees right.
-Down two degrees.
Don't go down two!
-Down two degrees.
No, I'm not ready! No, please!
Please don't do this to me.
Now we just gotta
figure out how to get there.
So are you and your husband here
on a little outback excursion?
No, we're not married.
In fact, we're here
on a top secret mission.
Very hush-hush.
Gonna rescue that kid
McLeach nabbed?
Why, that's right! How did you know?
You'll find it's tough
to keep secrets in the outback, miss.
So which way you taking?
Suicide Trail through Nightmare
Canyon, or shortcut at Satan's Ridge?
-"Suicide Trail"?
-Good choice.
More snakes, less quicksand.
Then once you cross Bloodworm Creek,
you're scot-free, that is until...
Dead Dingo Pass.
Wait a minute, I don't see
any of that stuff on the map.
A map's no good in the outback!
What you really need is someone
who knows the territory.
Mr. Jake, will you guide us?
At your service!
Better take my arm, miss.
It's gonna be a treacherous hike.
I remember the time it was just me
and 400 of these big, giant...
Doesn't even know how to fold a map.
Holy cow!
Look at all this stuff.
This is the most beautiful
miracle I've ever seen.
But it's so big.
It goes on forever and ever.
(GLITCHING) How are we
possibly gonna find
ebay out there?
Hey, kid. Kid, don't worry.
I'm sure
there's someone out here
who could give us directions.
Look at that little egg guy.
He's got on one of those hats
that smart people wear.
I bet he could help us.
Come on.
Welcome back
to the search bar, madam.
I hope you are able to find
a satisfactory
breakfast burrito...
based upon the search results
I provided this morning.
What can KnowsMore
help you find now?
Where can I find ballet...?
Ballet shoes? Ballet classes?
Ballet folklorico?
BALLET MOM: ...tights?
Girls' size small.
Oh, little Madeline's
trying ballet now, is she?
I hope this lasts longer
than the soccer phase.
I found 23 million results
for ballet tights,
girls' size small.
Isn't that interesting?
They never say thank you.
Oh, hello, sir.
Interesting, you don't seem to
have a search history.
Well, let's start one for you.
What can KnowsMore
help you find today?
-Umbrella. Umbrage.
-Umami. Uma Thurman.
Noah's Ark. No Doubt.
Nordstrom Rack.
Ergonomics. Urban Outfitters.
Urkel, played by Jaleel White.
Looks like no one put
Humpty Dumpty together again.
This guy's
a little soft-boiled.
I'm pretty sure
he's just trying to
guess what you're gonna say.
Yes. I'm sorry,
but my autofill
is a touch aggressive today.
Let me try. (CLEARS THROAT)
ebay Sugar Rush
-steering wheel.
I only found one result
for your query.
Hmm. Isn't that interesting?
What? How did you...?
Ah, the Internet's
very intuitive.
Thank you, Mr. KnowsMore.
Well, you're welcome.
Redirecting to ebay.
KNOWSMORE: I like her.
What a delightful girl.
will be fined for speeds
less than three megabytes
per second.
Wow, I guess
we know where to go
if we ever need
a pair of goggles.
There's a whole building
full of them.
Oh! There it is! ebay!
we're really gonna do it.
We're actually gonna
save my game.
Told you not to worry.
We just gotta keep our eyes on
the prize and stay focused.
Get rid of belly fat
using this one weird trick.
Ooh! I love weird tricks.
Sassy housewives
want to meet you.
They do?
you're a winner!
These ten child stars
went to prison.
Number six will amaze you.
Ooh. That sounds interesting.
Wanna get rich
playing video games?
Click here to find out how.
Ralph, come on!
But there's a lot of
cool stuff here.
I'll be right here if you
change your mind, brother.
Ooh, how about you, lady?
You wanna get rich
playing video games?
 Come on, help us out, amigo.
We got to get to
a dozen ofrendas tonight.
We are not visiting your ex-wife's family
for Día de Muertos!
I demand to speak
to the person in charge!
I'm sorry, señora,
it says here no one put up your photo.
My family always put my photo
on the ofrenda.
That devil box tells you nothing but lies!
-Mamá Imelda? (GASPS)
-Oh, mi familia!
They wouldn't let me cross the bridge.
Tell this woman and her devil box
that my photo is in the ofrenda.
(STAMMERS) Well, we never
made it to the ofrenda.
-We ran into... (STAMMERS)
-(GASPS) Miguel?
-Mamá Imelda.
What is going on?
You the Rivera family?
Well, you're cursed.
Día de los Muertos is
the night to give to the dead.
You stole from the dead!
But I wasn't stealing the guitar.
It was my great-great-grandfather's.
He would have wanted me to have it.
Ah, ah, ah. We do not speak
of that musician.
He is dead to this family.
MIGUEL: Uh, you're all dead.
I am sorry. Whose alebrije is that?
That's just Dante.
He sure doesn't look like an alebrije.
He just looks like a plain old dog.
Or a sausage someone dropped
in a barbershop.
Whatever he is,
I am (SNEEZES) terribly allergic.
But Dante doesn't have any hair.
And I don't have a nose,
and yet, here we are.
But none of this explains
why I couldn't cross over.
You took my photo off the ofrenda?
-It was an accident.
-How do we send him back?
since it's a family matter...
the way to undo a family curse
-is to get your family's blessing.
-That's it?
Get your family's blessing
and everything should go
back to normal.
But you got to do it by sunrise.
What happens at sunrise?
Híjole! Your hand!
Whoa, Miguel,
can't have you fainting on us.
(CHUCKLES) But not to worry.
Your family's here.
You can get your blessing right now.
Cempasúchil, cempasúchil.
Aha! Perdón, señora.
Now, you look at the living
and say his name.
Nailed it. Now say,
"I give you my blessing."
I give you my blessing.
I give you my blessing to go home...
to put my photo back on the ofrenda,
and to never play music again.
What? She can't do that!
Well, technically, she can add
any condition she wants.
(SIGHS) Fine.
CLERK: Then you hand
the petal to Miguel.
 No skeletons!
Mariachi Plaza, here I come.
Two seconds and you already
break your promise.
This isn't fair. It's my life.
You already had yours.
Papá Julio, I ask for your blessing.
-Tía Rosita? Oscar?
-Felipe? Tía Victoria?
Don't make this hard, mijo.
You go home my way or no way.
You really hate music that much?
I will not let you go down
the same path he did.
The same path he did. He's family.
Listen to your Mamá Imelda.
She's just looking out for you.
Be reasonable.
Con permiso,
I need to visit the restroom.
Be right back.
Uh, should we tell him
there are no restrooms
in the Land of the Dead?
Ladies and gentlemen,
the next item up...
a black velvet painting
of a sorrowful kitten.
Bidding starts at 49.99.
850 for the beaver,
the beautifully
taxidermied beaver...
...a gently used
artificial hip...
and the bidding's open at $10.
Do I hear 20?
AUCTIONEER: Do I hear 350?
Who'll give me 350?
50, 50, 50 now.
-who'll give me 350?
Going once,
going twice and sold!
-The tortilla chip shaped like
international superstar
Beyoncé Knowles...
goes for 400.
Yay! So happy.
Are you understanding
how this game works?
I think all you have to do is
yell out the biggest number...
and then you win this stuff.
(SCOFFS) And I thought
Q*bert's game was weird.
Hey, kid, hop up here...
and see if you can tell
where they keep
their steering wheels.
Uh, there's a bunch of sports
And big baby clothes
called "lingerie."
-RALPH: Huh.
-Go to the right, move right.
Oh. There's a row with a bunch
of old video game junk!
Oh, there it is! There it is!
I see it!
Oh, someone else
is trying to win it.
Come on. Hurry, let's go!
We got 275.
And with 30 seconds left
in the auction, we have 275.
RALPH: Move! Move! Hey!
-That's ours! Out of the way!
-Do I hear a three?
-I'll give you three!
- I got three!
Can I get a 305? 305?
Can I give a 3-5?
-305, can I get a 310?
-Can you bid 310?
Oh, man, this guy is good!
He keeps coming up with
numbers like it's nothing.
I hear three-and-a-quarter.
Do I hear 350?
-350? 350?
-Watch this.
Now we have a bid of 1,000!
Way to go, kid!
That is a huge number.
-Thank you.
-Check this out.
15,000! Do I hear 15-5?
-27 and one!
And sold! For 27,001...
to the barefoot hobo
in the broken overalls.
Hey, that's me!
-We won!
-We won!
Here's your voucher
for auction item 197324579.
Please take it to checkout
for processing.
So, we are set to ship
one Sugar Rush
steering wheel...
-RALPH: Mmm-hmmm. a Litwak's Family
FunLand in Los Aburridos,
With expedited shipping,
that should arrive
Wednesday morning.
That's two whole days before
Litwak scraps your game.
We're way ahead of schedule.
We rule!
I'll just need
a credit card number.
Sorry, what's a
credit card number?
A credit card number.
Number. Right.
Uh, seven.
Excuse me?
Sorry, no. You're right,
ridiculous. I meant 11.
Those aren't
credit card numbers.
I'm pretty sure they are.
How exactly do you intend
to pay for this item, sir?
You owe $27,001.
Dollars? Dollars like money?
Yes, and if you don't
have a credit card...
we also accept PayPal,
ProPay, SquareCash
and BuzzzyBucks.
You're gonna laugh. Okay.
So this big galoot,
he left his wallet at home.
Yeah, yeah, I did leave
my wallet at home,
in my wallet room.
And the door's locked.
Look. If you don't pay
within 24 hours...
you will be in violation
of the unpaid item policy...
you will forfeit the bid,
and you will lose this item.
Hey, buddy, you going to eboy?
Well, I got some free advice
for you. Don't.
What a scam!
(GRUNTING) We were so close,
and we would have gotten...
Look, their signs
aren't even real!
What the heck? Dang Internet.
Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man.
Hey, kid. What's going on?
What's wrong?
If I don't have
the steering wheel,
I don't have the game,
I'm gameless.
There's only one steering
wheel on the whole Internet...
and we blew our chance
to get it. We blew it!
Hey, hey, hey, calm down.
We came here
to save your game,
and that's what
we're gonna do.
-Okay, yeah.
There you go.
Now look, all we gotta do...
is figure out a way
to earn a little bit of moola.
We're video game characters,
Ralph! We don't have moola.
Unless you can think
of some magical way
to get rich
playing video games.
PATROLWOMAN: We got a family
looking for a living boy.
If I want to be a musician,
I need a musician's blessing.
We got to find my great-great-grandpa.
-Hold it, muchaco.
I found that living boy!
Oh, whoa, excuse me. Excuse me, folks.
Excuse me.
No, no. Dante!
Disturbing the peace. Fleeing an officer.
Falsifying a unibrow.
-That's illegal?
-Very illegal.
You need to clean up your act, amigo.
Amigo? Oh, that's so nice
to hear you say that
because I have just had a...
really hard Día de Muertos
and I could really use
-an amigo right now.
And amigos, they help their amigos.
You get me across that bridge tonight,
and I'll make it worth your while.
Oh! You like de la Cruz?
He and I go way back.
I can get you front row seats
to his Sunrise Spectacular show.
I'll get you backstage.
You can meet him.
You just got to let me cross that bridge!
I should lock you up
for the rest of the holiday.
But my shift's almost up
and I want to visit my living family.
So I'm letting you off with a warning.
Can I at least get my costume back?
Uh... No.
(GROANS) Some amigo.
Hey! Hey! You really know de la Cruz?
Who wants to... Ahh! Ay! You're alive!
Shh! Yeah, I'm alive.
And if I want to get back to
the Land of the Living...
I need de la Cruz's blessing.
That's weirdly specific.
He's my great-great-grandfather.
(STAMMERING) He's your Gr... What?
Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait. (GASPS)
Wait. No, wait, wait, wait.
Wait! Yes! You're going back
to the Land of the Living!
You know what?
Maybe this isn't such a good...
No, no, niño! Niño, niño,
I can help you. You can help me.
We can help each other.
But most importantly, you can help me.
-I'm Héctor.
-That's nice.
Espérame, chamaco!
Ay, he is going to get himself killed!
I need my spirit guide...
Pepita. (WHISTLES)
Who has that petal Miguel touched?
-Here. Nice alebrije.
Yeah, I got your Mr. Mop.
Watch it, twerp.
What are you looking at, weirdo?
Yeah, weirdo.
Cabin boys should learn
to mind their own business.
Why? You got something to hide,
bright eyes?
Maybe your ears don't work so well.
(GRUNTS) Yeah. Ahem.
Too bad my nose works just fine.
Why, you impudent little...
-Go ahead! Slice him! Dice him!
Any last words, cabin boy?
Mr. Scroop,
you ever see what happens
to a fresh purp
when you squeeze real hard?
ARROW: What's all this, then?
You know the rules.
There'll be no brawling on this ship.
Aye-aye, sir.
Any further offenders
will be confined to the brig
for the remainder of the voyage.
Am I clear, Mr. Scroop?
SILVER: Well done, Mr. Arrow, sir!
A tight ship's a happy ship, sir.
Jimbo, I gave you a job.
Hey, I was doing it until that bug thing...
Belay that! Now, I want
this deck swabbed spotless,
and heaven help you
if I come back and it's not done.
Morph? Keep an eye on this pup,
and let me know if there be
any more distractions.
Okay. Aye-aye.
So, we're all here, then.
-Excuse me.
Now, if you pardon
my plain speaking, gentlemen,
are you all
-stark-raving, totally blinking daft?
After all me finagling getting us hired
as an upstanding crew,
you want to blow the whole mutiny
before its time?
The boy was sniffing about.
You just stick to the plan,
you bug-brained twit.
As for the boy, I'll run him so ragged,
he won't have time to think.
HELEN: What are we gonna do?
BOB: I don't know.
Maybe Dicker
will find something?
Dicker is gone, Bob.
Any thought we had about being
Supers again is fantasy.
One of us has gotta get a job.
One of us?
You did a long stint
at Insuricare.
Hated every minute of it.
I know it was hard on you.
Maybe it's my turn
in the private sector
and you take care
of the kids...
No, I'm doing this.
I need to do this.
You know
where my suit and ties are?
Burned up when...
The jet destroyed our house.
We can't count
on anyone else now, Bob.
It's just us.
-We can't wait for...
LUCIUS: No lifeguard on duty!
Swim at your own risk.
Oh, where'd you go today?
I noticed
you missed all the fun.
LUCIUS: Don't be mad because
I know when to leave a party.
I'm just as illegal
as you guys.
Besides, I knew the cops
would let you go.
Yeah, in spite
of Bob's best efforts.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I heard the program shut down.
How much longer
are you in this motel?
Two weeks.
Now, you know
the offer still stands.
You're very generous,
but there are five of us.
We wouldn't do that
to you and Honey.
Well, door's always open.
You know,
the news isn't all bad.
While you guys
were being detained...
I was approached by a dude
who represents this tycoon.
BOB: Winston Deavor.
LUCIUS: Wants to talk...
with me, with you two,
about hero stuff.
LUCIUS: I checked him out.
He's legit.
Trained under Dicker.
He wants to meet.
Ah, jeez!
More superhero trouble.
We just came from the
police station, Lucius.
Tonight. I'm going there now.
You enjoy,
I'm sitting this one out.
He wants all three of us.
Honey, let's just at least
hear what he has to say.
You got the address,
I'll meet you guys there.
Go in our Supersuits?
Might wanna wear
the old Supersuits.
Got a feeling he's nostalgic.
Where are you going?
The fresh air
is especially good tonight.
If Jack-Jack wakes up...
I know the drill.
Your security badges.
Please, this way.
Hey, listen,
you're my biggest fan.
-Good to see you.
I'm your biggest fan.
WINSTON: I love superheroes!
The powers, the costumes...
the mythic struggles.
Winston Deavor.
You can call me Win.
Genuine pleasure to meet you.
-It's good to see you.
-Nice to meet you.
-Mr. Incredible!
♪ Mr. Incredible, Incredible
♪ Incredible
♪ Catching the bad guys
Pow, pow, pow ♪
♪ Who's the cat
Who's always chill
♪ When survival odds
Are close to nil
♪ Frozone
♪ Frozone ♪
Can't tell you what a thrill
this is. And this...
Oh, hello there, superheroes.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
_________________________________ my tardy sister, Evelyn.
And I'm scolding myself
so you don't have to, Winston!
My father was so proud
that I was even remotely
connected to you guys.
He used to call you
the last line of defense.
He was your top supporter.
He donated
to superhero causes.
He raised money
for the Dynaguy statue
in Avery Park.
He got to know
many Supers personally.
Even installed a phone
with direct lines
to Gazerbeam and Fironic...
in case of emergencies.
He loved that,
showed it off to everyone.
He was heartbroken
when you were all forced
to go underground.
Father believed the world
would become more dangerous
without you.
He didn't know
how right he was.
There was a break-in.
My father called Gazerbeam.
The direct line.
-No answer.
He called Fironic, no answer.
Superheroes had just been
made illegal...
The robbers discovered him
on the phone...
-and shot him.
It must've been hard.
EVELYN: Especially for Mother.
She died a few months later.
If superheroes had not been
forced underground...
it never would've happened.
Or Dad could've taken Mom
to the safe room
as soon as he knew
there was trouble.
I disagree strongly!
But we're not going
into it right now.
The point is...
nobody expected us
to be able to actually run
Dad's company.
But with Evelyn as designer,
and myself as operator...
uh, we threw ourselves
into building DEVTECH
into what it is today.
FROZONE: A world-class
telecommunications company.
Bigger than ever.
Perfectly positioned to make
some wrong things right.
Hence, this meeting.
Let me ask you something.
What is the main reason
you were all
forced underground?
Take today for example,
with the Underminer.
Difficult situation.
You were faced
with a lot of hard decisions.
Oh, tell me about it.
WINSTON: I can't.
Because, I didn't see it...
neither did anyone else.
So, when you fight bad guys
like today...
people don't see the fight
or what led up to it.
They see what politicians
tell them to see.
They see destruction
and they see you.
So, if we wanna change
people's perceptions
about superheroes...
we need you
to share your perceptions
with the world.
-How do we do that?
-EVELYN: With cameras.
We need you to share your
perceptions with the world.
ELASTIGIRL: How do we do that?
EVELYN: We embed tiny cameras,
like those,
into your Supersuits.
Wow, so small.
And the picture
is outstanding.
Thanks! Designed 'em myself.
WINSTON: We've got resources,
worldwide connections...
and very important, insurance.
Insurance is key.
All we need now
are the super-est superheroes.
It needs you three.
Come on!
Help me make all Supers
legal again.
This sounds great!
Let's get this going.
What's my first assignment?
That enthusiasm is golden.
Now hold on to it.
But for our first move...
Well, Elastigirl
is our best play.
-Better than me?
I mean, she's good.
Really, a credit to her...
You know.
With great respect...
let's not test the whole
for-everything" idea...
-on the first go 'round, okay?
Wait a minute.
You're saying what? I'm messy?
Well, Evelyn did
a cost-benefit analysis...
comparing all your last
five years of crime-fighting
before going underground.
And Elastigirl's numbers
are self-explanatory.
Well, it's not
a fair comparison!
Heavyweight problems
need heavyweight solutions.
Of course! We're gonna solve
all kinds
of problems together.
After the perfect launch
with Elastigirl!
So, what do you say?
What do I say? (CHUCKLES)
I don't know.
What do you mean,
you don't know?
A few hours ago,
you were saying it was over...
and being a superhero
was a fantasy.
Now, you get the offer
of a lifetime
and you don't know?
It's not that simple, Bob.
I wanna protect the kids!
So do I.
From jail, Bob!
-BOB: And how do you do that?
By turning down the chance
to change the law
that forces them to hide
what they are?
They haven't decided what
they are. They're still kids.
Kids with powers,
which makes them Supers...
whether they decide
to use those powers or not.
This will benefit them.
It's not a good time
to be away.
Dash is having trouble
with homework...
Vi is worried
about her first date
with that boy she likes,
and Jack-Jack...
What's wrong with him?
Okay, nothing's wrong
with Jack-Jack.
But, even a normal baby
needs a lot of attention.
I'm just not sure I can leave.
Of course you can leave.
You've got to. So that I...
we could be Supers again,
so our kids can have
that choice.
So you can have that choice.
All right, yes!
So I can have that choice.
And I would do a great job!
Regardless of what Deavor's
pie charts say or whatever...
But they want you.
And you'll do a great...
was excruciating to watch.
-I can't lie to you.
It's nice to be wanted.
Flattery, you know, but...
But what's the choice?
One, do this right,
get well paid,
we're out of the motel...
and things get better
for all Supers,
including our kids.
Or two...
I find a job in two weeks
or we're homeless.
You know it's crazy, right?
To help my family,
I gotta leave it.
To fix the law,
I gotta break it.
You'll be great.
I know I will.
But what about you?
We have kids.
I'll watch the kids,
no problem.
-Easy, huh?
You're adorable.
Well, if there is a problem,
I'll drop this thing
and come right back.
You won't need to.
I got it,
you go do this thing.
Do it so...
I can do it better. (GRUNTS)
Get back! Get back!
Get back, you horrible beast!
I have no fear!
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, I'm so sorry, Dim. An owie?
Okay, show Rosie the owie.
All right, Dim. It's okay.
I have been in outhouses
that didn't stink that bad.
This is ridiculous.
What a disappointment.
-(GASPS) No!
-You! Come here!
I want my money back!
No refunds after the first two minutes.
Popcorn! Stale popcorn!
We're losing the audience!
You clowns get out there now!
I hate performing
on an empty stomach!
Do your act, Heimlich.
-Then you can eat.
-SLIM: P.T., what's the point?
Not now, Slim.
What's the point of going out there?
They'll only laugh at me.
-That's because you're a clown!
-No, it's because I'm a prop!
You always cast me as the broom,
the pole, the stick, a splinter.
You're a walking stick. It's funny!
-Now go!
-You parasite.
Tra la, la, la, la.
Spring is in the air.
And I'm a flower
with nothing interesting to say. A bee!
I am a cute little bumblebee!
Here I come!
(PANTING) Slow down, you flowers!
Candy corn! Here. Here.
Let me help you to finish it.
Hey, cutie!
Want to pollinate with a real bug?
Come to Papa, yeah!
So, being a ladybug
automatically makes me a girl,
is that it, fly boy?
-She's a guy!
-Francis, leave them alone.
-They are poo-poo heads!
-Not again.
Judging by your breath,
you must have been
buzzing around a dung heap all day.
Come on, Francis.
You're making the maggots cry.
All right, we're dying out there.
Gypsy, quick! You and Manny...
Shh. He's in a trance.
Well, get him out of it!
You and your husband are up now.
Manny, we're on.
Oh? Yet again it is up to me
to rescue the performance.
Gypsy, come.
-The stage is the other way, dear.
-Yes, of course.
Anytime, pal! I'm gonna pick
the hairs out of your head one by one!
-Take your best shot!
-You name the place!
-Oh, yeah?
-Yeah, 'cause when you get there,
-you are dead!
-Francis, let me handle this.
-That's no way to speak to a lady.
-I heard that, you twig.
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me
to present Manto the Magnificent
and his lovely assistant, Gypsy!
From the most mysterious regions
of uncharted Asia,
I give you the Chinese Cabinet
of Metamorphosis!
Rosie, whole troupe.
On stage! Finale! Now!
-Okay, I just need a little time to...
Coming. Coming. Tuck, Roll,
let's get moving, guys. We're up next.
Don't you understand? We are up!
-BOTH: Hey!
-Hey! They don't understand me.
I summon the voice of Confucius...
Get off the stage, you old hack!
I demand to know who said that!
How dare you!
Manny? Manny!
I only got 24 hours to live,
and I ain't gonna waste it here.
Come on.
I've just about had it with these losers!
Flaming death!
I hold in my hand the match,
the match that decides whether
two bugs live or die this very evening.
In a moment, I will light
this trail of matches,
leading to a sheet of flypaper
doused in lighter fluid!
Aimed directly at the flypaper
are Tuck and Roll,
the pill-bug cannonballs!
The cannon will be triggered by Dim,
trained to jump
at the sound of this bell,
set to go off in 15 seconds.
Our pill bugs' only hope of survival
is our mistress of the high wire, Rosie!
Secured to a web line of exact length,
Rosie will plummet down
to these two posts,
spinning a web of safety
in less than 15 seconds!
Not good enough, you say?
Well, what if they were all
Ladies and gentlemen,
may I suggest that those of you
with weak constitutions
leave the arena,
for this act is so dangerous
that if the slightest thing
should go wrong...
-Go? Okay, through the tunnel...
GYPSY: Whoa!
-Okay, that's done!
-Oh, no!
P.T. FLEA: Rosie!
-We need some water!
-Water, water, water, water!
P.T. FLEA: Get me out of here!
-It's the web. I'm sorry. It's...
-You're all fired.
SLIM: We got the water!
HEIMLICH: Here we come, P.T.!
Whoo! Whoa!
Burn him again!
And here's what you've been
waiting for, fellas.
Your very own Oozma Kappa bedroom.
Oh... Great! We're sharing this room?
We'll let you guys get settled.
Anything you need,
you just give a big holler-oonie!
Okay, thanks, buddy.
Are you kidding me?
Look, they don't need to be good.
I'm going to carry the whole team.
Really? And who's going to carry you?
Hey, if you want to go back
to can design,
you know where the door is.
Anybody home?
Do you pledge your souls
to the Oozma Kappa brotherhood?
-Do you swear to
-keep secret...
-...all that you learn here?
No matter how horrifying?
Will you take the sacred oath
of the... (GASPS)
-For crying out loud.
Turn the lights on
while you're down here!
You're going to ruin your eyes!
Mom! We're doing an initiation!
Oh, scary. Well, carry on.
Just pretend I'm not here.
This is my mom's house.
Do you promise to look out
for your brothers...
_________________________________ matter what the peril?
Will you defend Oozma Kappa
no matter how dangerous?
No matter how insurmountable
the odds may be?
From evils both great and small?
In the face of unending pain and...
Oh, forget it! You're in.
Look, we know
we're no one's first choice
for a fraternity,
so it means a lot
to have you here with us.
Can't wait to start Scaring
with you, brothers.
-Time for a celebration!
Grab the couch cushions, gentlemen,
because we're building a fort!
Mom, can we stay up late tonight?
Oh boy, let me at 'em!
DONALD: Say, what's this?
Ah, Pato Donald, Como vai voce!
Como vai essa forca?
Por onde tem andado?
Há quanto temp que nao o
vejo! ?Que há de novo?
Or, as you Americans say,
"What's cooking?"
Joe Carioca! Well, I'll be doggoned!
Imagine meeting me here? Donald...
-have you ever been to Baía, no?
-No, I haven't.
Ah, Baía.
Land of romance, moonlight,
music, beautiful girls.
(SINGS) Ba-da, bup, bup, bup!
Ba-da, bup, bup, bup, bup
Ba-da, bup, bup, bup.
Ba-da, bup, bup, bup.
Ba-da, bup, bup, bup.
Uau! Esse aracuan parece
que nunca para quieto.
Oh, forgive the interruption, Donald.
This crazy bird is the Aracuan.
He's meio maluco, a very stupid fellow.
But tell me, Donald,
have you ever been to Baía?
-DONALD: No, I haven't.
-No? Oh, I am so sorry for you.
Ah, Baía.
It is like a song in my heart.
A song with love
and beautiful memories.
Que saudades que eu tenho.
JOSE: Ah, Baía.
I close my eyes and I can see it now.
I can see the beautiful twilight in the sky.
I can feel the breeze from the bay.
And I can hear the music...
the music of Baía.
When twilight is deep in the sky
Someone that I long to see
Keeps haunting my reverie
And so the loneliness
Deep in my heart
Calls to you
Calls to you
I live in the memory of
Many dreams ago
When the stars were bright
And you were mine alone
My love for you cannot die
Though the oceans run dry
Or heaven falls from the sky
Now you're gone
Can't you hear my lonely call
Make my life complete again
How I pray for the day
When I'll see your smile
And my heart will beat again
Oh, Baía-ía-ía
When twilight is deep in the sky
Someone that I long to see
Keeps haunting my reverie
And so the loneliness
Deep in my heart
-Calls to you
-Calls to you
JOSE: Ah, Baía.
Beautiful Baía.
Oh, forgive me, but have you been
to Baía, Donald?
-JOSE: No? Well, let's go!
If you go to Baía, my friend,
You'll never return.
E muita sorte teve, E muita sorte tem,
E muita sorte terá
Have you been to Baía, Donald?
-Well, let's go!
They have vatapa.
- What's that?
-They have maruru.
-DONALD: Is that so?
-They have munguza.
-DONALD: Munguza?
-Do you like to samba?
-Oh, sure.
Nas sacadas dos sobrados
Da velha sao salvador
A lembranca das donzelas
do tempo do imperador
Tudo, tudo na Baía
faz a gente querer bem
A Baía tem um jeito
que nenhuma terra tem
Do, do, do, do, do, do
Have you been to Baía, Donald?
-Well, let's go!
When you go to Baía, my friend
You'll never return
E muita sorte teve, E muita sorte tem
E muita sorte terá
Have you been to Baía?
-?Quem, eu?
-?Quem, eu?
Well, let's go!
JOSE: Hurry, Donald, hurry!
Well, well. Here we are in Baía,
-the land of romance.
-Where is Baía?
-We are in Baía.
Well, I'll be doggoned.
-Who's that?
-Donald, that's Yayá!
-Who's Yayá?
-Ah, a Baíana.
Donald, quindins de Yayá.
She sells cookies. Cookies, my friend.
(SINGS) Trago os quindins de Yayá
Quem quer meus quindins comprar...
Quem quer meus
Quindins comprar
Muito Obrigado!
Trago os quindins de Yayá
Quem quer meus quindins comprar
-Como vai.
-Trago os quindins de Yayá
-Hi, toots!
Quem quer meus quindins comprar
Aqui está quentinho minha
Gente e os quindins de Yayá.
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
-Os quindins de Yayá
Cume que faz chorar
-Os sonho de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
-Os sonho de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
-Os sonho de Yayá
Cume que faz pena-a-a
-O jeitao de Yayá
-Medá, medá, medá
-Uma do
-Medá, medá, medá
-Que eu nao sei
-Se e, se e, se e
Se e ou nao amor
So sei que Yayá tem umas coisa
Que outras Yayá, nao tem
Os quindins de Yayá
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Ah, ah!
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Os quindins de Yayá
Who is that guy?
-Oh. He's a malandro, Donald.
-Tem tanta coisa de valor
Nest mundo de nosso senhor
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
Os quindins de Yayá
Cume que faz, chorar
Oh, boy!
-Os sonho de Yayá
-MEN: Cume, cume, cume
-Os sonho de Yayá
-Cume, cume, cume
-Os sonho de Yayá
Cume que faz pena-a-a
-O jeitao de Yayá
-Medá, medá, medá
-Uma dó
-Medá, medá, medá
-Que nao sei
-Se e, se e, se e...
(LAUGHS) This Donald!
Did you ever see such a fast work?
Os quindins de Yayá ahh
Os quindins de Yayá ah, ahh
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Ahh! Os quindins de Yayá
PEDDLER: (SINGS) Oh, oh, oh
Olha a laranja fresca
Olha a boa tangerina
No, no, Donald!
Take it easy.
Tambem, e tu irás comigo a Igreja
Baianinha meu bem
-Os quindins de Yayá
-Os quindins de Yayá
MEN: Yayá, Yayá
BOTH: Os quindins de Yayá
MEN: Yayá, Yayá
BOTH: Os quindins
MEN: De Yayá, Yayá
Cume que faz Yayá
Chorar cume que faz chorar
Os sonho de Yayá
Oh, oh, oh
Os sonho de Yayá
Oh, oh, oh
Os sonho de Yayá
Cume que faz penar
Ou jeitao de Yayá
Medá, medá, medá, medá
Me da uma grande dor
Medá, medá, medá, medá
Que eu mesmo nao sei,
Se e, se e, se e
Se e ou nao amor
So sei que Yayá
Tem umas coisa
Que as outras Yayá
P'ra mim? Meu bem!
(SINGING) Yayá, Yayá
Yayá, Yayá
Oh, boy, oh, boy!
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Come on, boys!
Os quindins de Yayá
Os quindins de Yayá
De Yayá
-Get down.
Get down! Get down!
Never try to milk a caribou.
No. No, don't. No. Come on, don't. No.
Hey. Will you two knock it off?
That's all right.
After today, he won't treat me like that.
Oh, right, the big manhood ceremony.
Doesn't matter what the spirits say,
you'll always be our baby brother.
-Well, wait till I get my totem.
-Baby brother.
Hey, I said knock it off.
The quicker we get these fish,
the faster we get to your ceremony.
Let's all just try and get along
for a few hours. Okay, Denahi?
-Whatever you say.
-Okay, Ken...
So, what are we waiting for?
When the Earth was young
and the air was sweet
And the mountains kissed the sky
In the great beyond
With its many paths
Man and nature lived side by side
In this wilderness of danger and beauty
Lived three brothers bonded by love
Their hearts full of joy
They ask now for guidance
Reaching out to the skies up above
Great spirits of all who lived before
Take our hands and lead us
Fill our hearts and souls
with all you know
Show us that in your eyes
We are all the same
Brothers to each other
in this world we remain
Truly brothers all the same
Give us wisdom to pass to each other
And give us strength so we understand
That the things we do
The choices we make
Give direction to all life's plans
To look and wonder
at all we've been given
In a world that's not always as it seems
Every corner we turn
Only leads to another
A journey ends but another begins
Great spirits of all who lived before
Take our hands and lead us
Fill our hearts and souls
with all you know
Show us that in your eyes
We are all the same
Brothers to each other
in this world we remain
Truly brothers all the same
-Kenai's back.
Kenai, are you excited
about getting your spirit rock today?
It's not a rock. It'll be my totem.
ALL: Ooh!
I'll probably get a saber-tooth tiger
for bravery,
or strength, or greatness.
-Something that fits me.
-A mammoth for your fat head?
-Make sure you get that basket tied up.
-Don't worry.
No stupid bear
is gonna get near this fish.
Just tie it up.
(IMITATES) Just tie it up.
-MAN: She's back. Tanana's back.
-Come on.
-Come on, Kenai, let's go.
-Come on.
CHILD: Tanana's got your rock.
Come on.
Great spirits of all who lived before
Take our hands and lead us
Fill our hearts and souls
with all you know
Show us that in your eyes
We are all the same
Brothers to each other
in this world we remain
Truly brothers all the same
Brothers all the same
GIRL: Nana.
-Hey, Nana.
-Well, hello there, sweetheart.
What a big girl.
When each of us comes of age,
the great spirits reveal to us a totem
that helps guide us through our lives.
Some of us use courage to guide us.
Others patience.
And some of us beauty.
-You nervous?
-(EXHALES) Excited.
(CHUCKLES) You should be.
It's a good one.
Kenai, I have been to the mountain
where the lights touch the earth,
and the great spirits
have revealed to me your totem.
To become a man, your actions
must be guided by one thing.
Your totem is...
-Yes, love.
The bear of love?
A love that connects
and unites all living things.
-Who wants to trade?
-There is no trading.
Oh, Kenai,
love is the most precious of totems.
It reveals itself in unexpected ways.
Let love guide your actions,
then one day you'll be a man,
and we'll place your mark
next to those of our ancestors.
Beautiful, Ralph.
Next, we're gonna take you
to the streets of New York City
for a piece that's inspired by
a couple of my favorite artists.
First there's the illustrator
AI Hirschfeld,
who's been drawing celebrities
and Broadway stars
for most of the 20th century.
And then there's composer,
songwriter George Gershwin,
who took jazz off the streets,
dressed her up,
and took her to the concert hall.
My friend Ralph Grierson
plays piano on this next number.
And it all starts with a single
slinky note on a clarinet,
and a simple line on a piece of paper.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Rhapsody in Blue.
Tito! Stop that racket!
I'm trying to watch this show.
There would have been a time
for such a word.
Oh, tomorrow, tomorrow
and tomorrow creeps...
In this petty pace from day to day
and all our yesterdays
have lighted fools
the way to dusty death.
Hey, Frankie, whatcha watchin'?
Hey, does he get the girl?
I mean, what happens?
Shut up, you little rodent.
Hey, man, this stuff is boring, man.
Come on, let's watch some boxing.
I wanna see some action.
(LAUGHING) Hey, Frankie. Que' peso'?
You're getting slow, man.
-My name is Francis.
Francis. Not Frank.
Not Frankie. Francis.
No kidding, man? Hey, so what did
you bring in today, "Frahn-cees"?
It's none of your business,
you intrusive little pipsqueak.
Look what I got.
Oh, good show, Einstein.
Now all we need is the court and the net.
You think this place is big enough?
Hey, come on. What we need is
some good quality stuff, man.
-Check it out.
-Oh, shredded leather.
Shredded what? What you talkin' about,
man? That's a primo wallet, man.
-Rubbish, you mean.
-All right, that does it, Frankie, man!
You insulted my pride!
That means death!
-FRANCIS: Behold. The runt of the litter.
-Cut it out, you two.
-Frankie! Frankie!
Fagin's not gonna be too happy
about this.
So, Francis, you got the food, right?
-Well, no. I...
-Ooh, Frankie.
It was your turn to get the food today.
-It's newspaper burritos again!
Whoa. Whoa. Cool it, Dodger fans.
I'd like to introduce you to...
Your dinner.
-Hot dogs à la Dodger.
-Hot dogs! All right, Dodger man!
FRANCIS: You remain
our preeminent benefactor.
EINSTEIN: Yeah. And you're okay, too.
RITA: So how'd you do it
this time, Dodgie baby?
Let me tell you, Rita. It was tough.
Only I could have done it.
Did you have to fight, man?
Did you fight? How many were there?
Picture the city.
Eighth and Broadway.
The crowds hustling.
The traffic roaring.
The hot dogs are sizzling.
I love a story with food in it.
Enter Dodger, one bad puppy.
Not just out for himself,
but community minded.
But he's not the only one out there.
-Enter the opposition.
-A greedy, ugly, psychotic monster...
With razor-sharp claws, dripping fangs,
and nine lives, all of them hungry.
He comes at me, eyes burning.
I knew my time had come.
Gang war! Gang war!
Watch out! Here comes a gang war!
-FRANCIS: Take cover!
Well, what is it?
Hey, man, check it out.
(SNIFFING) Ay, it's a alien!
Cool it, guys. It's just a cat.
-Mi madre, un gato!
-Felis domesticus!
Now, how'd you find this place, cat?
(STAMMERS) I followed this dog.
He's lying! He's lying!
He's lying! He's lying!
Shut up, Tito!
-Why would a cat follow a dog?
I... I just wanted some of the sausages
I helped him get.
He's a spy, man! Come on,
let's eat him. You're dead meat, kitty.
I... I saw him come down.
Hey! That's...
Hey, that's him! Over there.
-Hey, kitty. What took you so long?
-RITA: Relax, kid.
Dodger, razor-sharp claws?
-Dripping fangs?
-I kind of like those burning eyes.
Hey, keep it down, guys.
The game's on.
Oh, boy, Dodger.
Top dog has to get help from a cat.
Hey, Tito, cool it, man.
Come on. Let's see this big,
bad kitty fight in action.
Hey, Tito, look!
Oh, boy! Dog pile!
-Oh, what a bunch of overgrown... Oof!
All right. That's it.
All right, all right, knock it off! Enough!
What's the matter with you guys?
Don't you understand?
Sykes will be here any minute.
(WHIMPERS) And I don't have...
-No, no, no, no, no!
No, no. Stop it.
No. No. No licking.
What a joke! All right, settle down.
All right, all right. I'm coming.
(WHIMPERING) I'll be right there.
You guys, listen. Don't let me down.
What do you got?
Let's see what you got.
(GASPS) It's worthless!
What have you done?
Oh, how are we ever going
to pay Sykes off with a pussycat?
Look who's here, kids.
Company. Nice doggies.
I was just on my way out.
ROSCOE: You guys miss us?
Mr. Sykes. I, uh... (STAMMERING)
He's gonna kill me.
(CHUCKLES) Hello. Oh, lovely evening.
I was just saying this to your two lovely
purebred Dobermans.
The money, Fagin.
Actually, I've got something
much better than money.
Some luxury items that should make
a considerable dent in my debt to you.
Oh, my!
You waxed your car, didn't you?
Did they use the buffer on it,
because I can see myself.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
I don't want your garbage, Fagin!
Oh, please, Sykes.
Oh, please. Oh, please.
SYKES: I don't think you grasp
the severity of the situation.
Oh, no! Oh, no, I did grasp it.
This is how I grasp. Look. (SCREAMS)
Accident! Ooh-hoo-hoo!
-Mr. Fagin!
Now, I lent you money and I don't see it.
Do you know what happens when
I don't see my money, Fagin?
-People get hurt.
-People like you get hurt.
-Do I make myself clear?
(SQUEAKING) Clear! Perfectly clear!
Ya know, Rita, I can't figure out,
why you'd rather
hang around a dump like this,
when you could be living uptown
with a class act like myself.
Isn't it rather dangerous to use one's
entire vocabulary in a single sentence?
(LAUGHING) Hey, Frankie, get down,
brother. You bad, man.
Hey, you got something to say
to me, fat boy?
Come on, you guys don't scare me.
I'll kill you both.
Come on, let me at 'em! (GROWLING)
I'll kill 'em! I'll kill 'em!
Go ahead. Let him go.
Why don't you pick on someone
your own size?
-Like you, old man?
-DODGER: Hey, Roscoe.
Roscoe, is this us
losing our sense of humor?
Nah. I ain't lost my sense of humor.
See? I find that funny. (CHUCKLES)
Oh, please.
(CRYING) Please. Oh, please!
Three sunrises. Three sunsets.
Three days, Fagin.
Three sunrises. Three sunsets.
Three days. Three, three, three.
That's nine.
-No, Fagin.
Oh, you mean, just three days?
Oh, my goodness! (SOBBING)
Oh, I'm having a bad day!
Hey, hey, Roscoe. Look what I found.
Forget it, DeSoto. We gotta go.
I like cats. I like to eat 'em.
Get out of my way, Dodger.
That's enough, Roscoe.
RITA: Run along, Roscoe.
Your master's calling.
Come on, DeSoto.
We ain't finished, Dodger.
You guys are gonna pay for this,
starting with that cat.
Oh, yeah? You guys don't scare me!
Come on and say it to my face!
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on!
Yeah, those creeps'll think twice
before hassling us, man. (CHUCKLES)
All right, kid. What'd I tell you guys?
Ol' Dodge can really pick 'em, huh?
Ooh, three days.
How am I ever gonna come up
with all that money? (CRYING)
What's the use? I'll never get out
from under that maniac.
(SIGHS) My days are numbered
and the number is three.
It's hopeless.
Thanks, guys.
(LAUGHING) That reminds me.
I saw DeSoto's nose. Who did that?
You? You.
-(LAUGHING) That took a lot of guts.
We've never had a cat
in the gang before.
We can use all the help we can get.
-Ahhh. All right. Time for bed.
We've got a big day tomorrow.
-Aww, no.
(CHUCKLES) Oh, all right.
But just one chapter tonight.
Um, let's see. (MUTTERING)
Here we are. Here we are. Chapter 7.
"Sparky stopped
and he rolled in a field of wildflowers.
"The dandelions tickled his nose,
-"till he laughed out loud.
"And then something caught his eye.
"It was Bumper the rabbit.
"Sparky jumped to his feet,
"and ran toward Bumper
barking loudly."
(WEAKLY) Woof. Woof.
Well, you try it sometime.
Well, that's because you're a dog.
"Sparky knew that Bumper would run
"and that he could chase him
over the field.
"But Sparky would never
catch him or hurt him
"because Sparky was not
that kind of a dog."
Oh, look, Father. Look!
-Now, wait! Stand still, now.
-What are those?
Huh? Oh, those!
They are your schoolmates,
girls and boys.
Now get in.
-Real boys?
But hurry, now.
Oh! Wait, wait, wait! Wait.
Here's an apple for the teacher.
Now turn around
and let me look you over.
Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah. Here.
Run along, now.
Come back here, Figaro.
School is not for you.
Goodbye, Father!
Goodbye, son. Hurry back.
Ah, Gideon, listen.
The merry laughter
of little innocent children
wending their way to school.
Thirsty little minds
rushing to the fountain of knowledge.
School, a noble institution.
What would this stupid world
be without...
Well, well, well! Stromboli!
So that old rascal's
back in town, eh?
Remember, Giddy, the time
I tied strings on you
and passed you off as a puppet?
We nearly put one over
on that old gypsy that time!
A little wooden boy. Now, who...
A wooden boy!
Look, Giddy, look.
It's amazing.
A live puppet without strings.
A thing like that ought to be
worth a fortune to someone.
Now let me see.
That's it! Stromboli!
Why, that old faker
would give his... Listen.
If we play our cards right,
we'll be on easy street
or my name isn't Honest John.
Quick! We'll head him off.
Now's our...
No, no, stupid.
Don't be crude.
Let me handle this.
Here he comes.
Ah, yes, Giddy, as I was saying
to the duchess only yesterday...
Oh! Oh, how clumsy of me!
Oh. My, my, my, my.
Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
-Oh. I do hope you're not injured.
-PINOCCHIO: I'm all right.
Well, well. Quite a scholar, I see.
Look, Giddy, a man of letters.
-Here's your book.
-I'm going to school.
School! Ah, yes.
Then you haven't heard
of the easy road to success.
I'm speaking, my boy, of the theater!
Here's your apple.
Bright lights, music, applause!
And with that personality,
that profile, that physique...
Why, he's a natural born actor,
eh, Giddy?
-But I'm going...
-Straight to the top.
Why, I can see your name in lights,
lights six feet high.
-Uh, what is your name?
Pinocchio! P-I-N-U-O... P-I...
We're wasting precious time.
Come. On to the theater!
(SINGING) Hi-diddle-dee-dee
An actor's life for me
A high silk hat and a silver cane
A watch of gold with a diamond chain
An actor's life is gay
It's great to be a celebrity
An actor's life for me
Ta dum diddle dee dum
Ti dee um dee dum
An actor's life is fun
Fine conscience I turned out to be!
Late the first day.
Oh, well, he can't get in much trouble
between here and school.
Oh, boy, a parade!
An actor's life for me
PINOCCHIO: Hi-diddle-dee-dee
An actor's life for me
A waxed moustache and a beaver coat
A pony cart and a billy goat
Why, it's... It's Pinoke!
Hey, where you going?
You wear your hair in a pompadour
You ride around in a coach and four
You stop and buy out a candy store
An actor's life for me
Hold on there! Pinoke!
HONEST JOHN: Hi-diddle-dee-dee
An actor's life for me
With clothes that come
from the finest shop...
What was that?
Oh, it's Jiminy!
What are you doing up there?
Huh? Who? What? What? Who?
Jiminy? Up where?
HONEST JOHN: Why, my boy,
you must be see things.
That's my conscience. He...
Now, now, now. Just calm down.
Why, there's nothing up there
to be afraid of.
Pinoke! Psst. Pinoke!
Over here.
Over here.
Oh, Jiminy, I'm gonna be an actor!
All right, son. Take it easy now.
Remember what I said
about temptation?
-Well, that's him.
-Oh, no, Jiminy.
-That's Mr. Honest John!
-Honest John?
Get me out of here!
All right, then,
here's what we'll tell him.
You can't go to the theater.
Say, "Thank you just the same."
You're sorry,
but you've got to go to school.
-HONEST JOHN: Pinocchio?
Oh, Pinocchio! Woo-hoo!
Here they come, Pinoke.
Now you tell them.
Oh, little boy! Ah, there you are!
Where were we?
Oh, yes, on to the theater!
PINOCCHIO: Bye, Jiminy! Bye!
Goodbye? Huh?
Hey, Pinoke, you can't...
(SINGING) A high silk hat
and a silver cane
A watch of gold with a diamond chain
There he goes. Oh, what'll I do?
I'll run and tell his father.
No, that'd be snitching.
I'll go after him myself.
Ladies and gentlemen,
to conclude the performance
of this great show,
Stromboli, the master showman,
that's me,
and by special permission
of the management,
that's me, too,
is presenting to you something
you will absolutely refuse to believe!
Well, looks like a sellout.
Introducing the only marionette
who can sing and dance
absolutely without the aids of strings.
I hope so.
The one and only Pinocchio!
What a buildup.
(SINGING) I got no strings
to hold me...
Go ahead, make a fool of yourself!
Then maybe you'll listen
to your conscience.
(CHUCKLING) Cute kid.
(SINGING) I got no strings
to hold me down
To make me fret or make me frown
I had strings but now I'm free
There are no strings on me
Heigh-ho the merry-o
That's the only way to be
I want the world to know
Nothing ever worries me
-I got no strings...
What I told you, huh?
They got strings but you can see
There are no strings on me
WOMAN: You have no strings
Your arms is free
To love me by the Zuiderzee
Ja, ja, ja, if you would woo
I'd bust my strings for you
You got no strings
Comme ci, comme ça
Your savoir faire is ooh la la
I've got strings but entre nous
I'd cut my strings for you
Down where the Volga flows
There's a Russian rendezvous
Where me and Ivan go
But I'd rather go with you
Hey! Hey!
There are no strings on me
Huh. They like him. He's a success.
Gosh! Maybe I was wrong.
Well, guess he won't need me anymore.
What does an actor want
with a conscience anyway?
GEPPETTO: What could have
happened to him?
Where could he be at this hour?
I'd better go out again
and look for him.
-And remember,
nobody eats a bite until I find him.
I got no strings but I got the brain
I buy a new suit and I swing the cane
I eat the best
and I drink champagne
I got no strings on me
-Bravo, Pinocchio!
-They liked me!
Mmm. Two hundred!
-You are sensational!
-You mean I'm good?
Ah! Three hundred!
You are colossal!
Does that mean I'm an actor?
Sure! I will push you
in the public's eye.
Your face, she will be
on everybody's tongue.
Will she?
Yeah... Uh-huh.
What's this?
For you, my little Pinocchio.
For me? Gee, thanks!
I'll run right home
and tell my father.
Oh, sure. Going home to your father.
Oh, that is very comical.
You mean it's funny?
(LAUGHING) Oh, sure! Yes.
-I'll be back in the morning.
-Be back in the morning!
Going home?
There, this will be your home,
-where I can find you always!
-No, no, no!
Yes, yes, yes!
To me you are belonging.
We will tour the world. Paris. London.
Monte-Carlo. Constantinople.
No, no!
Yes! We start tonight!
You will make lots of money for me!
And when you are growing too old,
you will make good firewood!
Let me out of here!
I gotta get out! You can't keep me!
Quiet! Shut up!
Before I knock you silly!
Good night,
my little wooden gold mine.
No! No, wait!
Let me out! I'll tell my father!
STROMBOLI: Get along there.
-Oh, Jiminy!
Jiminy, where are you?
Jiminy Cricket!
Well, there he goes.
Sitting in the lap of luxury,
the world at his feet.
Oh, well, I can always say
"I knew him when."
I'll just go out of his life quietly.
I would like to wish him luck, though.
Sure! Why not?
Timon and Pumbaa's
Virtual Safari (Jeep Tour)
TIMON: Welcome to the
nighttime safari jeep tour.
We're going in style this time, folks.
Real luxury.
Watch this.
-PUMBAA: Emergency bacon?
-It's not bacon. It's "beacon."
-Emergency beacon.
All right, Pumbaa.
Cameras ready? Let's do it!
Notice the exotic African wildlife.
Ooh, look, a rhino crossing.
Stop the jeep.
-That red dot's us, right?
-I think so. Hmm.
I wonder what that sound is.
BOTH: Rhino!
-She's gonna eat me!
(SINGING) Hakuna Matata
TIMON: He's gonna skewer us!
Go! Go! Give it some gas!
Pumbaa, I'm okay! Are you okay?
How do you feel?
Uh, actually, I feel a little hungry.
Hey, you're in luck. Restaurant Road.
Which one do you wanna pick?
Your choice!
As long as they've got food,
Pumbaa and I will be right at home.
Left looks good. No, right! No, left!
I'm hungry, and I just can't decide.
Jeez! Now I'm getting hungry. Let's go!
PUMBAA: Ooh, they've got
all my favorites, Timon!
TIMON: Ah... Hmm...
I'll have the double-double
maggot burger, side of cenitipedes.
Ooh, wait!
Can I super size that to millipedes?
Ooh! And some nachos
with extra dungbeetles.
I'll have the stinkbug-locust
combo on a leaf,
hold the termites,
and the weeval on a stick.
The giant one. Not the lesser
of the two weevals! (LAUGHING)
Ooh! And I also want a lice cream cone.
Make that two.
-He said...
Uh, maybe he means
go to the drive-up window.
-Great find.
We have to come back here.
(MUNCHING) Delicious!
Mind if I try one of your dungbeetles?
-No problem.
PUMBAA: Yummy! Delicious!
PUMBAA: Yum! Yum! Yum!
I love fast food!
TIMON: Ooh! This looks good!
Meerkat tail on a cob?
Warthog snouts and tusks?
Mongoose pot pie.
(SCREAMS) It's us on the menu!
How would you like
to try our warthog special?
Pumbaa, get us out of here!
(LAUGHING) It's dinner time!
-TIMON: Human technology.
You gotta love it.
-What's that?
PUMBAA: Uh, I think it's my stomach.
Are you sure?
It's awful loud even for you.
BOTH: Stampede!
PUMBAA: Down, down, down!
That was close.
That was really really close!
Timon, did you know the wildebeest
is also called the "ganew"?
Oh, "Gethank you"
for the very nice tidbit.
We just almost got squished here!
You there. All safe and out of danger,
what do you think? Which way?
Cave or around the mountain?
PUMBAA: The elephant graveyard!
BANZAI: Well, looky here.
Dinner and a side dish.
Uh-oh! Hyenas!
TIMON: Let's get out of here!
TIMON: Oh, no! It's really dark in here.
-Come on, start. Start.
PUMBAA: This is so scary!
At least I have my blankie!
My blankie always makes me feel better.
TIMON: That's my tail!
PUMBAA: Oops! Sorry!
Oooh! Look! There's some fireflies.
TIMON: That's weird. They're in pairs.
BOTH: Bats!
Ew! Ew! Don't let'em get in my fur!
BANZAI: Oh, isn't that just too bad?
Your road seems to
have come to an end!
TIMON: Oh, no. What do we do?
Forward? Backward? Left? Right?
There are no arrows on screen!
Oh, great. So, uh, forward it is.
Hang on, Pumbaa!
Right! No, no, left! No! The other Left!
Wait! Return! Stop!
No! Go, go, go, go!
Ooh! Oooh! Look out! No!
I thought you were driving?
I am!
Okay, it's over. It's over.
Oh, sure. Now they put up the arrows.
Where were they then we needed them?
Maybe they just weren't ready.
So what do you think?
Should we go up or down?
Up, down. Who cares? Just help us.
BANZAI: Excuse me.
This is a toll road.
And today's toll is you.
Uh, Pumbaa?
I think we're invited for dinner.
TIMON: Hold on!
Ooh! Oooh! Look out! No!
Right! No, no, left! No! The other Left!
Which way is left again?
Ow, hot! Tail on fire!
BANZAI: Ooh! ha-ha!
Can't wait to try some!
Oooh! Ow! Oooh! Ow!
Hey! Oooh! Ouch! Watch it!
Oooh! Ow! Oooh! Ow!
Oooh! Oooh! Ho-ho!
BANZAI: Hey! Don't be a stranger!
PUMBAA: Sorry.
PUMBAA: Stay to the right!
TIMON: There is no right!
BANZAI: Hey, would ya drop
in for dinner? (LAUGHING)
-TIMON: Aah!
PUMBAA: I think my tusks
are coming loose.
Hey! Maybe I'll have
to move to Tuscalossa.
TIMON: Well, here we are.
Thank you for joining us on the tour.
Please exit to the right.
Make sure you have
all your personal belongings.
Make sure to come back
and see us real soon.
PUMBAA: Uh, Timon,
is that all you're going to say
after all we've been through?
What? It's just a ride.
That was a ride?
Yeah, what did ya think?
Oh, uh, I knew it was a ride. Yep!
Wanna go on it again?
Ooh! Wait!
Let's look at our pictures first!
Timon and Pumbaa's
Virtual Safari (Boat Tour)
TIMON: Welcome to the
nighttime safari boat tour.
Hello, everyone. My name is Timon.
I'll be your skipper today
on the Leaky Westbucket.
Oh, well.
Wave goodbye to your families, folks.
You may never see them again.
Of course, if they're like
my family, you may prefer that.
(LAUGHS) Just kidding, Ma.
Anyways, please keep your arms, legs,
tails, and tusks in the boat at all times!
Pumbaa, got your camera ready?
PUMBAA: All ready, Timon.
-Ooh! A Bobson's firefly.
They're very rare.
-And now, they're extinct.
But delicious. (BURPING)
Over on your right, I heard of hippos.
Some of these babies
weigh as much as thirty warthogs
and boy do they look like it.
Except for you, Madam.
They look hungry.
Maybe we'd better go around them.
Hey, guys, which way? Left or Right?
Yeah, pick something. And fast.
They're looking at me funny.
Pumbaa, everyone looks at you funny.
Hurry up and decide, would ya!
They're twitching their ears!
TIMON: Now as we
move further downriver,
notice the sudden changes in weather.
Very characteristic to the area.
PUMBAA: Ah, rain! That feels good!
Very refreshing!
(EXHALES) I love the smell of
wet Pumbaa in the evening.
It smells like...
Pumbaa, you're not scared
of a little thunder, are ya?
Uh, skipper, why did you
jump out of the boat?
I was just showing our passengers
that the waters are perfectly safe.
Heh! Yeah, that's it!
TIMON: Okay.
Over on your right, a rock.
Pee! Big deal! A rock!
PUMBAA: Timon,
isn't that Pride Rock,
the king's home and metaphoric heart
and soul of the savanna?
Uh, Yeah that's what I meant.
PUMBAA: Hey, Timon, aren't there
snakes in this part of the river?
TIMON: Snakes? Snakes don't swim.
-But they can climb!
Quick! Go around it! Go, go!
How do you know it's a him?
There's no way I'm getting
close enough to find out.
Okay, pal! What do you think?
Left or right?
Pick left! Pick left!
They can pick whatever they want!
-Yeah, but pick left.
I've got a good feeling about it.
TIMON: Oh, great choice, Pumbaa.
PUMBAA: Sorry!
Sorry shmorry.
We're caught on something.
Now what are we gonna do?
Notice the tranquil harmony
of the flowing water as it...
As it flows right by us
because we're jammed,
lodged, snagged, as in not moving.
Sheez! Rock the boat.
Run back and forth.
Throw your weight around,
you know, to shift the boat.
Hmm, okay.
PUMBAA: Timon, it's hippos again.
TIMON: Hakuna matata, Pumbaa.
No worries.
Unless they wiggle their ears.
Bleagh! Oooh!
You got the warthog wet again.
Thank you.
TIMON: Now where were we?
Oh, yes! If you all look straight ahead,
you can see the nice, calm, quiet...
-Get out of here!
PUMBAA: Gat's...
Show off!
TIMON: Ah! Finally, a little peace.
Completely quiet. Not a sound.
Not even the sound of the boat.
-Pumbaa, are we stalled?
PUMBAA: No problem.
I got it handled.
Hurry up.
These are alligator infested waters.
Don't be silly, Timon.
Alligators live in the humid,
mucky swamps of North America.
Nope. These tributaries are home to...
-Crocodiles! (SCEAMING)
Oy! That was a close one.
Oh, I think I'm having chest pains.
-I'm feeling gassy!
-No, Pumbaa! Don't!
-Oy! Tell me that's swamp vapors.
Okay, folks, quickly. Left or right?
Pick right. It looks well ventilated.
Left looks nice too.
TIMON: Well, you may be right,
Pumbaa. This does look nice.
Notice the calm, pleasant... Fogbank.
I wonder what that sound is.
It sounds like water.
-Louder and louder water.
It's a waterfall!
Ooh, sorry! Skipper knows least.
TIMON: See? Good choice.
Your skipper knows best.
Now, everyone, if you'll notice. We are...
Going around in circles.
Wait! Pumbaa! The other way.
You! Don't just sit there!
Tell Pumbaa to go the other way!
The other way!
PUMBAA: I can't!
It's a "Whirlly Whirlly"!
(SCREAMS) A whirlpool!
-Getting dizzy!
TIMON: I can't breathe!
TIMON: Well, everyone,
thanks for joining us.
Please exit to the right.
Did you enjoy yourselves?
PUMBAA: Well, if I were skipper,
I'd make some
different choices next time.
Okay, everyone, get your thumbs
ready to choose your next ride.
Ooh, wait. Let's look
at our pictures from the tour.
Day 37 under the dome.
We are facing intermittent
power failures which...
Okay, very funny. Now, I'm
going to turn the lights off again.
When they come back on, I want
all my booze back the way it was.
Yeah, okay. Okay.
I'm very proud of you, Bart.
Over 24 hours sober.
-You are, aren't you?
-I'll prove it.
Look, we're giving
your father another chance,
and we owe it to him to... (GASPS)
-Oh, my God.
-Can I help you?
Uh... Uh, we need diapers.
-No, no, we don't. We don't.
-Ladies' razorblades.
No, no, no, we don't.
I forgot, we're European.
-Just give us beef jerky.
Lots and lots of beef jerky.
That's right. That's what we need.
That's all we came in for.
Oh, my God, there they...
There they are!
FLY: No, Harry, no!
Don't look at the light!
HARRY: I can't help it! It's so beautiful!
Try not to look like a country bug.
Blend. Blend in.
BUG 1: Hey, buggy!
BUG 2: What do you expect?
The guy's a tick.
Wow, the city!
Making all stops to the septic tank,
including standing water,
empty bean can and dead rat.
-Watch your stingers. All aboard!
-BUG 3: Hey, watch it.
-BUG 4: Get out of the way!
-Oh, sorry.
-Watch where you're going!
-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that.
Oh, sorry!
FLIK: Oh. I'm really, really sorry.
That was an... An accident.
BUG 5: Hey, tough guy!
-BUG 6: Hey, let go of me!
-I'll show you who's tough!
-And stay out!
-Tough bugs!
I knew an old lady
who swallowed a fly...
-Move it!
Hey, waiter! I'm in my soup!
I've been working out. Feel my wing.
Yo! Two Black Flags over here!
-All right.
-(CHUCKLES) Hair of the dog you bit.
Hey, who ordered the poo-poo platter?
Here you go, slick. Enjoy.
Hey, I said no salt!
-BUG 7: Buzz off!
-Pardon me, sir.
I was wondering
if I could talk to you for a moment.
I represent a colony of ants,
and I'm looking for tough bugs,
you know, mean bugs,
the sort of bugs...
Fired by a flea. How humiliating!
Let's face it. We stink.
-You fired! You fired!
-You fired!
-Oh, will you shut up?
-You fired!
Someday I will be a beautiful butterfly,
and then everything will be better.
I can't believe
the troupe is breaking up.
We've always been together.
-Farewell, my friends.
-To the audience we'll never have.
(GASPS) Francis! Your boyfriends
from the circus are here!
There she is.
-Hello there, girlie bug.
-Shoo, fly. Don't bother me.
Say, why don't you tell our pal, Thud,
-what you said to us at the circus.
Something about buzzing
around a dung heap?
Excuse me. Hi.
I represent an ant colony, and we're...
Hey, bartender!
Bloody Mary, O-positive.
Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home
Not so tough now, are you?
All right, clown.
Get up and fight like a girl.
-Get ready to do the Robin Hood act.
-I want to be Little John!
-What part can I play?
-I'm looking for tough warrior bugs.
Stand back, ye flies! We are
the greatest warriors in all bugdom!
-Warrior bugs!
-My sword!
Swish, swish. Clang, clang.
-Little John?
-What ho, Robin?
Justice is my sword
and truth shall be my quiver!
Wait, wait! No, no! I want to watch this!
Thrust, parry, lunge!
Me thinketh it's not working!
-HEIMLICH: Back to Sherwood Forest!
-What's going on in there?
SLIM: (MUFFLED) Help! Help!
Get me out!
FLIK: You're perfect!
Oh, great ones! I have been scouting
for bugs with your exact talents!
-(GASPS) A talent scout.
-My colony's in trouble.
Grasshoppers are coming! We've been
forced to prepare all this food.
-Dinner theater!
Please! Will you help us?
THUD: (GROWLING) Where are they?
-We'll take the job!
Yes! You can explain the details
on the way.
-Okay, come on, everyone. Break a leg!
-Whoa, you're vicious!
Hold on, Mr. Ant.
FLIK: Amazing!
This is too good to be true!
FLIK: So you see, it was my fault
that Hopper's coming back.
But then, Princess Atta...
Boy, is she one in a million.
She let me go out and find you.
And after seeing you
fight off those flies...
Boy, are those grasshoppers in
for a big surprise!

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